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This implementation plan is based on the four components of the education sector workplace policy in Namibia namely, awareness rasing and empowerment; mainstreaming HIV and AIDS; strengthening regulatory frameworks; and managing the HIV and AIDS response. The plan sets out objectives and indicators of success for each of the four components and shows a matrix of activities to achieve objectives, outputs or targets, outcomes or results, time frame, lead agency and implementing partners.
This policy is a model for policies to be developed by individual training institutions for use in their own context. Training institutions are free to add, delete and borrow from this draft policy, or to adapt it, as in line with their own policy and procedures.The implementation of the VET HIV/AIDS policy and programmes will be carried out in collaboration with national initiatives and structures, in particular in line with the Botswana National Policy on HIV/AIDS.
Today, evidence points indisputably to the important intersection of HIV and gender inequality. In 2010, women and girls accounted for more than half of all people living with HIV (about 52%). They are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence, suffer economic inequalities and shoulder the bulk of the burden of caring for people living with HIV.
This policy applies to all learners, employees, managers and providers of education and training in all public and private, formal and non-formal and traditional learning institutions at all level of the education system in Zambia.It provides the framework for responding to concerns and needs of those infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS in the education sector.
The University of Natal hereby affirms its recognition of the responsibility that exists for the provision of access to information, prevention, care and support for all staff and students, in so far as is reasonably possible. Furthermore, the University affirms its commitment to the development of an environment that is free from discrimination, in which people living with HIV/AIDS, can feel assured of their rights being upheld, and protected.
The University of the Western Cape (UWC) acknowledges the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and recognises that the disease will have a significant impact on the University. The University shares the understanding of AIDS as a chronic, life-threatening disease with social, economic and human rights implications. …
This document describes the University of Cape Town Policy on HIV infection and AIDS. It includes issues of confidentiality, employment contracts, AIDS education, staff and student interactions, benefits, leadership, and resources.
This policy document addresses all the sectors under the Ministry of Education such as Civil Servants, Teachers, learners, school committees, non-formal education institutions, special populations such as the disabled, the out of school youth as well as the orphaned and vulnerable children. This policy shall therefore be applicable to all government and private institutions in Swaziland. The aim of this policy is to guide all activities responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic by the Ministry of Education. …
This report focuses on the gender dimensions of HIV-related stigma. It aims to fill a gap and advance a more nuanced understanding and more effective advocacy on how stigma affects women and girls living with HIV more, less or differently to men and boys. This is an advocacy tool for use by relevant stakeholders - from international donors to global policy makers, national governments, programme managers, civil society and people living with HIV. …
In recognition of the importance of an enabling legal and policy environment that supports MARPs and their access to services, the Ghana AIDS Commission requested that the United States Agency for International Development - supported Health Policy Initiative conduct a qualitative assessment to develop an understanding of the current legal and policy framework for MARPs. An enabling environment reduces stigma and discrimination (S&D;) against MARPs, protects their rights, and ensures that they have access to needed services. …
This strategic plan will be implemented through all the Ministry's departments and affiliated parastatals and will seek to: (i) identify challenges that face in the Ministry in its war against HIV/AIDS; (ii) identify the Ministry's comparative advantages and exploit them in regard to HIV/AIDS; (iii) promte information sharing and management to enhance decision making; (iv) mainstream HIV/AIDS into core functions and activities of the Ministry; (v) address issues and challenges contained in the Public Sector Workplace Policy on HIV and AIDS in regard to this Ministry; (vi) mobilize the required …
The Ministry of State for Public Service has put in place a national public sector workplace policy on HIV and AIDS where by every public organization is required to develop their own policies. It is in this context that the Ministry has developed this workplace policy which aims at providing guidance to the management of employees who are infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and prevention of further infections. The policy also defines the Ministry's position and practices for the comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS pandemic. …
This research aims at analyzing the situation on the right to work of entertainment workers and at examining a broad scope of enabling environment factors that might affect the coverage of quality of UA services. It also seeks to identify eventual problems resulting from the implementation of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. …
In Kenya, as in many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) threatens personal and national well being by negativelyá affecting health, life-span, and productive capacity of the individual hence severely constraining the accumulation of human capital and its transfer between generations. Data from recent research across many severely affected low-income countries clearly demonstrates that HIV and AIDS is the most serious impediment to economic growth and development and there is no reason to expect Kenya to be an exception. …
The Symposium "Working on HIV and AIDS in education: System and workplace responses for and by education sector workers" took place in Brussels, Belgium on 2 December 2010. The Symposium was convened by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education and preceded the UNAIDS IATT on Education's members meeting on 3 December 2010. Education International (EI) and International Labour Organization (ILO) co-hosted the Symposium. …