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De manière schématique, le secteur de l'éducation se trouve affecté verticalement par la diminution de la qualité et de la quantité de l'enseignement offertes, étant donné que les enseignants affectés ou infectés assurent difficilement une offre efficiente ; de manière transversale, l'effet du sida sur la demande scolaire se traduit par une baisse sensible du nombre d'enfants scolarisés et même celui des enfants scolarisables. L'objet de cet article est d'analyser pour l'ensemble des pays au sud du Sahara, l'impact du sida sur l'offre et la demande scolaires. …
A large literature examines the link between shocks to households and the educational attainment of children.We use new data to estimate the impact of shocks to teachers on student learning in Mathematics and English. Using absenteeism in the 30 days preceding the survey as a measure of these shocks we find large impacts: A 5-percent increase in the teacher's absence rate reduces learning by 4 to 8 percent of average gains over the year. …
The pillars of this plan are the following: 1. Policy, Advocacy and Enabling Environment, 2. Coordination and Management of the Decentralized response, 3. Mitigating the Social, Cultural, Legal and Economic Impacts, 4. Prevention and Behaviour Change Communication, 5. Treatment, Care and Support, 6. Research, Surveillance, Monitoring and Education, 7. Mobilization of Resources and Funding Arrangement. …
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework that will guide the University community to develop an adequate and appropriate response to HIV/AIDS. This policy will provide an institutional response supporting the National response to the pandemic. The framework of the policy is guided by the Human Rights Provisions contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe and by Statutory Instrument 202 of 1998-Labour Relations (HIV and AIDS) Regulations, 1998. The Policy has five main components: 1. …
This Brief has been developed by the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Young People to assist United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) and UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS in providing guidance to their staffs, governments, donors and civil society on effective HIV interventions for young people in workplace settings. It is part of a series of seven global Guidance Briefs that focus on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support interventions for young people that can be delivered through different settings for a range of target groups.
TIWOLOKE (Stepping Stones) is a workplace-focused behaviour change model targeting primary school teachers in Malawi's education system. Implemented since 2006 by ActionAid in Malawi with support from Malawi's National AIDS Commission and the UK's Department for International Development (DfID), the intervention has reached 7,600 teachers in its first phase. TIWOLOKE has also supported the development of T'LIPO, the country's first national network of teachers living positively with HIV and AIDS, which has recruited 2, 500 teachers since June 2007. …
According to the 2006 National HIV sentinel survey, Namibia has an HIV prevalence rate of 19.9% thus calling for all sectors, including NANTU as the main player in education sector (which is social transformation tool), to mainstream HIV and AIDS into all strategies and programs to address and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in society. …
El interés mundial por la prevención del VIH brinda una oportunidad a los trabajadores de salud para que controlen eficazmente otras ITS. En la planificación de los servicios de prevención y atención es importante entender que el VIH y otras ITS a menudo se transmiten de la misma manera y que el tratamiento de las ITS puede reducir la incidencia del VIH. Por lo tanto, existe la oportunidad de abordar ambas por medio de intervenciones de prevención primaria y de integrar estrategias secundarias de control de las ITS en los servicios de salud de primer nivel. …
This research study provides concrete and realistic recommendations for policy makers and programme managers on the issues of social capital and the relevance of the concept for understanding the lives of adolescents. Findings provide critical evidence about the conditions that give rise to growing youth violence, HIV/AIDS infection rates among youth, and the relatively limited improvement in secondary school enrollment and completion rates among Thai youth. This publication is the outcome of a collaboration of three insititutions i.e. …
HIV/AIDS touches all sectors of society. It is an issue that requires appropriate responses at national, regional and global levels. Migrant workers are valuable resources that stimulate economic prosperity and contribute to the socio-economic development of Asia. …
The University of Botswana, as an institution of higher learning, recognizes the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a serious threat to the well-being and continued development of the nation. The University must not only fight the spread of this deadly disease within its own community, but must also contribute to the national effort through education, research, awareness-promotion, behaviour-change and other innovative initiatives in line with the National Policy on HIV/AIDS. …
This presentation provides a summary of the responseof the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda in terms of HIV and AIDS policies and strategies.
The fourth in a series of UNESCO-Nairobi Cluster Consultations on HIV/AIDS and education took place from 21 to 23 June 2005 in Mombasa, Kenya. The consultation brought together senior education officials from Education and Teacher Service Commissions, Ministries of Education along with education and health stakeholders including representatives from teachers' unions and professional associations. …
South African higher education celebrated a decade of democracy in 2004. As the country's institutions and its citizens celebrate this freedom, it is time to reflect on the enormous challenges which confront South African society and the role which higher education is expected to play. Just over four years ago, institutional leaders in government and in the higher education community committed themselves to supporting and implementing a programme aimed at putting in place a comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS across the higher education system. …
The evidence presented in this report shows that the health of our educators is a source of concern because the prevalence of HIV is high. The determinants are multiple: behavioural, knowledge deficit, lack of self-efficacy skills, migratory practices, gender, and alcohol misuse. Chronic conditions such as hypertension, stomach ulcers, arthritis and diabetes are common. The report also shows that our country is likely to lose a very high proportion of educators due to job dissatisfaction, job stress and low morale. …