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This milestone report - Strategies and Framework for Targeting Youth - provides a framework and identifies strategies to address the needs of young people in the prevention and care of HIV/AIDS and STIs in Papua New Guinea (PNG). It provides technical advice towards creating a strategic plan for young people, and suggests pilot strategies based on best practice in youth sexual health programs in resource-poor settings. Conceptually, this report provides a foundation in the development of a strategic plan for young people. …
The manual is designed for people who want to develop materials in ethnic minority languages but are not sure how. Explaining and giving examples of why culture and language are essential in HIV prevention, the manual offers a simple but detailed explanation of the 12-Step UNESCO Methodology for developing and creating these culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention materials such as such as radio shows, TV soap operas, comics and movies. It also outlines practical steps needed to design and produce a prevention drama in ethnic minority languages. …
This assessment explores: available data on key groups of vulnerable children; key issues facing these groups of children; existing options of care and protection for vulnerable children; knowledge and attitudes of children, adults and local authorities regarding different systems of care and protection; existing policy and legislation. The final section of this report presents recommendations on how to take forward the process of developing national policy and plans of action.
This assessment has been conducted to provide an overview of the education sector's response to the current HIV epidemic in Indonesia, and to offer a set of recommendations meant to complement and strengthen the response. Since HIV is closely related to sexuality, reproductive health and drug use and abuse, this assessment evaluates these topics in the analysis. The current assessment is aimed to achieve the following objectives: 1. To review existing literature on policy documents and secondary data on HIV, reproductive health, and drug abuse prevention within the education sector. 2. …
This "Health and Family Life Education" curriculum was developed by Gerard Drakes, Mavis Fuller, Christopher Graham and Barbara Jenkins, in coordination with a number of different official partners of Caribbean countries, as well as UNICEF, UNESCO and the Education Development Center Inc (EDC). The manual was published in 2011. The main goal of this Curriculum is to help lower secondary students in acquiring skills necessary to cope with the challenges facing Caribbean societies nowadays, to make healthy life choices, assisting them in developing proper attitudes, morals and values. …
The goal of this strategic framework is to facilitate the implementation of the National Adolescent Health Policy that aims to improve the quality of life of young persons in Nigeria. …
This consultation was organized by UNICEF Headquarters and the Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States in collaboration with the Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV and Young People. The consultation focused on experiences in countries with low and concentrated epidemics where HIV infection is concentrated among men having sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (IDUs), and those who sell sex. …
This study is a part of the operational research which includes mapping and size estimation of female drug users, which forms the first key step in developing targeted interventions for this highly vulnerable key population. The results of this mapping study will assist in understanding the drug using scenario among female populations, which will ultimately form a baseline for service provision, based on which service providing organizations will develop targeted interventions within a specific geographical setting. …
Gender inequity is a fundamental driver in the HIV epidemic, and integrating strategies to address gender inequity and change harmful gender norms is an increasingly important component of HIV programs. Integrating gender strategies into programs targeting most-at-risk populations (MARPs) which include men who have sex with men, transgender people, injecting drug users, and male, female and transgender sex workers, whether in mixed or concentrated epidemic countries is much less prevalent. …
This is the annual report 2009 of AFEW, the NGO working with some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to adress one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world.
The purpose of is to compile and summarize the base of evidence to support successful interventions in HIV programming for women and girls. National AIDS programs, government ministries, implementing partners, donors, civil society groups and others need an easy-to-understand format for identifying what works for women. …
O propósito da série Adolescentes e Jovens para a Educação entre Pares, do Projeto Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas (SPE), propósito não é ser apenas mais um conjunto de fascículos, e sim trazer provocações e aprofundar o conhecimento que os(as) adolescentes e jovens têm a respeito de temas presentes em toda a sociedade, e que, muitas vezes, são tratados de maneira equivocada ou com preconceitos. Ao mesmo tempo, deseja orientar o trabalho por meio de oficinas, debates e leituras. Pretende, também, provocar reflexões e instigar o diálogo sobre as temáticas do SPE dentro das escolas brasileiras. …
The current paper was commissioned by UNICEF and its partners (UNFPA, UNESCO, UNAIDS) to provide advice to the AIDS Commission in Asia on policy options on how to respond to HIV/AIDS among young people, in response to a 'Policy Options Workshop' which was held in Bangkok on 4-6 January 2007. This paper aims to provide guidance to policy makers on how to respond to the HIV prevention needs of young people in Asia. In particular, it aims to set priorities for action, aimed at preventing major HIV epidemics from occurring or limiting the scope or impact of current HIV epidemics in the region.
Ce document étudie les raisons de la situation épidémiologique qui montre une augmentation des cas de sida dans la population hétérosexuelle, avec un pourcentage 3 à 8 fois plus important chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Les auteurs parlent de la plus grande vulnérabilité des femmes vis-à-vis du VIH est due à des facteurs physiologiques et biologiques mais également à des pressions sociales, culturelles et économiques qui ne leur permettent pas d'assurer leur prévention. …
The United Nations Regional Task Force on Injecting Drug Use and HIV/AIDS for Asia and the Pacific (UN RTF) commissioned the Centre for Harm Reduction (CHR), Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Australia to undertake a baseline assessment of current policies, programs and services for drug users in South and South East Asia.