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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Supporting the educational needs of HIV-positive learners: a desk-based study

    The purpose of this desk-based research was to review policy with respect to the education of HIV-positive children and to examine how their education can be encouraged and supported in primary and secondary school settings. This was done through an appraisal of the scientific literature that had a bearing on the special needs of the children, and the public statements of national and international organizations dealing with the epidemic. …

  2. Project H: working with young men series

    This series of five manuals focuses on young men. While many initiatives have sought to empower women in addressing gender-based inequality, the needs of young men appear often to have been neglected. This manual applies a gender perspective in working with young men. It incorporates two major perspectives: gender specificity and gender equity. It seeks to engage boys and to reflect about gender inequalities, to reflect about the ways that women are often disadvantaged and have to take responsibility for childcare, sexual and reproductive health and domestic work. …

  3. Manual for integrating HIV and AIDS education in school curricula

    This tool was developed by UNESCO's IBE with the goal of improving teaching and learning on HIV and AIDS in official basic education curricula. It includes a set of tools, assembled in a manual, to support the development and adaptation of quality teaching and learning material for HIV and AIDS education, as well as teacher training. Some of the key issues addressed in this manual include: How can HIV and AIDS education be integrated more effectively into existing curricula and school programmes? How can HIV and AIDS teaching and learning materials be effectively adapted or developed? …

  4. IPPF framework for comprehensive sexuality education

    This document focuses on comprehensive sexuality education that promotes and considers the sexual and reproductive rights of young people, especially those living with HIV. The report favours a framework of sexuality education that also deals with the needs of young people in order to promote an all-inclusive educational agenda. The document is based on consultations with IPPF staff, young people, external organizations and IPPF Member Associations. …

  5. Review on the education sector response to HIV and AIDS in Nepal

    The role of education is important for providing the right educational messages on HIV prevention and mitigation, and reduction of stigma and discrimination against people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. UNESCO considers it as one important area that the education sector can contribute and make education sector response a low cost and high impact initiative. In case of Nepal, we have no evidence on what the education sector has done to prevent HIV and mitigate its impact. To what level the education sector itself has been impacted by HIV and AIDS is also not known. …

  6. Promoción de la salud sexual. Recomendaciones para la acción

    El surgimiento de nuevos problemas, en particular la pandemia del VIH/SIDA, ha intensificado nuestra percepción en relación con la urgente necesidad de mejorar los programas de capacitación en sexualidad y de adoptar un enfoque mucho más concertado e integral de los problemas relativos a la misma. …

  7. Elaboration et mise en ouvre d'une stratégie de communication sur le VIH/SIDA en milieu scolaire primaire de Côte-d'Ivoire

    Ce projet d'élaboration et de mise en oeuvre d'une stratégie de communication sur le VIH/SIDA en milieu scolaire primaire de Côte-d'Ivoire s'insère dans le cadre du programme de coopération en matière d'éducation COTE D'IVOIRE/UNICEF. Plus précisément, il intègre le projet «Education de base des enfants de 6 à 11 ans notamment les filles» qui prévoit des activités de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA. L'objectif principal de ces activités est de venir en appui au gouvernement ivoirien dans la définition et la mise en oeuvre d'une politique de communication sur le VIH/SIDA. …

  8. La educación sexual en el sistema educativo público uruguayo hoy: Concepto-Filosofía-Objetivos

    Fundamentos teóricos, lineamientos y objetivos generales que debiera tener un plan de educación sexual. Enfoque holístico. Escenario en el queáinstalar la educación de la sexualidad y con qué mirada abordarla para que se proyecte como estrategia válida por excelencia para favorecer el desarrollo y la salud integral de las nuevas generaciones. Al artículo principal se le anexan los siguientes artículos: - La Construcción de una Cultura de la Salud en el Ámbito Educativo, por Diego Rossi. …

  9. Pacto social de compromisos recíprocos por la educación 2004-2006

    Propuesta para el Pacto social de compromisos recíprocos por la educación 2004-2006 en Perú, que se centra en tres áreas: Movilización nacional por aprendizajes de calidad; Estrategia de desarrollo profesional docente (nueva politica de remuneraciones); Moralización del sector educación (combate a la corrupción).

  10. University of Kwazulu-Natal HIV/AIDS Policy

    South Africa is facing one of the most serious challenges since the demise of apartheid, in the form of HIV/AIDS. The University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) is situated in one of the Provinces most affected by this pandemic where the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS is placing a huge demand on all sectors of service delivery, economic development, teaching and learning.

  11. Guide pédagogique à l'usage de l'enseignant de l'éducation à la vie familiale, en matière de population et au VIH/sida (EVF/EMP/VIH et sida). Enseignement primaire

    Ce guide de l'enseignant de primaire au Cameroun, publié par le ministère de l'Education Nationale en 2006, relève du souci de contribuer par le développement de l'éducation préventive à l'amélioration qualitative de la citoyenneté et au renforcement des capacités nationales. Il s'agit pour l'enseignant, par le biais de cet outil didactique de stimuler la réflexion et l'action de l'apprenant afin de lui faire acquérir un sentiment d'auto-efficacité et des compétences lui permettant à la fois de faire face aux risques liés au VIH/sida et de prendre conscience de ses responsabilités de citoyen. …

  12. Aids nas Escolas - Encarte Ciência Hoje

    Este documento foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. E um material de apoio à pesquisa dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental (Básico) sobre a temática do HIV/SIDA ensinada em sala de aula. O documento contém 6 livretes com desenhos e textos que tratam de vários temas em relação ao HIV/SIDA. 1) Pequeno diário sobre Virus e sida (Vírus : o que são? como entram no organismo? que doenças podem provocar?) 2) Pequenos comentários sobre o nosso sistema de defesa (anticorpos : o que são? …

  13. Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas. Attitude pra curtir a vida. Guia para a Formação de Profissionais de Saúde e de Educação

    Este documento, que foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, permite a organização de cursos para o aperfeiçoamento dos conhecimentos dos Professores do Ensino Básico e Secundário sobre o tema da Educação Sexual e do HIV/SIDA. Este guia é dividido em 7 unidades : 1) Primeiras palavras 2) A busca de novos caminhos para prevenir as DST e SIDA 3) Relações de gênero 4) A sexualidade na vida humana 5) Saúde sexual e saúde reprodutiva 6) Prevenção das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e da SIDA 7) Planejamento de uma ação local integrada. …

  14. Educação Sexual em Meio Escolar - Linhas Orientadoras

    O documento " Educação Sexual em Meio Escolar - Linhas Orientadoras " foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação no sentido da integração regular de projectos e actividades de Educação Sexual nos vários níveis de ensino. …

  15. Standards for curriculum-based reproductive health and HIV education programs

    This manual is based on the findings of a systematic review published by Family Health International (FHI) on the Impact of Sex and HIV Education Programs on Sexual Behaviours of Youth in Developing Countries (Kirby et al., 2005) and deliberations from an expert consultation meeting convened by FHI in January 2006. One of the results of the research was a list of 24 characteristics of effective curriculum-based programmes. Twenty of the standards are adapted from the systematic review and four of the standards emerged from the technical meeting. …


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