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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Lessons learned from a review of interventions for adolescent and young key populations in Asia Pacific and opportunities for programming

    BACKGROUND: Over a third of new HIV infections globally are among 15-24 year-olds and over 20% among adolescents aged 10-19 years in Asia Pacific. The review was initiated to identify interventions in the region with demonstrated or potential impact for adolescent and young key populations (YKP) looking at the role of individual and structural factors in accessibility and delivery. The review is a component of a more comprehensive review undertaken by UNICEF and partners in the region. METHODS:This was a desk review of over 1000 articles, and 37 were selected. …

  2. In or Out? Asia-Pacific review of young key populations in national AIDS strategic plans

    To better understand how countries are tackling the HIV epidemic among young key populations, a number of agencies agreed to partner to investigate how these groups were being addressed in national AIDS strategic plans in the Asia-Pacific region. This report is the outcome of this effort, and aims to inform country-based reviews and progress reports of current NSPs, and the development of future plans with greater attention to these populations. …

  3. Peer education training manual. For the training of peer educators and peer education advisers in secondary schools

    Peer education is a powerful strategy to promote positive behaviour change and improve the life skills of young people. This peer education program builds upon the concepts and life skills first introduced in the Upper Primary Personal Development syllabus. It reinforces and deepens the learning outcomes in Lower Secondary Personal Development. …

  4. HIV and adolescents: Guidance for HIV testing and counselling and care for adolescents living with HIV

    Adolescents (10–19 years) and young people (20–24 years) continue to be vulnerable, both socially and economically, to HIV infection despite efforts to date. This is particularly true for adolescents — especially girls — who live in settings with a generalized HIV epidemic or who are members of key populations at higher risk for HIV acquisition or transmission through sexual transmission and injecting drug use. In 2012, there were approximately 2.1 million adolescents living with HIV. About one-seventh of all new HIV infections occur during adolescence. …

  5. An overview of gay, lesbian and bisexual issues in Botswana

    In Botswana, homosexuality is criminalized, stigmatized, and considered by some to be “un-African.” Unsurprisingly in this context there has been scant research on lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) issues. This paper reviews what research has been done in the areas of HIV risk, substance abuse, and mental health; explores the issues facing LGBs in Botswana; and offers recommendations for policy and future research. …

  6. Gender inequality and HIV transmission: a global analysis

    Introduction: The HIV pandemic disproportionately impacts young women. Worldwide, young women aged 15–24 are infected with HIV at rates twice that of young men, and young women alone account for nearly a quarter of all new HIV infections. The incommensurate HIV incidence in young – often poor – women underscores how social and economic inequalities shape the HIV epidemic. Confluent social forces, including political and gender violence, poverty, racism, and sexism impede equal access to therapies and effective care, but most of all constrain the agency of women. …

  7. Effective approaches for programming to reduce adolescent vulnerability to HIV infection, HIV risk, and HIV-related morbidity and mortality: A systematic review of systematic reviews

    Background: In 2012, an estimated 2.1 million adolescents were living with HIV. Though there are effective interventions to prevent and treat HIV infection, adolescents face specific barriers in accessing them. As a result, new infections and poor outcomes among HIV-infected adolescents are common. HIV programming for adolescents should focus on interventions of proven effectiveness and address underlying factors driving incidence and lack of effective treatment and care in this age group. …

  8. Population size estimation of key populations

    This population size estimation (PSE) was undertaken in order to inform HIV prevention programming for key populations in the fight against HIV in Sierra Leone. This PSE focused on female sex workers (FSWs), men who have sex with men (MSM) and people who inject drugs (PWID) because these groups are typically the first and hardest affected by HIV, and addressing their needs to prevent HIV can prevent or diminish the effect of HIV/AIDS on the general population. …

  9. The Nepal HIV Investment Plan 2014-2016

    The investment plan for Nepal 2014-2016 emphasises the importance of focusing on Key Affected Populations (KAP), then goes one step further to disaggregate relevant KAP into sub-populations, guided by infection risk dynamics and context. The first priorities identified for prevention are: female sex workers who inject drugs on a regular basis (FSW WID); other people who inject drugs; street-based female sex workers ( FSW); transgender sex workers (TG SW) and male sex workers (MSW). …

  10. Monitoring and evaluation strategy and plan. National program on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/STIs 2006-2010

    The taregted areas for this strategy are: National interdepartmental and multisectorial system able to coordinate the national response to HIV/AIDS epidemic; Level of information among general population, young people aged 15-24 ; Surveillance among general population and most at risk groups; Prevention among most at risk groups (IDUs, CSWs, MSM, prisoners, militaries) ; People living with HIV/AIDS.

  11. HIV and human rights mitigation report 2013: Paving the road to zero discrimination

    As part of its European Union-funded Asia Action project, the Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) has compiled a total of 17 discriminatory cases that were reported by PLHIV in 2013. This document details follow-up of the cases.

  12. HIV and AIDS education and prevention plan 2008 - 2012. Mid-term review

    In 2008 a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland was published. The plan aimed to contribute to a reduction in new infections of HIV and AIDS through education and prevention measures. It also aimed to guide and inform the development of policy and services in the statutory and non-statutory sectors with responsibility in this regard. This report presents an update on the progress of the implementation of the actions in the HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention Plan 2008-2012.

  13. Prevalence of HIV and other infections and risk behaviour among injecting drug users in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in 2007: Study report

    The current report provides results from a cross-sectional bio-behavioural study on HIV and related infections and risk behaviours among current IDUs in the capital cities of the three Baltic countries. The first section of the report provides basic information on the three Baltic countries in general, and injecting drug use, HIV and other infections’ epidemiological situations, health care and harm reduction services in more detail. …

  14. Uso de drogas y VIH: Documento de trabajo con orientaciones para la intervención y la investigación

    La mayor parte de la información sobre prevalencia de infecciones transmitidas por sangre o sexualmente en usuarios de drogas de la Argentina es en la población de usuarios de drogas inyectables, aunque también existen estudios que dan cuenta de diversas infecciones entre usuarios de drogas no inyectables. Existe interacción entre consumidores de drogas por diferentes vías por lo que es necesario no limitar el trabajo preventivo a las personas que se inyectan drogas. …

  15. Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention through mass media, NGOs and civil society organizations

    Project RER/H37 Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention through Mass Media, NGOs and Civil Society (2004-2007) aimed to mobilize the efforts of governments, the media, and civil society organizations to produce an expanded and concerted response to drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention and care in Central Asia. …


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