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Zimbabwe, like most of Sub-Saharian Africa, has been hard-hit by HIV/AIDS. National estimates reported by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare put the prevalence rates of HIV in the age group between 15 and 49 at 15.3% (WHO, UNICEF, & UNAIDS, 2008). This is one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world (UNAIDS, 2008). The impact of the pandemic has been so severe that current mitigation efforts fall short of alleviating the situation, especially as it pertains to the plight of children. …
This article, based on empirical qualitative data gained from a survey and interviews with a group of early childhood educators, argues for the inclusion of sexual differences, or more specifically, gay and lesbian equity issues, in approaches to anti-bias. The article examines the discourses that prevail in the field, that perpetuate the perceived irrelevance, invisibility and exclusion of lesbian and gay issues in early childhood settings and education generally. …
The Essential Package is a comprehensive set of tools and guides for policy makers, program managers and service providers to address the unique needs and competencies of young children, particularly those affected or infected by HIV/AIDS, in an integrated and holistic way. Materials have been developed based on a comprehensive literature review of the effects of HIV and AIDS on young children and caregivers and a review of current programs and materials addressing the needs of vulnerable children, and specifically in relation to ECD.
Early diagnosis of children living with HIV is a prerequisite for accessing timely paediatric HIV care and treatment services and for optimizing treatment outcomes. Testing of HIV-exposed infants at 6 weeks and later is part of the national prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programme in Zimbabwe, but many opportunities to test infants and children are being missed. …
Este material didáctico es un marco teórico de referencia que, en su articulación con las orientaciones metodológicas aportadas, constituyen un punto de partida que resulta indispensable para la adecuada preparación del personal pedagógico, con vistas a cumplir efectiva y científicamente la función de educadores y promotores de una sexualidad sana, plena y responsable, libre de riesgos en las niñas y niños, los y las adolescentes y jóvenes, atendiendo a las características de estos grupos etarios y las del contexto sociocultural en que se desarrollan.
This Manual is designed to be used to guide the conduct of a 6-day Trainer of Trainers workshop for approximately 20 participants. It is primarily instructor-led but may be used for self-paced learning by persons in the early childhood field. …
Data from two primary schools in Durban, South Africa finds that discussions on gender and sexuality during life skills lessons are not sufficiently in-depth and comprehensive. Teachers find it difficult to provide comprehensive information on sex, sexuality and gender at the primary school level due to discourses on childhood innocence. The paper discusses implications for teacher training in the conclusion.
For the goals of Education for All (EFA) to be achieved, children must be healthy enough not only to attend school but also to learn while there. Because school health and nutrition programs specifically benefit poor, sick, and hungry children, they can make a key contribution to achieving EFA's goals. However, children can benefit only if the programs reach them. …
This strategic plan is aimed at ensuring that all children in need of psychosocial support (PSS) in Swaziland are reached. It will further strengthen and standardize the quality of PSS training, service delivery and finally advocate for mainstreaming of PSS in all programmes targeting children in the country. The strategy advocates that all PSS interventions should be grounded in the Swazi culture. …
This document represents part of a SAfAIDS project implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Services (MoLSS), which documents Good Practices in OVC programming in Zimbabwe. The goal of the project is to scale-up information generation and dissemination and thereby encourage the replication of Good Practices in the care and support of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Zimbabwe. …
le présent plan sectoriel de l'éducation prend en compte les objectifs du Plan National de Développement de l'Education (PNDE), de Juin 1999, du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD), de l'an 2000, du Plan National d'Action de l'Education Pour Tous (PNA.EPT), d'Avril 2004, des insuffisances du système éducatif récemment mises en exergue par le Rapport d'Etat du Système Educatif National Centrafricain RESEN/RCA) et surtout les axes prioritaires contenus dans le Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté. …
The National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) is a three-year plan subject to review and focuses on children who are the most vulnerable and at risk in Ghanaian society. There has not been a recent comprehensive assessment of OVC in Ghana and the first part of the plan attempts a brief assessment of OVC in relation to their care and protection. …
This document includes highlights of the work during 2009 of WHO's Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH). It provides an overview of the key achievements in the areas of newborn, child and adolescent health and development at headquarters, regional and country levels. It also includes a statistical annex covering key indicators for child health in a selection of countries with high under-five mortality rates, as well as adolescent health profiles for five countries representing different regions. …
This notebook concerns HIV/AIDS and Early Childhood. Summary is: The Two Who Survive: The impact of HIV/AIDS on young children, their families and communities; - Infant Feeding Practices in Africa in the Context of HIV/AIDS: Comments and Excerpts from Early Breastfeeding Cessation as an Option for Reducing Postnatal Transmission of HIV in Africa;- Bernard van Leer Foundation-supported Initiatives, Africa Region; - Case Studies: Speak for the Child: A Program for AIDS-affected under-fives in Kenya; - Case Studies: Early Childhood Education and Care and the AIDS Epidemic in Brazil.
This review studies a total of 33 policies and policy-related plans, strategies, and guidelines were reviewed for the Mainland and 14 for Zanzibar. …