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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. HIV/AIDS prevention good practice: strategies for public higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa: a report

    This study was undertaken to identify the HIV prevention programmes and practices that have been implemented at HEIs and the extent to which they cohere with good practice as described in the literature. The research team began by identifying “international and local good practice with regards to HIV/AIDS prevention”. …

  2. Co-designing the teenage pregnancy and young parent strategy

    In response to the recommendations from the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee’s Inquiry into Teenage Pregnancy in 2013, the Scottish Government committed to producing a Teenage Pregnancy and Young Parents Strategy. …

  3. Twenty years after International Conference on Population and Development: Where are we with adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights?

    The International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994 laid out a bold, clear, and comprehensive definition of reproductive health and called for nations to meet the educational and service needs of adolescents to enable them to deal in a positive and responsible way with their sexuality. …

  4. Youth data collection in DHS surveys: An overview

    International development assistance programs are placing an increasing emphasis on youth. As a result, there is growing demand for information about youth for planning, monitoring, and assessing youth initiatives. This paper reviews the contribution that The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is currently making to address the data needs of youth programs. The paper then considers constraints and challenges as well as potential opportunities within The DHS Program for responding to the expanding demand for data on youth.

  5. Love, sexual rights and young people: Learning from our peer educators how to be a youth-centred organisation

    This report examines the findings of an external assessment of the A+ programme, an innovative IPPF youth-led programme funded by Danida. The A+ programme was implemented by IPPF’s Member Associations in 16 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Central America. Its overriding goal was to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sexuality education for young people, and to promote their sexual and reproductive health and rights. …

  6. Health + Equality + School Engagement: Scenarios USA reinvents sex education

    This issue of Quality/Calidad/Qualité highlights the experience of Scenarios USA, an innovative nonprofit program that has integrated a gender and rights perspective—and a critical thinking approach—into curricula, while fostering new pedagogies and greater awareness among teachers. Scenarios USA approaches sexual health not as a standalone issue but as intertwined with young people’s overall lives and agency. …

  7. NewGen Asia: Building capacity in emerging young leaders in the HIV response

    In the Asia-Pacific Region, young people bear a large proportion of new HIV infections, and there is a need to consult them about how best to tailor prevention initiatives to meet their needs. In 2010, Youth LEAD, an organization representing young HIV advocates from across the Asia-Pacific region highlighted the need to engage young people more effectively in advocacy and programming initiatives. …

  8. Evaluation of the implementation of the Ministerial Declaration preventing through education from commitment to action; advances in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Since 2010, IPPF/WHR has published an evaluation of progress towards achieving the Ministerial Declaration (MD). The evaluation tool, developed by IPPF/WHR and Demysex in consultation with experts in the field, uses the MD commitments as a benchmark to analyze progress towards ensuring youth sexual and reproductive health and rights. …

  9. Assessment of Learning Needs of Youth in Pakistan about HIV and AIDS and Adolescence Education

    The Assessment aims to: i) review the existing curriculum and textbooks for students in public sector secondary and higher secondary classes with a view to identify and enlist available content about HIV & AIDS prevention education; ii) measure the level of awareness among adolescent students about HIV & AIDS in general and their knowledge about modes of transmission and precautionary measures; iii) assess the knowledge of young people about adolescence and reproductive health issues; identify possible challenges Pakistan Youth may have to face in their information seeking on their adolescence …

  10. National aboriginal youth strategy on HIV and AIDS in Canada: For First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth from 2010 to 2015

    La Stratégie nationale de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida au Canada sert de guide et offre une approche globale pour les peuples autochtones du Canada, afin de diminuer les taux élevés du VIH et du sida, en particulier chez les jeunes autochtones. La SNJAVSC a été élaborée grâce aux conseils et aux suggestions des jeunes engagés, qui siègent au Conseil national de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida. Le succès de la SNJAVSC dépend de la collaboration avec le RCAS et ses partenaires et de la participation significative continue des jeunes autochtones du Canada dans l'élaboration des décisions, de la politique, de la programmation, de l'éducation et des approches liées aux questions du VIH et du sida. Les points forts et les déterminants sociaux de la santé des jeunes autochtones ont été exposés dans des approches basées sur les droits de l’homme et sur la diminution des effets négatifs. Lors de la mise en pratique de la SNJAVSC, il est fortement recommandé de mettre en oeuvre ses stratégies, ses objectifs et ses buts. Plus important encore, une approche intégrée, collaborative, culturellement pertinente et adaptée aux jeunes est au coeur de la réussite de la SNJAVSC. Cette stratégie est délivrée par le RCAS, avec des orientations et des conseils émis par des jeunes autochtones, afin d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être des personnes atteintes et affectées par le VIH et le sida au Canada.

  11. Addressing sexual health in schools: policy considerations

    Addressing Sexual Health in Schools: Policy Considerations brings together years of policy, research and advocacy efforts illuminating the need for young people to have access to the sexual health education and services they need to ensure their overall health and well-being. In recent years, many states and/or local school districts have adopted policies in support of sexual health education, and an increasing number of schools are establishing linkages and referrals to health service providers. …

  12. Construyendo una cultura de paz y de prevención desde la metodología de los laboratorios creativos: cuaderno de trabajo para sensibilización y capacitación

    La presente publicación es uno de los productos del Proyecto Empoderamiento de los jóvenes de Ecuador y Venezuela para la prevención del VIH, a través de educación artística y mediática, a cargo de la Oficina de UNESCO en Quito. El proyecto se enmarca dentro de las actividades prioritarias que desarrolla la UNESCO a nivel global y nacional, con el objetivo de contribuir al fortalecimiento y promoción de una cultura de paz y libre de violencia, que impacte positivamente en el sector de educación. …

  13. ABC de nuevas prácticas: equidad de género, noviolencia y protagonismo juvenil

    Este documento ha sido diseñado con el objetivo de apoyar nuestra labor como integrantes de la comunidad educadora al momento de identificar estilos de relaciones y enseñanza que se dan en la escuela, para que podamos descubrir cómo estamos contribuyendo a erradicar o mantener pautas violentas, estereotipos de género o esquemas de limitado protagonismo juvenil. La idea es que observemos conductas, actitudes y acciones que quizá antes no habíamos tomado en cuenta, con las cuales podemos fortalecer un ambiente escolar basado en el respeto y la equidad. …

  14. GIYPA Roadmap: Supporting young people living with HIV to be meaningfully involved in the HIV response

    Each chapter in this roadmap outlines one of the five steps towards GIYPA (greater involvement of young people living with HIV): 1. Understanding what is meant by 'the HIV response'; 2. Finding good reasons to become involved; 3. Linking you and organisations together; 4. Sustaining and growing your involvement; 5. Seeing Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention in action

  15. Young people's experiences in youth-led participatory action research for HIV/AIDS prevention

    As part of a project in the UNICEF-initiated “What every adolescent has a right to know” (RTK) program, qualitative interviews were conducted with youth (13 to 21 years of age) who were reached through a youth-led participatory action research (PAR) project. The interviews were conducted with both urban and rural participants in a Caribbean country where potential exposure to HIV/AIDS represents a significant threat to young people’s health. The purpose of the study was to examine how a truly youth organized PAR effort was perceived by the adolescents who were reached through the project. …


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