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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. From evidence to action: advocating for comprehensive sexuality education

    This resource is part of IPPF's Inspire pack, which offers standards, guidelines and self-assessment guidance on a variety of strategies and activities that contribute to rights-based and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health programming for young people. It provides service providers, programme planners, policy-makers and young people with information to advocate for rights-based, gender-sensitive and sex-positive comprehensive sexuality education at local and national levels. …

  2. RAP-Tool

    Youth Incentives, the international programme on sexuality developed by the Dutch expert centre on sexuality, Rutgers Nisso Groep, promotes the Dutch approach to the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of young people. Core elements of this approach are represented in the RAP-rule, which stands for "Rights-based approach, Acceptance of young people's sexuality, and Participation of young people". This version of the RAP-tool is the result of experiences from pilot countries: Bangladesh, Eritrea, Rwanda and Tanzania. The RAP-tool is a needs assessment instrument guided by the RAP-rule. …

  3. Toolkit for positive change: providing family-focused results-driven and cost-effective programming for orphans and vulnerable children

    The Positive Change: Children, Communities and Care (PC3) Program is a five-year (2004-2009) integrated and comprehensive program designed to provide care and support to more than half a million orphaned and vulnerable children and their families throughout the country of Ethiopia. The Program emphasizes community-based, results-oriented, and family-focused efforts which reduce the negative impact of HIV and AIDS on children, families and communities and increases capacity of local organizations and communities to positively respond to the needs of OVC. …

  4. Keep the best, change the rest. Participatory tools for working with communities on gender and sexuality

    This document is a toolkit developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 2007.It aims to support community groups to work in a practical and thorough way on improving understanding and relationships between women and men. Through this, it aims to promote sexual well-being, strengthen communities and help to prevent HIV. This toolkit is aimed at individuals and organisations that support communities to address HIV and AIDS and related issues. Examples include training organisations, NGOs, and organisations implementing interventions in communities. …

  5. Sistematización y documentación de las mejores prácticas prevención de VIH/SIDA en población joven entre 10-18 años en la Republica Dominicana

    Este documento fue publicado por la Coalición ONG SIDA y la UNICEF Republica Dominicana en 2004. Se trata de examinar cinco programas que han sido exitosos en la prevención de VIH/SIDA en la población de adolescentes y jóvenes. Resalta las mejores prácticas y muestra como se llevaron a cabo esas prácticas de manera que puedan ser aplicadas por otras instituciones. …

  6. Regional training workshop on situation analysis for comprehensive school health education programmes in the Arab States, American University of Beirut, 27-30 June 2006: final workshop report

    This document is a final workshop report of the Regional Training Workshop on situation analysis for comprehensive school health education programmes in the Arab states that took place at the American University of Beirut in June 2006. This workshop was jointly organized by UNESCO Office in Beirut and the American university of Beirut. It was part of the project "Follow up on FRESH Initiative" which is a joint cooperation between UNESCO and the Health Education Resource Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, American university of Beirut. …

  7. A Handbook For AIDS Awareness Activities For Clubs

    This manual was designed to support the GRN-UNICEF Youth Health and Development Programme with the aim of sustaining My Future is My Choice graduates and other young people's peer education activities. It was written and reviewed in a three-day workshop in November 1999 and in the following weeks with assistance from participating organizations including AIDS Care Trust, Catholic AIDS action, the National Youth Council of Namibia, Polytechnic of Namibia, the University of Namibia and UNICEF. It was revised by UNICEF Namibia in July 2001. …

  8. Action with youth. HIV/AIDS and STD: a training manual for young people

    This manual is aimed at young people working with groups of young people, to help set up an effective HIV/AIDS health promotion programme. However, the manual is also useful for anyone working with young people to improve their health and life skills. …

  9. Our whole lives: sexuality education for grades K-1

    This curriculum focuses on equipping children with age-appropriate information that promotes basic values of sexual health. It is based on the guidelines of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). The curriculum is divided into 52 one-hour sessions distributed over five grades and is designed for in-school use either by a teacher or an outside educator. …

  10. Health and family life education. Regional curriculum framework for ages 9-14

    This document provides a curriculum framework for the Caribbean region and is part of the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM) Multi-Agency Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) project. The document is a comprehensive, life skills-based programme, which focuses on the development of the whole person. It does this by enhancing the potential of young people to become productive and contributing adults/citizens, and promotes an understanding of the principles that underlie personal and social well-being. …

  11. Evaluating the impact of community-based interventions on schooling outcomes among orphans and vulnerable children in Lusaka, Zambia

    In sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 12 million children under the age of 18 have lost a parent to AIDS. Despite this situation, the evidence regarding effectiveness of interventions targeting these children remains scant. This paper contributes to the literature by evaluating the impact of a community-based program implemented by a Zambian nongovernmental agency (NGO) on educational outcomes among orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Lusaka, Zambia. These outcomes included school enrollment and being at the correct age-for-grade. …

  12. Reducing the burden of HIV & AIDS care on women and girls. VSO policy brief

    This policy brief builds on VSO's earlier work, Gendering AIDS: women, men, empowerment, mobilisation, and highlights the crisis in delivering equitable health care for people living with HIV & AIDS, and the overwhelming burden it places on women and girls. It identifies changes that VSO is advocating for and provides recommendations to key stakeholders for policy and programme change.

  13. Healthy youth productive lives. Empowering youth in the fight against HIV/AIDS

    The MKA clubs dynamic school and community extra curricular setting aims to invigorate HIV and AIDS prevention and mitigation efforts among people of all ages, particularly the youth. Clubs members include out-of-school youth, orphans and children with HIV and AIDS, as mandated in their by-laws, stimulating community-wide dialogue about youth development and HIV. Club activities for teachers, youth and community members include training in club formation, leadership skills and how to elect officers, facilitate club meetings and manage club activities. …

  14. HIV and emergencies: one size does not fit all

    The dynamics and impact of HIV in humanitarian crises are complex. They depend on the kind of crisis: is it the result of conflict, a rapid-onset natural disaster (such as a flood or cyclone), or a slow-onset emergency caused by drought or environmental degradation? It also depends on the HIV prevalence rate before the crisis, the political situation, the scale and duration of the crisis, the existing infrastructure and services and the level of awareness of HIV. Case studies from five countries facing very different emergencies and HIV prevalence rates were backed by a literature review. …

  15. Building Bridges between the School and the Community: an in-depth examination of school and community linkages

    UNESCO Harare Cluster office initiated this study in five countries that are under its responsibility with the aim of documenting best practices on school-community linkages and to advocate for these best practices in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The study dates back to a sub-regional colloquium meeting held in November 2004 in Harare with the theme, Teachers in a World with AIDS. During this meeting, the issue of building linkages between the community and schools was emphasised as an effective way of promoting the teaching profession and the fight against HIV and AIDS. …


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