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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Os Bradas - O amanhã começa hoje. 5a e 6a Classes

    Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. E um material educativo destinado aos professores e aos profissionais de educaçao para enriquecer a formaçao das crianças. Trata-se do livro "Os bradas" - O amanha começa hoje. Este livro pretende, acima de tudo, dotar as crianças de habilidades que lhes permitam crescer de forma saudável, responsável e divertida; e tomar decisoes informadas sobre a sua sexualidade. …

  2. Crianças órfãs e vulneráveis no contexto do HIV/SIDA em Moçambique

    Este documento foi concebido pela UNICEF Moçambique e trata do problema das crianças órfãs e vulneráveis ao HIV/SIDA. O SIDA está a tornar-se rapidamente na maior causa de mortalidade infantil. Em 2006, estima-se que existam 99,000 crianças com menos de 15 anos de idade que vivem com HIV/SIDA, e aproximadamente 80 por cento destas têm menos de cinco anos. A pandemia do SIDA continua a contribuir para o aumento de crianças órfãs e vulneráveis. Estima-se que há para cima de 1,6 milhoes de órfaos em Moçambique e que mais de 20 por cento destes sao resultado do SIDA. …

  3. Feel! Think! Act! A guide to interactive drama for sexual and reproductive health with young people

    This toolkit is the result of teamwork between drama and sexual and reproductive health practitioners from six countries. It contains ideas and drama and discussions activities aimed at helping to learn about sexual and reproductive health issues and to gain skills in facilitating and using interactive drama tools and techniques. This toolkit is aimed at youth groups, community workers, teachers, and anyone who wants to use drama as a process of learning and action on sexual and reproductive health. …

  4. Understanding and challenging HIV stigma. Toolkit for action. Introduction and module A. Using the toolkit, naming the problem

    This document is part of a toolkit written for and by HIV trainers. The toolkit has been designed to help trainers plan and organise educational sessions with community leaders or organised groups. It consists in a collection of participatory training exercices to help people at all levels understand stigma - what it means, why it is an important issue, what its root causes are - and develop strategies to challenge stigma and discrimination.The present document contains the introduction to the toolkit and the Module A, "Naming the problem". …

  5. Navigator Programma profilaktiki VICH i SPIDa i upotreblenija psixoaktivnyx veschestv. Informacija dlja roditelej

    The present document is intended for parents whose children attend lessons of the school programme "Navigator ". This programme aims at developing values and responsibility of teenagers regarding their health, so that they lead a healthy way of life. This brochure enables parents to be informed about the programme content, to get information on HIV and AIDS and to find advice regarding communication with their children. …

  6. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa. Botswana version. Facilitator's manual

    The document is designed to help youth (age 10-24) in Botswana face the challenges of growing up, to help them make decisions about their sexual health, and to prepare for work in the future. It focuses on three important issues young people face: 1) recognizing the importance of adhering to values, 2) learning more about their body's functions and dealing with sexual and reproductive changes, feelings and behaviors and 3) thinking about and planning for their future. …

  7. Girls' Power Initiative. Training manual. Level 3. Adolescent Sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This document is a training manual designed to help facilitators to provide sexuality education (human sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, rights and responsibilities). This training manual (level 3) was produced and revised by Girl's power initiative (GPI), a Nigerian NGO in 2003. …

  8. Sexuality Education Series for Young Persons, No. 6: Foundations of Human Sexuality Education

    Sexuality Education Series for Young Persons, No. 6: Foundations of Human Sexuality Education is a document produced by B. Madunagu and N. Bassey in collaboration with GPI (Girls' Power Initiative) in 2007 in accordance to the Sexuality, Family Life & HIV/AIDS Education curriculum in Nigeria. The document is the 6th in the Sexuality Education Series for young persons and has been produced. The document condemns the taboo regarding any questions around human sexuality. …

  9. Supporting orphans and other vulnerable children through communication and basic counselling: a reference guide for service providers

    There have been many counselling interventions since the onset of HIV/AIDS in Uganda but most have focused on adults. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) with CORE Initiative and CORE Initiative partners identified that the specific needs for counselling of orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC), defined under different categories within the National Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children's Policy (NOP), still need to be addressed. …

  10. National Family Life and HIV Education: teachers guide in basic science and technology

    This teachers' guide is part of the official Family Life and HIV Education (FLHE) curriculum in Nigeria. It includes sexual health topics from a scientific perspective. The main objective of the guide is to help learners to: (i) develop a positive and factual view of themselves; (ii) acquire the information and skills they need to take care of their health, including preventing HIV; (iii) respect and value themselves and others, and (iv) acquire the skills needed to make healthy decisions about their sexual health and behaviour. …

  11. Inquerito comunitario sobre os Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Pratica em relacao ao VIH/SIDA

    In 2006 the Project of Health Bandim realized a community inquiry, financed by UNFPA, about the knowledge, attitudes and practices related to HIV and AIDS.The study breaks down the population in terms of ethnicity, regions, religion and age and considers the level of knowledge people have about HIV and AIDS transmission and prevention methods. Similarly, the study considers the behaviours within social relationships that impact the spread of STIs and HIV, such as first sexual encounters, number of partners, frequency of sexual encounters and the use of condoms.

  12. HIV and AIDS terminology guide and glossary for English-Arabic users

    Stigma and discrimination remain a major fact for people living with HIV. However, despite agreement that stigma and discrimination must be overcome to turn the tide on the epidemic, communities and governments continue to struggle to protect people's rights and dignity. The Middle East and North Africa region is experiencing one of the fastest growing epidemic rates in the world, yet stigma, denial and ignorance of HIV remain rampant. Language can shape public opinion, perception, attitudes and may influence behaviours. …

  13. Sexual and reproductive health in the Middle East and North Africa: a guide for reporters

    This guide aims to bring together the latest available data on sexual and reproductive health for countries in the MENA region, to help journalists educate the public and make the case for policymakers that poor sexual and reproductive health contributes to social inequalities and hinders social and economic development.

  14. Guía para la Cobertura del VIH/SIDA

    Kaiser y Huésped siempre han creído que los periodistas tienen un rol significativo a la hora de mantener informados y actualizados, tanto al público como a los encargados de las políticas públicas, en lo que a la epidemia refiere.Este proyecto es parte del compromiso permanente, no sólo con la lucha contra el SIDA a través de la educación pública, sino también con la concientización respecto de la epidemia de VIH/SIDA. …

  15. VIH/SIDA: Recursos para periodistas y comunicador@s

    Documento con varias informaciones sobre VIH/SIDAque constituye un útil recursopara periodistas y comunicadores. Incluye también sugerencias de trabajos periodísticos.


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