35 p.
The Open University in Scotland
Scotland Malawi Partnership
This booklet is an educational resource to assist teachers in Malawi, to discuss and explore with your learners the new Gender Equality Act (GEA) 2013 written by the Government of Malawi. The emphasis of the GEA is on improving the lives of girls and women. However it is important that you include all learners, boys and girls, in the work you do in the classroom when exploring the GEA. This resource highlights key areas within the Act that are relevant to young people and should be seen as a positive step to benefit Malawian society as a whole. This resource is not a lesson plan, however it will give you background information to the Malawi Gender Equality Act. It will also offer you guidance on how to inform, engage and empower young people to become agents of change in creating a society where gender discrimination is not tolerated. The resource outlines practical activities you can use in the classroom to help learners understand and be empowered by the principles of the Gender Equality Act. The resource can be used in different classes such as Maths, English, History and Social Education as it includes literacy, numeracy and life skills activities throughout. It uses a variety of approaches such as problem solving, co-operation, writing and drama to assist your learners to increase their understanding and knowledge of the GEA.
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