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A review was conducted to assess key achievements of the Accelerate Initiative, lessons learned and possible ways forward. The output of this review is a technical paper titled ‘Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS: Five Years On’, which describes how UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank and other partners have been working together since 2002 to help countries in sub-Saharan Africa develop strong leadership in the education sector response to HIV and AIDS.
Regardless of their diversity in culture, economic conditions and social and political structures, developing countries share a set of common and well defined goals. The introduction of Life skills education at both basic and tertiary education was meant among other things to improve all aspects of the quality education, ensuring equitable access to appropriate learning and facilitating Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) initiatives. …
Despite recent progress in meeting the goals of the Education for All agenda, certain groups of young people are particularly vulnerable to exclusion and underachievement, including children with HIV/AIDS, children living in poverty, and children with disabilities. HIV/AIDS has reduced many young people’s rights to access education, to live a full and healthy life, and to have a life as a child. …
This guide is a follow-up of the UNESCO consultation on homophobic bullying in educational institutions during 2011-2012. On 16 May 2012, a UNESCO report on homophobic bullying in educational institutions was published. GALE, which is a formal cooperating partner of UNESCO, assisted the consultation process by pointing the way to research, good practices and NGO partners, and by providing input in the publication. The UNESCO report contains an analysis and general suggestions. …
Background: We set out to estimate, for the three geographical regions with the highest HIV prevalence, (sub-Saharan Africa [SSA], the Caribbean and the Greater Mekong sub-region of East Asia), the human resource and economic impact of HIV on the supply of education from 2008 to 2015, the target date for the achievement of Education For All (EFA), contrasting the continuation of access to care, support and Antiretroviral therapy (ART) to the scenario of universal access. …
Education including life skills-based education has a positive role to play in contexts where messages have been accurate, HIV education coverage in schools has been high, and implementation has been sustained and to scale. At best however – and importantly – school-based HIV education is just one component of what UNAIDS calls combination HIV prevention, in which a range of actions provide a comprehensive mix of approaches. HIV education remains work in progress. …
Providing good quality education to all children in the poorest countries of the world is not a simple task. However, improving children’s health and nutrition is one simple step that can be taken towards achieving this goal. Health and nutrition programmes offer substantial benefits to children’s education, helping them to attend school and learn while there. …
In 1994, delegations assembled in Cairo from 179 member states and from thousands of NGOs for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). Member states negotiated a 20-year action plan to develop a “new era of population” by 2015. The ICPD Programme of Action (also known as the Cairo Consensus) placed the individual needs and rights of men and, especially, women as the single most important factor for governments in determining population and development policies and strategies. This demonstrated a shift from the previous focus on achieving demographic targets. …
This paper examines the relationship between education and HIV/AIDS with special reference to South Asia. The paper offers an overview of major regional trends in HIV/AIDS. It looks more closely at the links between education and HIV/AIDS as well as lessons learned. The focus here is on global experience to date, although local experience within South Asia is drawn upon where it has been documented. Finally, it considers the implications of HIV/AIDS for education and development within the region - both in relation to the attainment of EFA goals and challenges ahead.
Le Ministère de la Solidarité Nationale, du Rapatriement, de la Reconstruction Nationale, des Droits de la Personne Humaine et du Genre a alors comme mission principale de promouvoir le bien-être de la population basé sur une solidarité sociale ou communautaire. …
Recent changes in the law mean that we have a responsibility to support all young people - including those who are lesbian, gay or bisexual. This guide covers how adults can indicate to young people that they will be supportive of any young person who is lesbian, gay or bisexual, and how to respond if a young person comes out and how to support them once they have come out. It also provides top ten tips and features good practice examples from Stonewall Education Champions.
This research provides pioneering understanding of the current experience of the children of lesbian and gay parents. Many come from families which look remarkably like everyone else's. However, their lived experience is often similar to that of so many black or Asian or Jewish children. It's the prejudices of others that cause them far more distress than their own personal or family characteristics. Having interviewed children as young as four, this study also provides groundbreaking insights into the existence of homophobia in Britain's schools, including primary schools. …
All children need to be prepared for life in 21st century Britain. All primary schools want children to learn and play in an environment where they can be themselves and can talk honestly about their families. Primary school teachers say that children can experience homophobic bullying and may use homophobic language in their schools. This document provides ten recommendations for primary schools on challenging homophobia.
Guided by the overall principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Zimbabwean education act, the national policy on gender, the Orphan Care Policy and National Plan of Action for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children, the proposed five year National Girls' Education strategic plan aims to accelerate Zimbabwe's progress towards UPE in the context of gender and other social asymmetries in accessing education. …
Adolescentes e jovens estão sendo infectados e afetados pelo HIV mais do que qualquer outro grupo populacional. As características sócio-demográficas e culturais dos adolescentes e jovens vivendo com HIV/aids mostram a necessidade de se implementar ações de intervenção preventiva e clínica de qualidade que contemple as necessidades desse grupo populacional de forma mais efetiva, integral e participativa. …