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This Tool-kit for Action has two components. In Part One, you will hear from a sample of youth and youth workers (based in Ottawa) on what prevention, education, and awareness strategies have reached them, what they think about these strategies, and their own ideas for effective youth-centred HIV/AIDS actions for their communities. Part Two looks at a range of for- and by-youth public education initiatives from Kenya, the US, South Africa, Bangladesh, and Canada. …
This curriculum is designed to help youth in Tanzania face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants. …
This curriculum is designed to help youth in Ghana face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants. …
The document is designed to help youth (age 10-24) in Botswana face the challenges of growing up, to help them make decisions about their sexual health, and to prepare for work in the future. It focuses on three important issues young people face: 1) recognizing the importance of adhering to values, 2) learning more about their body's functions and dealing with sexual and reproductive changes, feelings and behaviors and 3) thinking about and planning for their future. …
This series of Girls' Success Mentoring Guides is a tool to help mentors in their journey. These guides serve as road maps for them. They provide ideas for helping girls as they go through school and become young adults. The first section of each Guide talks about being a mentor and how to prepare for mentoring activities. Later sections talk about issues that are important to girls. This Guide describes life skills. These are the basic skills to help girls make good decisions as they become adults and plan for their futures. …
In an effort to mitigate the spread of HIV in developing nations, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) supports HIV prevention programs that emphasize abstinence and be faithful for youth (ABY) among a broader array of prevention interventions. The focus of this report is on multi-country, multi-year PEPFAR ABY programs implemented by 14 nongovernmental and faith-based organizations that were awarded a total of $100 million in central funding by the U.S. Agency for International Development's Office of HIV/AIDS at the beginning of PEPFAR. …
South Africa's first national, household sero-prevalence survey of HIV and AIDS was conducted in 2002. A second survey was completed in 2005 and this, the third, in 2008. This report provides an analysis of trends across the three surveys and begins to map the ways in which the shape of the pandemic in South Africa has changed since 2002. Indicators for assessing mid-term progress made in implementing South Africa's National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS, 2007-2011 are also provided. …
Cet article est publié par le bureau régional de l'UNESCO à Beyrouth afin de sensibiliser et de mobiliser les politiques, les journalistes, les leaders religieux, les intellectuels et le grand public à la gravité du VIH et sida et la nécessité de combattre fermement cette épidémie ravageuse. Il vise essentiellement à "briser le mur du silence" entourant le VIH et sida dans le monde arabe et à lutter contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination associées à cette maladie. …
This manual, intended for parents of secondary schools' learners (grades 10-11), is part of an HIV and AIDS education programme called "useful inoculation", which was developed within the project "Healthy Russia 2020" and implemented in several schools of five Russian regions. The main aim of this programme is to develop the life skills that will allow learners to prevent from HIV and avoid drug use, and also to show empathy and support towards people living with HIV and AIDS. …
Le Programme Santé et Lutte contre le Sida de la GTZ a élaboré avec des adolescents un ensemble de 5 livrets abordant l'adolescence, les relations hommes-femmes, les rapports sexuels, les relations saines, le VIH et sida et la nouvelle génération. Il s'agit d'une adaptation aux besoins et aux réalités de la Guinée d'une précédente collection de livrets produite pour la Tanzanie. Ce troisième livret est consacré aux questions liées aux rapports sexuels (la virginité, la masturbation, l'homosexualité, .). …
Este documento foi redigido pela Geração BIZ que é um Programa Multisectorial que reúne os Ministérios da Saúde, Educação e Juventude e Desporto na promoçâo da Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva e Prevenção de DTS/SIDA entre adolescentes e jovens. E uma fotonovela destinada aos adolescentes preocupados com questões de sexualidade, HIV/SIDA, gravidez, contracepção, etc. Com uma série de diálogos entre jovens, esta fotonovela mostra várias situções de vida como por exemplo uma jovem que engravida, um jovem que aprende que é seropositivo, namorados que se preparam a ter a primeira relação sexual. …
Este documento se dedica en proporcionar la información fundamental sobre la infección por el VIH y el sida a todos los padres que quieren obtener este tipo de conocimiento. Los adolescentes constituyen un grupo especialmente predispuesto en realizar prácticas de riesgo de infección por el VIH, por tanto es fundamental que conozcan adecuadamente las vías de transmisión del virus y sus consecuencias. …
Este documento foi redigido por um consultor da INDE (Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educaçao) do Ministério da Educação de Moçambique. Nesse manual, o director de escola poderá encontrar informações e metodologias para introduzir na escola um ensino sobre o comportamento sexual responsável e os problemas relacionados com o HIV/SIDA. A primeira parte deste documento é constituída por uma série de perguntas com destino a ajudar o director a fazer um ponto de situação da escola sobre esses temas. …
Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. É destinada aos pais para os ajudar a abordar alguns problemas que as crianças enfretem no seu dia-a-dia. Vários temas sao desenvolovidos para ajudar os pais a falar com os filhos sobre sexo e as doenças de transmissao sexual como o HIV (ciclo menstrual, uso do preservativo...), como evitar situaçoes de conflicto e como criar a auto-estima nos filhos. Também dá sugestoes sobre como lidar como lidar com pessoas portadoras de deficiências, com o abuso sexual de menores e com a morte. …
This curriculum is designed to help youth in Ghana face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants. …