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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa, Tanzania Version

    This curriculum is designed to help youth in Tanzania face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants. …

  2. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa, Ghana Version. Participant's workbook

    This curriculum is designed to help youth in Ghana face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants. …

  3. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa. Botswana version. Participant's workbook

    The document is designed to help youth (age 10-24) in Botswana face the challenges of growing up, to help them make decisions about their sexual health, and to prepare for work in the future. It focuses on three important issues young people face: 1) recognizing the importance of adhering to values, 2) learning more about their body's functions and dealing with sexual and reproductive changes, feelings and behaviors and 3) thinking about and planning for their future. …

  4. Good lovers. A new concept of sex education

    The document has been developed by SENSOA, the Flemish expert organisation on sexual health and HIV. It is a provisonal synthesis of the direction that sex education should take. It emphasizes the importance of sex education at school, even if there is no censensus about the content of this controversial subject. It presents sex education as a "fascinating" and important subject for young people because it should guide them in their development into adults who are capable of integrating sexuality and intimacy with others into their lives in a meaningful and positive way. …

  5. National Family Life and HIV Education Curriculum for junior secondary schools in Nigeria

    This curriculum has been developed to assist individuals to have a clear and factual view of humanity; to provide them with the information and skills necessary for rational decision-making about their sexual health; to change behaviour; and to prevent HIV infection. The curriculum is oriented towards learners. Many activities are geared towards making learning practical and pupil-centred. The content gradually becomes more complex as the student moves from one level to the next. The purpose of the curriculum is the promotion of awareness about, and prevention of, HIV. …

  6. Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum

    Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum is a curriculum document developed in 2008 by PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), Mercy Corps and the Liangshan Yi For Empowerment (LYFE) Center on Project GLOW (Giving Leadership Opportunities to Young Women) with support from the Nike Foundation. The document is prepared for facilitators so they can equip and empower Yi adolescent girls with the life skills, health, and economic options necessary to cope and move beyond the challenges of urban migration and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. …

  7. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa, Ghana Version. Facilitator's manual

    This curriculum is designed to help youth in Ghana face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants. …

  8. Gimme 5, Life Orientation Game

    GIMME 5, Life Orientation Game is an awareness game made by Dr. David V. Kolnick in 2005. Played by four individuals, or two teams of two players, it is educational, affording the players the opportunity to make choices, to strategize, and to take risks in order to win. The board is a lesson. Starting from the hut, the house, the shack and the mansion, it shows that HIV/AIDS affects all people, no matter their station in life. The stepping-stones and the bridges, used here instead of the usual board squares, portray the hurdles the player has to overcome as he/she progresses through life. …

  9. Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA

    Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA esta um manual elaborado por Irmã Silke-Andrea Mallman com a colaboração da Ação Católica de Apoio ao AIDS, Maskew Miller Longman e UNESCO em 2004. Não é necessário que as crianças adoeçam ou que sejam infectadas pelo vírus de HIV para que também sejam afectadas pelas suas consequências. O documento é um guia prático destinado a ajudar a crianças afectadas pelos HIV e AIDS a edificar a sua própria resiliência e equipá-las para melhor controlarem o seu próprio destino. …

  10. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa. Botswana version. Facilitator's manual

    The document is designed to help youth (age 10-24) in Botswana face the challenges of growing up, to help them make decisions about their sexual health, and to prepare for work in the future. It focuses on three important issues young people face: 1) recognizing the importance of adhering to values, 2) learning more about their body's functions and dealing with sexual and reproductive changes, feelings and behaviors and 3) thinking about and planning for their future. …

  11. Activity book: beacon schools

    This activity book contains a series of 10 activities for primary school students aged 10 to 12. Designed primarily as an HIV and AIDS curriculum, the Beacon School activity book use activities, exercises, and stories to deliver behaviour change message related to HIV and AIDS. Participating students learn basic life skills and personal and environmental hygiene. They also gain knowledge about, and develop, healthy attitudes towards HIV and AIDS. Goals, key messages, overview, time allocated, necessary materials and preparation are specified for each activity. …

  12. Guidelines for comprehensive sexuality education in Nigeria

    These guidelines present a comprehensive approach to sexuality education, encompassing the key components of a broad definition of sexuality including: sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image and gender roles. The guidelines answer basic questions that educators, policymakers and others need to address when they design or evaluate a comprehensive approach to sexuality education. They provide a framework for developing sexuality education curricula, textbooks and programmes, as well as for evaluating existing programmes. …

  13. Program M. Working with young women: empowerment, rights and health

    This manual is part of Program M - 'M' for 'mulheres' ('women' in Portuguese) and 'mujeres' ('women' in Spanish) - an international initiative to promote young women's empowerment and health. It includes a series of group educational activities to promote young women's awareness of gender inequities, rights and health, and to empower them with applicable skills in different spheres of their lives. The manual has been field-tested in Brazil, Jamaica, Mexico and Nicaragua. …

  14. Naomi's experience, Chela 4

    This document is part of a series of short storybooks for children which are about the story of a 10-year-old girl named Chela. Through her own experiences and the stories of her grandmother, she learns useful lessons of life. The documents introduce issues such as menstruation, sanitary pads, private parts and wet dreams. The four booklets also discuss alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, healthy eating, sexual harassment and abstinence before marriage. They aim to provide basic information on puberty in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. …

  15. Grandmother's visit, Chela 1

    This document is part of a series of short storybooks for children which are about a 10-year-old girl named Chela. Through her own experiences and the stories of her grandmother, she learns useful lessons of life. The documents introduce issues such as menstruation, sanitary pads, private parts and wet dreams. The four booklets also discuss alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, healthy eating, sexual harassment and abstinence before marriage. They aim to provide basic information on puberty in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. …


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