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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Linking Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS. Gateways to integration: a case study from Serbia

    The process of linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS needs to work in both directions: traditional sexual and reproductive health services need to integrate HIV/AIDS interventions, and programmes set up to address the AIDS epidemic need to integrate more general services for sexual and reproductive health. The case studies featured in this series have been chosen to demonstrate this two-way flow and to reflect the diversity of integration models. …

  2. IPPF framework for comprehensive sexuality education

    This document focuses on comprehensive sexuality education that promotes and considers the sexual and reproductive rights of young people, especially those living with HIV. The report favours a framework of sexuality education that also deals with the needs of young people in order to promote an all-inclusive educational agenda. The document is based on consultations with IPPF staff, young people, external organizations and IPPF Member Associations. …

  3. Review of Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) in Schools. A report by the External Steering Group

    This report represents the views of all members of the external steering group that was established to take forward the commitment in the Children's Plan to: 'Review the delivery of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools'. It summarises how the review was organised, what evidence we considered to inform our decisions, the key challenges that we identified and the recommendations that we are making to improve SRE delivery. Chapter 1 sets out the measures that we recommend should be introduced, to improve the quality and consistency of SRE delivered by schools. …

  4. Children for health. Children as partners in health promotion

    This document was published by the Child-to-Child Trust in 2005. This book advocates and aims to strengthen the provision of good quality health education for all children. This document consists of 3 parts : Part 1 : "Children as partners"; part 2 "Children's action"; part 3: "Facts for life: Prime messages and supporting information". The book is illustrated with examples of inspiring work being done across the world by educators and health workers dedicated to improving the lives of children and their families. The book is designed for teacher and health workers. …

  5. Act, Learn and Teach : Theatre, HIV and AIDS Toolkit for Youth in Africa

    Act, Learn and Teach: Theatre, HIV and AIDS Toolkit for Youth in Africa is a publication resulting from a project collaboration between UNESCO and the CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) edited in 2006. This toolkit and associated material, including the CD-ROM provided, introduce you to Forum Theatre as a tool for HIV and AIDS education. The toolkit has been written with special consideration for youth groups and amateur theatre groups in English-speaking Africa who wish to address HIV- and AIDS-related issues in ways that are creative and engaging. …

  6. Feel! Think! Act! A guide to interactive drama for sexual and reproductive health with young people

    This toolkit is the result of teamwork between drama and sexual and reproductive health practitioners from six countries. It contains ideas and drama and discussions activities aimed at helping to learn about sexual and reproductive health issues and to gain skills in facilitating and using interactive drama tools and techniques. This toolkit is aimed at youth groups, community workers, teachers, and anyone who wants to use drama as a process of learning and action on sexual and reproductive health. …

  7. Action with youth. HIV/AIDS and STD: a training manual for young people

    This manual is aimed at young people working with groups of young people, to help set up an effective HIV/AIDS health promotion programme. However, the manual is also useful for anyone working with young people to improve their health and life skills. …

  8. Good things for young people: reproductive health education for primary Schools. Teacher's resource book

    MEMA kwa Vijana is an adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme, working in schools, health facilities and communities in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Its goal is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in this region and beyond. MEMA kwa Vijana has over 10 years of research and implementation experience. The documents have been developed for teachers' use after they have received training, without the need for additional teaching aids or books. …

  9. HIV and AIDS. An action guide for higher education institutions in the SADC region

    A critical issue for universities is to prevent HIV infections among their students, who are usually in the age groups most vulnerable to HIV. However, universities are also increasingly being asked to provide care and support to infected students and staff. They also need to consider programmes to manage and mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on their core purposes of teaching and research. …

  10. Step by step: a guide to HIV and AIDS policy development for the education sector. Caribbean Education Sector HIV and AIDS Capacity Building Programme

    This toolkit was developed to guide Ministries of Education, particularly in the Caribbean region, through the rapid policy development process towards a specific outcome: an effective HIV and AIDS policy for the education sector that is linked with an achievable implementation plan. The toolkit follows a clear four-step process: Step 1: Planning for policy development; Step 2: Developing the policy; Step 3: Implementing the policy; Step 4: Monitoring and evaluating the policy. …

  11. Involving young people in efforts to combat HIV and AIDS in Africa: the importance of income-generating strategies

    Poverty and limited access to health care, education, and paid employement create situations that make young people most vulnerable to HIV infection. This paper examines the importance of developing strategies to involve young people in income-generating activities to fight HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. These strategies support young people in gaining important skills and earning income to reduce their own poverty. The strategies also help foster a sense of hope and purpose in young people as they contribute to addressing this social problem. …

  12. HIV and AIDS and higher education in Africa: a review of best practice models and trends

    This study, commissioned by the Association of African Universities, was conducted to identify the strengths, constraints and opportunities for addressing the human resource and policy challenges occassioned by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. A sample of between 12 and 15 institutions which exemplified best practices in the response to HIV and AIDS in Africa was identified. In documenting and disseminating these examples, it is hoped that other institutions will benefit from the sharing of new knowledge and contribute to the overall strengthening of the response to the epidemic. …

  13. African universities responding to the challenge of HIV and AIDS

    This powerpoint is an address given on African Universities responding to HIV and AIDS at Uganda Martyrs' University, in February 2009.

  14. A Case Study: integrated AIDS program Thika, Kenya

    The global HIV and AIDS epidemic has affected sub-Saharan Africa more than any other region in the world. AIDS deaths in sub-Saharan Africa account for 72% of AIDS deaths worldwide. …

  15. Rapid appraisal students partnership worldwide/Zambia

    Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) Zambia recently began the third year of its School HIV/AIDS Education Program (SHEP) in conjunction with Zambia's Ministry of Education (MOE). SHEP is implemented by volunteer peer educators selected from a pool of applicants who have completed at least a secondary education and who may have completed tertiary level education. Thus, they are closer in age to students than most teachers, although they are not exactly same-age peers. After an intensive training, volunteer peer educators are placed in same-sex pairs at one of the SPW schools. …


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