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This is a report of the situation analysis, needs assessment and advocacy activities of the community/school linkages in HIV/AIDS carried out at Serenje Boma Basic and Kafue Day High Schools.Under coordination of the Zambia National Commission for UNESCO, Zambia was selected to take part in the School/Community linkages in HIV/AIDS whose main objective was to strengthen the links between schools and communities in the fight against HIV/AIDS. For this purpose, Serenje Boma Basic and Kafue Day High School were sampled for the programme. …
This thematic study is about the link between health, social issues and secondary education. The study is based on country studies in six Sub Saharan Africa countries (Eritrea, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania) and a literature review. It looks at the role of secondary education and training in promoting health, civics and life skills among the African youth. …
This case study is based on in-depth qualitative research conducted over six months by Concern Worldwide in the central province of Manica. It looks at how Concern Mozambique has addressed issues related to HIV and AIDS within its education programme. Specifically it outlines how school councils can help create a safer and more supportive environment particularly for girls using a methodology called Circles of Support. …
This booklet aims to contribute to improved understanding of partnerships, including what they can achieve as well as challenges to effective partnerships. …
The global HIV and AIDS epidemic has affected sub-Saharan Africa more than any other region in the world. AIDS deaths in sub-Saharan Africa account for 72% of AIDS deaths worldwide. …
The book shows that while gender inequalities in society generally, and particularly within the education sector, are driving aspects of the HIV epidemic, educational settings can be empowering and bring about change. It examines different expectations of what HIV education programmes and education settings can do to transform unequal gender relations and protect young people against HIV and AIDS and contribute to care for those affected and infected. …
The objective of the operation is to improve the response of the education sector to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as a partner in the multi-sectoral strategy of prevention and mitigation in each country. To achieve this objective, the program will develop and support the implementation of effective intervention models for use by the education sector to reach in and out of school youth, as well as the regional dissemination of results and leveraging of other available funding outside this project. …
This guide from CRS/Zimbabwe addresses child participation in many aspects of programming. Child participation is one of the guiding principles of the convention on the rights of the child and increasing the scope and level of child participation should be an objective for every education or child protection program. This guide presents many useful suggestions for ways to increase child participation, but what is required most of all is a belief in the value of child participation and a commitment to making it happen in a meaningful way. …
The education sector, very large cadre of government employees, faces impacts of HIV/AIDS both on supply and demand sides. On the supply side, HIV/AIDS affects education because of the loss of trained teachers and the reduced productivity of relevant personnel (teachers, administrators, management, etc.) through illness, caring for infected family members, and participation in funerals. …
Despite the magnitude and dire consequences of the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in South Africa, and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, there is insufficient documentation of the strategies deployed to improve the well-being of these children. In an attempt to fill these knowledge gaps, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (emergency plan)/South Africa commissioned Khulisa Management Services to research and write 32 case studies of emergency plan-funded OVC programmes in South Africa. …
The HIV and AIDS School Club Initiative (HASCI) is a pilot component of the Malawi Teacher Training Activity (MTTA) project, supported through USAID/Malawi PEPFAR funds. The initiative aims at enhancing USAID/Malawi's education support, by promoting a school-based anti-AIDS campaign, focusing particularly on school-community and intergenerational dialogue about important issues regarding the prevention of HIV and AIDS, with a special focus on abstinence and being faithful. …
Wars and natural disasters deny generations the knowledge and opportunities that an education can provide. In order to develop a tool to help achieve a minimum level of educational access and quality in emergencies and early reconstruction as well as to ensure the accountability of the workers who provide these services, INEE writes this handbook. The standards defined here, are meant to be used as a capacity-building and training tool.
This Brief has been developed by the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Young People to assist United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) and UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS in providing guidance to their staffs, governments, development partners, civil society and other implementing partners on community HIV interventions for young people. It is part of a series of seven global Guidance Briefs that focus on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support interventions for young people that can be delivered through different settings for a range of target groups.
This manual contains basic information about HIV/AIDS and different ways in which the faith community can respond including teaching, counseling, IEC, and advocacy. The curriculum was developed to provide an overview of the HIV pandemic to Christian clergy, religious leaders, laity and church groups, and to sensitize participants of 1994 International Conference on Population and development in Cairo about the current issues and challenges that PLWHA face. The curriculum was designed to assist a trainer in delivering a five-day workshop. It is divided into seven chapters. …
This drug abuse prevention handbook is designed to help youth groups around the world identify the real issues that concern them and develop programmes to reach their peers. The philosophy behind this document is that, if substance abuse is to be tackled, young people should lead this effort since they know their own needs better than anyone else.