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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Convergence of HIV and sexual and reproductive health services for people living with or most at risk of HIV: A toolkit for building capacity

    HIV-SRH convergence is defined as a very wide range of activities or processes, which are undertaken with an objective to provide a complete package to enable people to access services for HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) which overlap. The aim of this capacity-building toolkit is to provide practical guidance for building capacity of various institutions to converge or integrate HIV and SRH services strategically, so that people who are living with HIV or are most at risk of HIV can access the SRH services they need without any barriers. …

  2. From Prevention through Protection: Expanding the HIV Response for Children and Young People in Pakistan

    Because Pakistan is in a concentrated epidemic driven by injecting drug users and male and hijra (transgender) sex workers, a campaign was launched. In addition, Pakistan has one of the largest cohorts of young people in the world - 60% of the nearly 160,000,000 are under the age of 24 years. These young people need correct information on HIV in order to protect themselves and their peers. …

  3. International and local good practice in workplace HIV and AIDS programme: a desktop review, 2009

    This report aims to identify and describe what is considered good practice as regards workplace HIV programmes. It is anticipated that the findings will feed into the national-level Higher Education Workplace HIV and AIDS Programme Framework and down into the Higher Education Institution (HEI)-specific workplace programmes.

  4. Supporting the educational needs of HIV-positive learners in Tanzania

    As part of a two-country study (with Namibia), TAMASHA was contracted by UNESCO to carry out research into the needs of children in school living with HIV and the extent to which their rights and needs were being fulfilled. This research was carried out by interviewing national policy-makers and officials, as well as district officials in Njombe District. Children living with HIV and others affected by AIDS were also interviewed, together with their parents, guardians and teachers, and organizations working with them in Dar-es-Salaam and Njombe District in Iringa Region. …

  5. The Librarian's Guide to Sex Education Resources: Audiovisual, Print and Web-based Materials for Youth, Parents, and Youth-Serving Professionals

    This guide offers a selected resources list about sex and sexual health for young people, parents, teachers, educators and other youth-serving professionals. The resources are divided into five sections according to type of media: video, audio, computer-based, print and web-based.

  6. Supporting the educational needs of HIV-positive learners in Namibia

    As part of a two-country study (with Tanzania), RAISON was contracted by UNESCO to carry out research into the needs of children in school living with HIV and the extent to which their rights and needs were being fulfilled. Information for this study was derived from 76 respondents in Namibia who contributed to interviews and group discussions in February and March 2008. The research was designed to address the following questions: What barriers face HIV-positive learners in accessing education and staying at school? …

  7. Institutional HIV/AIDS policy of the University of Port Harcourt

    The sub-Saharan Africa is one of the hardest hit regions by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In response to this pandemic, the Association of African Universities (AAU) awarded the University of Port Harcourt a grant of US$ 5,000 to develop an institutional HIV/AIDS policy that will guide the university in combating the spread of the disease. …

  8. HIV and AIDS Policy

    The impact of the epidemic has given a new dimension to the University's social responsibility in the wake of changing socioeconomic milieu. The development and adoption of the University HIV and AIDS Policy is intended to facilitate the domestication of the National HIV and AIDS Policy and the Education Sector HIV and AIDS Policy within the Egerton University setting as a specific workplace and learning institution.This policy document acts as a guideline for effective adoption of HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support programmes and activities within the University and its environs.

  9. HIV/AIDS Policy of the Public Service of Belize

    In line with the mandate of the Office of Governance, this policy has been formulated to integrate the issue of HIV/AIDS into the mainstream human capital management policies of the Belize Public Service. This policy is based on the recognition that recruitment, preservation and motivation of high quality employees are an essential component of an effective Public Service. This Policy establishes a set of guidelines to protect the health and welfare of Public Officers in the face of the challenge presented by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. …

  10. Sistematización y documentación de las mejores prácticas prevención de VIH/SIDA en población joven entre 10-18 años en la Republica Dominicana

    Este documento fue publicado por la Coalición ONG SIDA y la UNICEF Republica Dominicana en 2004. Se trata de examinar cinco programas que han sido exitosos en la prevención de VIH/SIDA en la población de adolescentes y jóvenes. Resalta las mejores prácticas y muestra como se llevaron a cabo esas prácticas de manera que puedan ser aplicadas por otras instituciones. …

  11. Concept sex education for youths: sex education, contraception and family planning

    This publication develops sex education concepts to stimulate and promote an interdisciplinary discourse on sexuality, contraception and family planning. It sets out the fundamentals of sex education for young people, defining the framework conditions, the starting situation, the goals and the target groups. In addition, it provides information on the communicative approach and the various subject areas. …

  12. Training youth caregivers to provide HIV education and support to orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa

    A study conducted in KwaZulu Natal suggests that utilizing trained youth caregivers is a feasible approach for reaching orphans and vulnerable children with HIV prevention education and support. Participants were enthusiastic about the program and demonstrated some improvements in HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, and communication.

  13. Improving the education response to HIV and AIDS: lessons of partner efforts in coordination, harmonisation, alignment, information sharing and monitoring in Jamaica, Kenya, Thailand and Zambia

    This report documents the findings of a study on the quality and effectiveness of collaboration among partners involved in the HIV and AIDS response in the education sector. The purpose of this study was to document how external partners coordinate and harmonise their efforts at the country level, to identify areas of overlap and significant gaps in country responses, and to formulate recommendations for improving synergy and alignment across IATT member agencies and other actors operating at the country level. …

  14. End project evaluation for GFATM community based drop-in-centre for street children project, implemented by PAVHNA in Karachi

    The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) has registered 4047 cases of HIV and 455 cases of AIDS till December 2007. In Pakistan, the epidemic has been registered as concentrated with HIV prevalence among intravenous drug users above 5%. The overall objective of the component under evaluation of Round 2 GFATM (Global Fund for AIDS, Tubercolosis and Malaria) proposal was to improve knowledge of HIV transmission among street children of Karachi from baseline of 5% to 60% by 2006. …

  15. Somalia HIV/AIDS prevention, advocacy and communication framework

    The HIV/AIDS prevention, advocacy and communication framework for Somalia has been developed for cross-cutting communications support to the priority strategies identified in the 'Strategic framework for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and STIs within Somali Populations.' The Communication Framework addresses HIV/AIDS advocacy, training, IEC material, and capacity building needs for Somali populations. …


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