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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Primary health and Family Life Education (H.F.L.E.) Curriculum

    This "Primary Health and Family Life Education Curriculum" was approved and edited by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in 2006. It focuses on the development of Life Skills making children psycho-socially competent, assisting them in acquiring proper attitudes, morals and values. The document has a direct focus on an integrated approach to curriculum delivery, in which the teacher is not unduly restricted by the subject content. …

  2. Secondary school curriculum: forms 1-3: health and family life education

    This "Secondary school curriculum" is the national curriculum guide for teachers at secondary schools. It is the result of seven years of development and revision activity approved and edited by the Ministry of Education in 2009. The main goal of the manual is to provide main assistance for development and implementation of instructional programs at the school and classroom levels. The document has a direct focus on an integrated approach to curriculum delivery, in which the teacher is not unduly restricted by the subject content. …

  3. Good policy and practice in HIV and AIDS and education. Booklet 6: Pre-service teacher training

    This booklet is the sixth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO's work on HIV & AIDS and the education sector. It synthesizes lessons learnt, activities, case studies, policies and practices in HIV-related pre-service teacher education and training. The guide concerns the key role pre-service teacher training has in preparing future teachers to deliver effective sexuality education and HIV prevention education to children and young people in education institutions.

  4. Revised Curriculum Guide For Institutions Engaged In Teacher Teaching Preparation

    This manual is the revised Curriculum Guide for teacher preparation in HFLE. The main goal of this guide is to provide participants and tutors with a framework for delivery of health and family life education lessons. Curriculum units develop five Themes with recommended standards, outcomes, general objectives and skills.

  5. Health and family life education curriculum for primary schools: Lower, Middle and Upper divisions guides and Resource Guides for Teachers

    This six booklets on Health and family life education (HFLE) are intended to teachers of primary schools. The purpose of these guides is to provide teachers with materials and resources to implement HFLE. These guides build on the foundation of the Regional Curriculum Framework for HLFE, which sets out the HFLE philosophy and standards for teaching and identifies the desired knowledge, skills and behavioral outcomes for students. Unit themes and the content of lessons are responsive to the many health and social challenges in the region, including HIV/AIDS, violence and substance abuse. …

  6. Good Practice Guide: Greater involvement of people living with HIV (GIPA)

    This guide is one in a series of Good Practice Guides produced by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. It was developed for programme officers and other people who develop or deliver HIV programmes globally, and especially in the global South. It is intended as a reference guide to support your ongoing work. It provides practical information for programme level staff in organisations responding to HIV and helps define good practice for the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV. The guide is organised with these different needs in mind. …

  7. Identifying appropriate livelihood options for adolescent girls: a program design tool

    The tool can be used to design a new HIV prevention program for adolescents, as well as other programs related to the larger context of sexual and reproductive health (such as pregnancy prevention programs). It is intended for use by donors and organizations implementing HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health programs for adolescents. The tool is particularly useful for organizations already implementing adolescent programs focused on life skills training, sexual and reproductive health education, leadership development, and HIV prevention. …

  8. HQ SPE No. 5: Balada

    Essa HQ (ou História em Quadrinhos) foi criada para falar, de uma forma dinâmica e leve, sobre coisas importantes como amizade, sexualidade, relacionamento, inclusão, autoestima, escola, família, preconceito, respeito e participação juvenil (e talvez mais algumas outras coisinhas). Alguns desses temas com certeza já passaram pela sua cabeça - mas você já parou pra pensar sobre eles? Afinal, essas questões estão presentes no dia-a-dia e afetam a vida de todos nós. …

  9. Répondre aux vraies questions que se posent les jeunes : préparation de brochures de type «questions et réponses» sur la sexualité, le VIH et le SIDA en collaboration avec les jeunes

    Le rapport présente une expérience de préparation de documents d'éducation sexuelle répondant aux besoins des jeunes. Le concept a initialement été élaboré en Tanzanie et a, ces dernières années, été adapté à divers autres contextes africains et asiatiques. L'approche décrite suit de manière systématique un certain nombre d'étapes consécutives faisant participer les jeunes et les spécialistes de la jeunesse à l'ensemble du processus de production du matériel pédagogique.

  10. Nous les jeunes - L'éducation sexuelle à l'école : Fiches d'éducation sexuelle pour les filles

    Matériel d'information et de formation basé sur les méthodes de la pédagogie active destiné aux adolescentes guinéennes (classe 5ème et 6ème). Il contient des illustrations, des mises en situation, de jeux-tests et de jeux de rôles.

  11. Nous les jeunes - L'éducation sexuelle à l'école : Fiches d'éducation sexuelle pour les garçons

    Matériel d'information et de formation basé sur les méthodes de la pédagogie active destiné aux adolescents guinéens (classe 5ème et 6ème). Il contient des illustrations, des mises en situation, de jeux-tests et de jeux de rôles.

  12. Opportunities and Challenges in School-based Sex and Sexual Health Education in Nepal

    This article identifies and addresses opportunities for and challenges to current school-based sex and sexual health education in Nepal. Key literature searches were conducted of electronic databases and relevant websites, furthermore personal contact with experts and the hand searching of key journals was included. …

  13. Sehat-1: Class 1: Teacher's guide

    Practical guide to teach six health topics (Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Environmental and Community Health, Family and Social Health) to children in class one. The manual is divided into 4 to 6 lessons.

  14. A healthy child in a healthy school environment. A look at the CHANGES program in Zambia

    CHANGES worked with the Zambian Ministries of Education, Health (MOH), and Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS) to develop the School Health and Nutrition (SHN) component, a first step in the development of a national school health and nutrition policy and the integration of health interventions and education in Zambian schools. …

  15. Personal development. HIV and AIDS and sexual reproductive health. Facilitator's manual

    Since 2007 all pre-service teachers have had a compulsory and comprehensive training course in HIV&AIDS; and sexual reproductive health. HIV&AIDS; is also a compulsory part of all school and cluster TIPs and every School Learning Improvement Plan (SLIP). This Facilitator's Manual is designed to help school inservice coordinators, cluster facilitators and interested teachers to run participatory training sessions for their colleagues. …


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