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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Doing harm in the name of protection: menstruation as a topic for sex education

    Pubertal changes in girls and boys are treated differently in school materials in New Zealand. Girls are taught about menstruation in a scientific manner oriented towards reproduction, hygiene and personal stress. Boys receive more positive information about 'exciting' and 'powerful' bodily changes which they can enjoy. The picture of growing up which girls receive is relatively bleak, and is out of touch with the realities of their own lives and those of adult women around them. …

  2. Maisha Bora: A peer education manual on reproductive health, STI, HIV and AIDS focussed on strengthening values, reforming attitudes, imparting knowledge and developing life skills

    This manual has various sections aimed at: Providing information about Reproductive Health, STI, HIV and AIDS, in a youth-friendly experiential way; Helping young people explore their values and understand themselves, their sexuality and reproductive health; Enabling peers to acquire skills and reform their attitudes in a way that will influence them to make healthier, safer life choices as well as encourage positive behaviour change; Providing information for youth > 15, sexually active youth and married youth about the correct and consistent use of condoms that are coupled with information a …

  3. Life skills for primary schools in Uganda: A teacher's hand book

    The purpose of this Teachers’ Handbook is to enable teachers to internalize the content of the Curriculum. The handbook also provides a variety of suggested activities teachers can benefit from to facilitate reflection, and to develop life skills within themselves and among learners.

  4. Health and Family Life Education Curriculum for Primary Schools, Lower Division

    This document is one of six booklets produced for the Belize Primary School HFLE Curriculum. This curriculum covers the following strands: self and interpersonal relationships, sexuality and sexual health, eating and fitness, managing the environment.

  5. Educational formations: Gendered experiences of schooling in local contexts

    Content: - Educational Formations: Gendered Experiences of Schooling in Local Contexts; Girls’ Schooling, Gender Equity, and the Global Education and Development Agenda: Conceptual Disconnections, Political Struggles, and the Difficulties of Practice; Situating Empowerment for Millennial Schoolgirls in Gujarat, India and Shaanxi, China; Engendering Agency: The Differentiated Impact of Educational Initiatives in Zambia and India; History Transformed?: Gender in World War II Narratives in U.S. …

  6. How students’ perceptions of the school climate influence their choice to upstand, bystand, or Join perpetrators of bullying

    The authors of this article, Silvia Diazgranados Ferráns and Robert Selman, use an emergent framework to explore how the rules of the school culture at different perceived school climates affect early adolescents’ decisions to upstand, bystand, or join the perpetrators when they witness peer aggression and bullying. Through a grounded theory approach, they revisit interview data from twenty-three eighth graders in four middle schools, with the aim of building on previous research and refining their theoretical framework to guide future research on bullying. …

  7. Report of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Life Skills in EFA

    Divided into six panels, the Inter-Agency Working Group on Life Skills in EFA considered some of the central issues within a life skills approach to education and proposed a synthesis of underlying principles and guidelines for planning life skills-based education, as well as, implementation and assessment. The first panel outlined the theoretical and practical foundations for the concept of life skills education within the larger context of EFA and sustainable human development. …

  8. Guidelines for effective HIV and AIDS communication: Rules and tools for campus programmes

    Institutions have varying track records when it comes to conducting HIV and AIDS campaigns. Some hardly engage in HIV and AIDS communication, while others do so regularly and in a creative way. These guidelines are a practical way of laying a foundation of good practice and enabling both campaign-experienced and inexperienced campuses to run sound campaigns. …

  9. If I buy the Kellogg’s then he should [buy] the milk: young women’s perspectives on relationship dynamics, gender power and HIV risk in Johannesburg, South Africa

    Ideals of masculinity and femininity may limit South African women's decision making power in relationships and increase their risk of HIV infection. The authors conducted 30 in-depth interviews with 18-24-year-old women in inner-city Johannesburg with the aim of understanding young women's expectations of intimate relationships with men, their perceptions of gender and power and how this influences HIV risk. …

  10. GIYPA Roadmap: Supporting young people living with HIV to be meaningfully involved in the HIV response

    Each chapter in this roadmap outlines one of the five steps towards GIYPA (greater involvement of young people living with HIV): 1. Understanding what is meant by 'the HIV response'; 2. Finding good reasons to become involved; 3. Linking you and organisations together; 4. Sustaining and growing your involvement; 5. Seeing Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention in action

  11. Promoting partner reduction. Helping young people understand and avoid HIV risks from multiple partnerships

    Multiple sexual partnerships are a major driver of the HIV epidemic, and yet this topic is inadequately covered in HIV prevention curricula for young people. Promoting Partner Reduction: Helping Young People Understand and Avoid HIV Risks from Multiple Partnerships is a set of activities created to address multiple partnerships, with an emphasis on those that are overlapping or concurrent (sometimes referred to as “multiple concurrent partnerships” or MCPs). This resource was designed to supplement other programs on sexuality education or HIV prevention. …

  12. Youth empowerment and high school Gay-Straight Alliances

    In the field of positive youth development programs, “empowerment” is used interchangeably with youth activism, leadership, civic participation and self-efficacy. However, few studies have captured what empowerment means to young people in diverse contexts. This article explores how youth define and experience empowerment in youth-led organizations characterized by social justice goals: high school Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs). …

  13. South Asian Regional Conference: Responding to the needs of out of school adolescents. Experiences of South Asian countries. Selected best practices, report of the conference and recommendations

    The overall objective of the conference was to contribute to the thinking on Goal 3 of EFA Goals using the experiences/learning of existing governmental/non governmental efforts in the South Asian Region. The deliberations that took place at the conference provided a platform for practitioners as well as policy makers from government/non government organizations/agencies in the South Asian region, who are working with out of school adolescents, to share their experiences and ideas with each other. …

  14. Experiences in socio-cultural approaches to HIV prevention education and empowerment in the Caribbean

    This booklet gives a snap shot of the different socio-cultural approaches to HIV/AIDS prevention in the Caribbean. It presents edu-drama, theatre in education and other alternative media interventions that are geared towards empowering youth, their parents and community leaders to live a healthy lifestyle and create a safe environment within their communities.

  15. Realizing sexual and reproductive rights: A human rights framework

    In 1994, the world’s governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action on population and development. The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt, recognized reproductive rights as human rights and declared that the principles of gender equality, equity and women’s empowerment were crucial to effective population and development strategies. Since then, some important steps have been taken to realize the commitments made. …


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