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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. A call to action: LGBTQ youth need inclusive sex education

    This issue brief urges educators, advocates, and policymakers to take immediate, concrete steps to provide LGBTQ-inclusive sex education for all youth, by: 1) Becoming advocates for LGBTQ-inclusive sex education, 2) Ensuring that school is a safe and accepting space for LGBTQ students, 3) Implementing LGBTQ-inclusive sex education in schools, community settings and online, 4) Talking to their own children and teens about sex and sexuality, 5) Working to remove state-level legal and policy barriers to LGBTQ-inclusive sex education in schools and require inclusive programs.

  2. Violences homophobes, violences transphobes : le double jeu du genre dans les violences en milieu scolaire

    À partir de résultats tirés d’une enquête par questionnaire auprès de 2747 élèves de l’école secondaire québécoise et d’entrevues auprès de jeunes s’identifiant comme lesbiennes, gais, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement (LGBQ) ou comme trans, cet article propose une réflexion sur les violences prenant pour cible l’expression de genre à l’école. Plus du tiers des élèves s’identifiant comme hétérosexuels rapportent avoir été victimes de violences parce qu’on pense qu’ils sont, ou parce qu’ils sont gais. C’est également le cas de plus des deux tiers des élèves LGBQ. …

  3. Trans, gender variant and intersex students in schools: policy

    This Policy aims to: 1. Foster a school environment that is inclusive, safe and free from harassment and discrimination for all members of the school community, students and adults, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics; 2. Promote the learning of human diversity that is inclusive of trans, gender variant and intersex students, thus promoting social awareness, acceptance and respect; 3. …

  4. Blueprint for the provision of comprehensive care for trans people and trans communities in Asia and the Pacific

    This publication outlines the priority health care needs and human rights issues for transgender people in the Asia Pacific region. Drawing upon inputs from trans individuals and organizations, medical professionals, and policymakers from throughout the region, Blueprint aims to strengthen and enhance the policy-related, clinical, and public health responses for trans people in the region. This document is the third in a series of regional transgender health guidance documents, and builds on similar publications produced in Latin America and the Caribbean. …

  5. HIV and young transgender people. Technical brief

    This technical brief is one in a series addressing four young key populations. It is intended for policy-makers, donors, service-planners, service-providers and community-led organizations. This brief aims to catalyse and inform discussions about how best to provide health services, programmes and support for young transgender people. …

  6. Strengthening support to LGBTIQ adolescents: policy report on the rationale and scope for strengthening support to adolescents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or questioning

    This policy report forms one part of a broader scoping exercise on why and how Plan International could strengthen its programme, advocacy and institutional support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning (LGBTIQ) adolescents. The scoping exercise also included mapping and analysing the legal, social and other challenges and opportunities facing LGBTIQ adolescents in the world. …

  7. (Re)connaître pour mieux agir : homophobie - lesbophobie - biphobie - transphobie

    Brochure à destination des professionnels et bénévoles associatifs travaillant auprès de tout(e) étudiant(e) s’interrogeant sur son orientation sexuelle et/ou son identité de genre.

  8. Peer education training module: skills building for MSM and transgender population to fight against HIV (in Bengali)

    Peer education training module: skills building for MSM and transgender population to fight against HIV (in Bengali)

  9. National student sexual health HIV knowledge, attitude and behaviour survey: focussing on student men who have sex with men at fourteen higher education institutions in South Africa

    The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS), in partnership with Networking HIV/AIDS Community of South Africa (NACOSA) and funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, undertook research among students at higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa to explore their knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in relation to sexual health and HIV. The sample comprised both male and female students, and specifically included male students who have sex with men. …

  10. Situational analysis of young people at high risk of HIV exposure in Thailand: Synthesis report

    The main goals of this project are to review the situation of young key affected populations (YKAP) HIV risk behaviours in Thailand, review the present policy and programmatic response for YKAP, identify gaps and promising practices for YKAP, and determine strategic future policy and programming interventions for YKAP. …

  11. Scan of law and policies affecting human rights, discrimination and access to HIV and health services by key populations in Pakistan

    The Scan of Laws and Policies Affecting Human Rights, Discrimination and Access to HIV and Health Services by Key Populations in Pakistan identifies the current status of legislation, policies, institutional frameworks in Pakistan that safeguard the universal human rights of the key affected populations with regard to the HIV prevention, care and treatment. …

  12. Invited commentary: Broadening the evidence for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and education in the United States

    Scientific research has made major contributions to adolescent health by providing insights into factors that influence it and by defining ways to improve it. However, US adolescent sexual and reproductive health policies-particularly sexuality health education policies and programs-have not benefited from the full scope of scientific understanding. From 1998 to 2009, federal funding for sexuality education focused almost exclusively on ineffective and scientifically inaccurate abstinence-only-until-marriage (AOUM) programs. …

  13. (Re)connaître pour mieux agir : homophobie - lesbophobie - biphobie - transphobie

    Cette brochure est à destination des professionnels et bénévoles associatifs travaillant auprès de tout(e) étudiant(e) s’interrogeant sur son orientation sexuelle et/ou son identité de genre. Elle a pour but de donner à tous les personnels des universités et établissements d’enseignement supérieur des informations, des éléments de réflexion et des possibilités d’orientation pour apporter une aide à toute personne confrontée à l’homophobie, la lesbophobie, la biphobie ou la transphobie.

  14. Bridging the Gap: IEC 4 LGBTI. Handbook to support strengthening of organisational capacity in developing information, education and communication (IEC) materials for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in southern Africa

    The ‘Bridging the Gap: IEC 4 LGBTI’ Handbook has been developed to support organisations working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in southern Africa to develop effective IEC materials. Recognising and addressing the needs of LGBTI in southern Africa is a relatively new field for many organisations. …

  15. HIV and adolescents: focus on young key populations

    Adolescents and young adults are at increased risk for HIV due to the many developmental, psychological, social, and structural transitions that converge in this period of the lifespan. In addition, adolescent deaths resulting from HIV continue to rise despite declines in other age groups. There are also young key populations (YKPs) that bear disproportionate burdens of HIV and are the most vulnerable, including young men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender youth, young people who inject drugs, and adolescent and young adult sex workers. …


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