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Purpose: To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of sex education conducted through the Internet. Conclusions: Providing sex education to students in Shanghai through the Internet was found feasible and effective. The Internet-based sex education program increased students’ reproductive health knowledge effectively and changed their attitudes toward sex-related issues in terms of being less liberal toward sex and more favorable to providing services to unmarried young people. …
La prévention du VIH/sida fait partie des programmes de biologie de collège et lycée en France et au Congo. L’enseignant doit transmettre des connaissances scientifiques et amener les élèves à l’adoption volontaire de certains comportements. Ce qui le conduit à assurer un rôle d’acteur de prévention. Comment l’enseignant perçoit-il ce nouveau rôle, quels objectifs se fixe-t-il et quelles méthodes pédagogiques envisage-t-il ? …
Considering the fact that information on HIV/AIDS is a strategy for disease control, this project was planned to provide comprehensive information about HIV infection and AIDS to schoolteachers and their students. Previous analysis of adolescent students' knowledge of HIV/AIDS showed that they still have doubts about transmission, diagnosis, and treatment. Thus we provided them with dynamic educational activities on the subject. …
Teacher educators, school principals and teachers are potentially well positioned to play a pivotal role in changing the course of the HIV and AIDS epidemic. The purpose of this article is to focus on a spectrum of educational initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa which are designed to equip educators to be informed about, and to manage, HIV and AIDS in their personal and professional lives. …
This course is designed to contribute toward the reconstruction of education systems through the promotion and establishment of safe, secure and supportive learning environments where quality education is widely accessible to all learners including the broader community. …
This document provides the results of a survey carried out by the The Strategies for Hope Trust between January and April 2010. The aim of the survey was to obtain feedback from users of the "Stepping Stones" training package on the following topics: who exactly has been using these materials; with which groups the materials have been used, and in what numbers; how the participants in these training sessions have perceived the materials; what the participants decided to do after the training sessions, and how useful the materials have been to them.
Ce guide méthodologique a pour objectif, d’une part, d’aider les équipes éducatives à préparer ces séances, à structurer et animer leurs interventions, à construire les partenariats nécessaires et, d’autre part, de leur apporter des éléments d’information et de réflexion sur les différentes thématiques proposées. Il constitue un cadre de référence spécifiquement adapté à l’éducation à la sexualité en milieu scolaire. …
La presente publicación es uno de los productos del Proyecto Empoderamiento de los jóvenes de Ecuador y Venezuela para la prevención del VIH, a través de educación artística y mediática, a cargo de la Oficina de UNESCO en Quito. El proyecto se enmarca dentro de las actividades prioritarias que desarrolla la UNESCO a nivel global y nacional, con el objetivo de contribuir al fortalecimiento y promoción de una cultura de paz y libre de violencia, que impacte positivamente en el sector de educación. …
In this article, the author gives an account of his ‘Checkmating HIV&AIDS;’ action research project, which was an attempt to break the ‘culture of silence’ concerning HIV&AIDS; and sex and sexuality in his classroom. In this project, he focused specifically on one code of sport, namely chess, and he points out and discusses the potential of using chess as an educational tool in addressing HIV&AIDS.; It was found that learners enjoy playing chess and that it can be used in the Life Orientation classroom to promote HIV&AIDS; awareness. …
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the written reflections of aspiring principals in two principal-preparation courses where social justice is at the core of the content and which address sexual orientation as part of the responsibility of a social justice leader. Data Collection: Two instructors in a leadership-preparation program incorporated reflection assignments into their respective social-justice-related courses. One course was offered at the beginning of the program; the other offered at the end. …
This article addresses the issue of teacher knowledge in a developing world context of HIV and AIDS. More specifically, it responds to the need for practical 'how to' examples of HIV and AIDS education by describing the pedagogical strategies employed in an initial teacher education programme at a South African university. …
This publication draws on a two day workshop, Research Method and Pedagogy Using Participatory Visual Methodologies, held 4-5 April 2011 in Port Elizabeth. The workshop focused on visual participatory methodologies used across various disciplinary areas, including education, and particularly HIV and AIDS Education. The sections of this publication include the use of drawing, photovoice and storyboard and the visual ethics.
School-based programming is one of the most common approaches to HIV/AIDS prevention among youth. This paper presents the history and development of the Family Life and HIV Education (FLHE) programme in Edo State, Nigeria and results of evaluation of teacher actions and responses to training in its delivery. Results indicate that teachers benefited from the training, were aware of new and/or existing teaching resources and began to teach about HIV/AIDS. Teachers expressed that the programme facilitated open dialogue about HIV/AIDS. …
Education including life skills-based education has a positive role to play in contexts where messages have been accurate, HIV education coverage in schools has been high, and implementation has been sustained and to scale. At best however – and importantly – school-based HIV education is just one component of what UNAIDS calls combination HIV prevention, in which a range of actions provide a comprehensive mix of approaches. HIV education remains work in progress. …
Although many sub-Saharan African countries that are affected by HIV and AIDS have developed education sector policies in response to the epidemic, there are still challenges in effectively addressing the issue in schools. These challenges include lack of appropriate leadership and coordination at the school level, limited training and skills update on HIV and AIDS among school-based caregivers (teachers, school nurses and matrons), absence of appropriate guidelines in some settings, and lack of coordination between the education, health and other sectors. …