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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Questions and answers: sexual orientation in schools

    These Questions and Answers are designed to support the implementation of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education. The Guidelines are based on evidence that broadly based sexual health education should reflect the diverse needs and realities of all people in ways that are age-appropriate, evidence-based, scientifically accurate, rights-based, culturally sensitive, respectful and inclusive of sexual orientation and gender diversity. …

  2. Questions and answers: gender identity in schools

    This document provides answers to some of the most common questions that educators, parents/caregivers, school administrators, and health professionals may have about gender identity in the Canadian school context. The answers provided in this resource are based on up-to-date evidence and research. These Questions and Answers on gender identity are designed to support the implementation of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education (Guidelines). …

  3. Project H: working with young men series

    This series of five manuals focuses on young men. While many initiatives have sought to empower women in addressing gender-based inequality, the needs of young men appear often to have been neglected. This manual applies a gender perspective in working with young men. It incorporates two major perspectives: gender specificity and gender equity. It seeks to engage boys and to reflect about gender inequalities, to reflect about the ways that women are often disadvantaged and have to take responsibility for childcare, sexual and reproductive health and domestic work. …

  4. Masculinity for boys: resource guide for peer educators

    If the society focuses on male adolescents, properly cultivating and channelising their masculinity, it can benefit the society. Any intervention programme that seeks to address adolescence issues will be incomplete unless it addresses masculinity. This book titled Masculinity for Boys is based on ten years of YAAR's work with the male youth in India on the issues of gender and sexual health. The authors hope to reduce the "fake" masculinity pressures on boys with this information. At the same time, they want to help boys become true men by understanding what real masculinity is.

  5. Sexualidad adolescente: un estudio sobre conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas

    Estudio sobre comportamiento sexual de jóvenes y adolescentes del cantón de Golfito, Costa Rica. A fin de redefinir el Programa de Atención Integral a la Adolescencia (PAIA) llevado a cabo por el gobierno costarricense. Definición del proyecto de salud sexual y reproductiva para adolescentes. Se identifican los problemas y riesgos de este grupo (poco acceso a educación secundaria, falta de trabajo, drogadicción, entre otros), comportamiento y creencias. …

  6. Diversidad sexual, identidad y género

    El Seminario sobre Diversidad Sexual, Identidad y Género de las Altas Autoridades en Derechos Humanos del MERCOSUR, realizado en Montevideo, Uruguay, propone erradicar la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad/expresión de género y reconocer los Derechos de la Diversidad Sexual como Derechos Humanos Fundamentales. …

  7. Life planning skills: a curriculum for young people in Africa, Uganda Version

    This curriculum is designed to help youth in Uganda face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants. …

  8. Educando en la diversidad. Orientación sexual e identidad de género en las aulas: Material pedagógico para aminorar la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género en los establecimientos educacionales de Chile

    Manual de divulgación contra la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género en escuelas. Definición de las diferentes orientaciones sexuales. Discriminación y Derechos Humanos. Políticas educacionales en Chileásobre esta área. Temas a desarrollar en aula.

  9. Guía de acciones estratégicas para prevenir y combatir la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género: derechos humanos, salud y VIH

    Guía de acciones para enfrentar la discriminación de gays, lesbianas, travestis, transexuales, transgénero, bisexuales e intersexuales. Su situación respecto al VIH, sus derechos, desafíos al respecto y propuesta de acciones, tanto a nivel de sociedad civil y medios de comunicación como también el marco legal y políticas públicas.

  10. Epidemic of Inequality. Women's Rights and HIV/AIDS in Botswana and Swaziland. An Evidence-Based Report on the Effects of Gender Inequity, Stigma and Discrimination

    Deeply entrenched gender inequities perpetuate the AIDS pandemic in Botswana and Swaziland, the two countries with the highest HIV prevalence in the world. The legal systems in both countries grant women lesser status than men, restricting property, inheritance and other rights. Social, economic and cultural practices create, enforce and perpetuate legalized gender inequalities and discrimination in all aspects of women's lives. …

  11. Voprosy molodezhi Kyrgystana ob otnoshenijax mezhdu parnjami i devushkami i otvety na nix. Vol. 3

    This document is the third volume in a series of eight "question and answer" booklets developed in Kyrgyzstan by UNICEF and the GTZ. Similar booklets have been initially developed by GTZ in Tanzania and then adapted to different countries. The present series consists of an adaptation to the needs and cultural context of Kyrgyzstan, based on a survey realized among Kyrgyz adolescents. It is designed to equip young people with the necessary knowledge to make healthy choices for themselves and their peers. …

  12. Concept sex education for youths: sex education, contraception and family planning

    This publication develops sex education concepts to stimulate and promote an interdisciplinary discourse on sexuality, contraception and family planning. It sets out the fundamentals of sex education for young people, defining the framework conditions, the starting situation, the goals and the target groups. In addition, it provides information on the communicative approach and the various subject areas. …

  13. Mainstreaming gender equality into national response to HIV and AIDS Nigerian case study

    This book describes the successful efforts to mainstream gender into the National Strategic Framework (NSF). Part 1 presents the situation analysis that set out the context of the Nigerian case study. Part 2 describes the processes employed and steps taken to mainstream gender into the NSF, and highlights the achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the Nigerian experience. The book provides a model that other countries can emulate.

  14. Young women's perceived ability to refuse sex in urban Cameroon

    This study is an article extracted from "Studies in family Planning" published in December 2008. It draws upon data from the 2002 Cameroon Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey to analyse the determinants of young women's perceived ability to refuse sex in urban Cameroon. Young women's status characteristics predict their vulnerability differently under different circumstances, and young women report having a lower ability to refuse sex in their relationships with men in positions of power over them. …

  15. National gender policy plan on HIV and AIDS 2006-2010

    Papua New Guinea's National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006-2010 (NSP) recognised that gender is a key factor shaping both the epidemic and the national response to it. To ensure that the gender dimensions of the epidemic receive sufficient attention, the National AIDS Council (NAC) commissioned this National Gender Policy and Plan on HIV and AIDS (NGP). It is based on extensive consultations and research carried out between 2004 and 2006, including a gender audit of the NSP and a gender impact evaluation of the activities of the National HIV/AIDS Support Project (NHASP). …


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