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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. A Review of Socio-Economic Empowerment Initiatives for Women Living with HIV in Asia

    This review of socio-economic empowerment initiatives for women living with HIV in Asia complements the assessment of the Women and Wealth Project (WWP), supported by the United Nations Development Programme Asia-Pacific Regional Centre and implemented by the Population and Community Development Association of Thailand. The purpose of this review is to compare the approach used in the WWP with those employed in other ten similar initiatives in Cambodia, China, India, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam and make recommendations based upon the findings of the WWP assessment and the review.

  2. Women's empowerment and choice of contraceptive methods in selected African countries

    Few studies have examined the different dimensions of women's empowerment and contraceptive use in African countries. Data for this study came from the latest round of Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 2006 and 2008 in Namibia, Zambia, Ghana and Uganda. Responses from married or cohabiting women ages 15–49 were analyzed for six dimensions of empowerment and the current use of female-only methods or couple methods. Bivariate and multivariate multinomial regressions were used to identify associations between the empowerment dimensions and method use. …

  3. Enhancing community-based organizations' capacity for HIV/AIDS education and prevention

    The catalytic potential of community-based organizations to promote health, prevent disease, and address racial, ethnic, and socio-economic disparities in local communities is well recognized. However, many CBOs, particularly, small- to medium-size organizations, lack the capacity to plan, implement, and evaluate their successes. Moreover, little assistance has been provided to enhance their capacity and the effectiveness of technical assistance to enhance capacity is likewise limited. …

  4. An impact evaluation of student teacher training in HIV/AIDS education in Zimbabwe

    Zimbabwe introduced a nation-wide program to teach AIDS education in 1994. This paper evaluates changes in student teachers' level of knowledge about transmission, symptoms and prevention of STDs and HIV/AIDS; their attitude towards persons living with AIDS; and their sensitivity to the impact of the epidemic and to discussing and teaching about these issues. There was an increase in knowledge of HIV prevention and in teachers' ability to discuss reproductive health and sexual issues. …

  5. Breaking barriers project: Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. End-term evaluation report

    Breaking Barriers Project (BB) is a US$ 11,500,000 program implemented over five years in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. The Strategic Objective of the Breaking Barriers project is: To expand sustainable, effective, quality OVC programs in education, psychosocial support and community-based care for children and families affected by HIV and AIDS, using an extensive network of schools (both formal and informal) and religious institutions as a coordinated platform for rapid scale up and scale out. …

  6. Women-centered curriculum: addressing HIV among women and the gender dimensions of HIV in the Middle East and North Africa region

    The purpose of this Women's Workshop Curriculum is to support a truly sustainable HIV response in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, centered on positive leadership, women's leadership, prevention, education, and mentorship, as well as gender equity and sensitivity. It is the first curriculum of its kind to be implemented by and for women living with HIV in the MENA Region and thus marks a shift in power from people living with HIV (PLHIV) as beneficiaries, imparters of testimonies, and workshop participants to experts taking a more active role in the response to HIV. …

  7. Advancing women's leadership and advocacy for AIDS action: training manual

    Advancing Women's Leadership and Advocacy for AIDS Action is a four-year, Ford Foundation funded initiative designed to equip and empower a cadre of women from around the world with the knowledge and skills to strengthen and lead the global response to AIDS. Since its inception in 2006, the program has been implemented by a consortium led by the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), which includes the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, International Center for Research on Women and the National Minority AIDS Council. …

  8. Women, girls and HIV and AIDS: education, women's economic empowerment and workplace violence

    Today, evidence points indisputably to the important intersection of HIV and gender inequality. In 2010, women and girls accounted for more than half of all people living with HIV (about 52%). They are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence, suffer economic inequalities and shoulder the bulk of the burden of caring for people living with HIV.

  9. Gender-based violence and HIV: technical brief

    The brief is informed by: 1) a review of the most recent research findings on the intersection of GBV and HIV; 2) promising practices documented in the program literature; and 3) telephone interviews with select program implementers.

  10. Profiles in equity: Better practices for women, children and AIDS

    Significant challenges remain in narrowing the gap between beneficiaries and those still missing from the AIDS response. …

  11. Naviguer dans le labyrinthe : Améliorer la coordination et l'intégration des programmes et politiques sur l'emploi et le revenu en cas d'invalidité, pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida

    Le présent document de travail a pour but de susciter des discussions en vue d'une amélioration de la coordination et de l'intégration de tels programmes. À cette fin, certaines incohérences et incompatibilités entre divers ressorts sont mises en relief, afin d'initier une discussion en vue de mécanismes pour rehausser la coordination. …

  12. Manual de rotinas para assistência de adolescentes vivendo com HIV/Aids

    Adolescentes e jovens estão sendo infectados e afetados pelo HIV mais do que qualquer outro grupo populacional. As características sócio-demográficas e culturais dos adolescentes e jovens vivendo com HIV/aids mostram a necessidade de se implementar ações de intervenção preventiva e clínica de qualidade que contemple as necessidades desse grupo populacional de forma mais efetiva, integral e participativa. …

  13. Facts on the Sexual and Reproductive Health Of Adolescent Women in the Developing World

    The objective of this brief is to help adolescents to protect their health. Beyond benefiting young people themselves, increased investment in adolescent sexual and reproductive health contributes to broader development goals, especially improvements in the overall status of women and, eventually, reductions in poverty among families. …

  14. Something for Something Love Campaign Strategy

    The Y.E.A.H. (Young Empowered and Healthy) campaign began in 2004 to address the growing need to improve health and social practices among young people in Uganda in response to The Uganda government's call for improved coordination and intensity of behaviour change communication (BCC) efforts. Y.E.A.H. is a multi-channel communication campaign for young people that combines mass media, person-to-person and community media. …

  15. Gender relations and sexual communication among female students in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam

    Young women's ability to pursue a safer-sex life in line with their wishes is crucial to their sexual health. Although some previous observations have suggested that young women's lack of ability to negotiate safer sex is due to gender power imbalances in the culture of Vietnam, studies that have tested this hypothesis explicitly and quantitatively are few and far between. The present study aimed to test the association between perceived gender relations and perceived self-efficacy in communicating sexual matters among undergraduate female students in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam. …


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