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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Protective factors in the lives of bisexual adolescents in North America

    We compared protective factors among bisexual adolescents with those of heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, and gay or lesbian adolescents. Methods. We analyzed 6 school-based surveys in Minnesota and British Columbia. Sexual orientation was measured by gender of sexual partners, attraction, or self-labeling. Protective factors included family connectedness, school connectedness, and religious involvement. General linear models, conducted separately by gender and adjusted for age, tested differences between orientation groups. …

  2. Foundation for the future: meeting the psychosocial needs of children living with HIV in Africa

    This technical brief describes promising practices in critical services related to the psychological and social well-being of perinatally-infected children (aged 0 to 12 years) in Africa. These include the identification, testing, and counseling of children so that they are linked to appropriate support as early as possible, as well as the provision of ongoing PSS to help children and their families manage disclosure, stigma, and grief and bereavement processes. …

  3. A situational analysis on the status of women's and children's rights in Zimbabwe 2005-2010: A call for reducing disparities and improving equity

    The purpose of the Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Zimbabwe is to consider the situation facing children and women in 2010 and analyse how this affects the realisation of their rights. This Situation Analysis takes into account statistical trends, policies and budgets relating to the rights and welfare of girls, boys and women. While the report provides a brief review of the historical background, its primary focus is an analysis of the present situation with a view to assessing the future prospects for supporting children and women's rights.

  4. National guidelines for the care and support of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Pakistan

    The objectives of these guidelines are to: provide guidance for the development and implementation of interventions for the care, support and protection of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Pakistan; provide minimum standards of practice related to all areas of care, support and protection of children affected by HIV and AIDS that are culturally acceptable; provide a clear understanding of the guiding principles, and define roles and responsabilities for all stakeholders to enhance collaboration and strateic partnership among stakeholders htrough effective referral and coordination. …

  5. Assessing implementation of Botswana's program for orphans and vulnerable children

    Botswana's 2008 National Guidelines on the Care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children define a vulnerable child as any child under the age of 18 years who lives in an abusive environment, a poverty-stricken family unable to access basic services, or a child-headed household; a child who lives with sick parents or outside family care; or who is HIV positive. Due to challenges in creating an effective response that corresponds to this broad definition, there are no available estimates of the number of children rendered vulnerable as a result of HIV, poverty, and other causes in Botswana. …

  6. Health and family life education: teacher's guide

    This "Health and Family Life Education" curriculum was developed by Gerard Drakes, Mavis Fuller, Christopher Graham and Barbara Jenkins, in coordination with a number of different official partners of Caribbean countries, as well as UNICEF, UNESCO and the Education Development Center Inc (EDC). The manual was published in 2011. The main goal of this Curriculum is to help lower secondary students in acquiring skills necessary to cope with the challenges facing Caribbean societies nowadays, to make healthy life choices, assisting them in developing proper attitudes, morals and values. …

  7. Vivre ensemble: développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre le VIH et sida: livret de l'élève SIL et CP

    Ce document est un support pédagogique quei fait partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés au aprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Il a été produit dan sle cadre du volet Information, Education et Communication pour le Changement de Comportement de Santé de la reproduction.

  8. Vivre ensemble: développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre le VIH et sida; livret de l'élève CE1 et CE2

    Ce document est un support pédagogique qui fait partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés au apprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Il a été produit dans le cadre du volet Information, Education et Communication pour le Changement de Comportement de Santé de la reproduction.

  9. Vivre ensemble: développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre le VIH et sida; livret de l'élève CM1 et CM2

    Ce livret de l'élève est un support pédagogique faisant partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés aux apprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Le manuel a été produit dan sle cadre du volet Information, Education et Comunication pour Changement de Comportement en Santé de la reproduction des adolescents. Il traite des questions liées à l'Education à la Vie Familiale, en Matière de Population et VIH et SIDA.

  10. Positively caring: ensuring that positive choices can be made about the care of children affected by HIV

    This report examines the impacts of HIV on the care choices of children, exploring how HIV affects whether or not children can remain within parental care, and on the alternative care options open to them. It is based on qualitative research in Malawi, India and Ukraine, and on a global literature review. It is in response to alarming global evidence on the rising numbers of children outside of parental care, and growing global recognition that responses to HIV should centre on increased support to families as the best means of providing care and protection for children.

  11. Most at Risk Young People Survey Cambodia 2010

    Cambodia's Most at Risk Young People Survey (MARYPS) 2010 is a follow up survey of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted in 2004. The survey provides the policymakers and planners with data on alcohol, drug and sex related behaviors and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services among MARYP. This survey is jointly supported by FHI, PSI, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO.

  12. Rotinas de Assistência Domiciliar Terapêutica (ADT) em HIV/AIDS

    A Assistência Domiciliar Terapêutica em Aids (ADT), implantada em 1995 no Brasil, constitui-se em uma modalidade assistencial com o objetivo de prestar atendimento multidisciplinar diferenciado, em nível domiciliar, às pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS. Contando com uma equipe formada por médico, enfermeira, assistente social e psicólogo, visa proporcionar ao paciente e sua família uma assistência integral, uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma redução no índice de demanda e ocupação dos leitos hospitalares. …

  13. Understanding adolescent girls' protection strategies against HIV: an exploratory study in urban Lusaka

    Being young and female are two central aspects of vulnerability to HIV which intersect in the lives of adolescent girls. Both before and within marriage, girls and young women are especially vulnerable to contracting HIV as a result of both their biological susceptibility as well as their relative powerlessness within sexual relationships, the primary means of transmission. Girls and young women are disproportionally infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. …

  14. Progress report for children affected by HIV/AIDS

    The 2009 Progress Report for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS is the second in a periodic series sponsored by UNICEF designed to provide a summary of indicators of the current status of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). The objective of this report is to provide an easy-to-use guide to facilitate dialogue among both policymakers and key stakeholders about policies related to orphans and vulnerable children. It presents the 17 indicators described in the Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Response for Children Orphaned and Made Vulnerable by HIV/AIDS (UNICEF, 2005). …

  15. National plan of action for orphans and vulnerable children Ghana June 2010-2012

    The National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) is a three-year plan subject to review and focuses on children who are the most vulnerable and at risk in Ghanaian society. There has not been a recent comprehensive assessment of OVC in Ghana and the first part of the plan attempts a brief assessment of OVC in relation to their care and protection. …


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