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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems for Families and Children Impacted by HIV/AIDS: Four Program Case Studies from Kenya and Rwanda

    This document describes four family and community-centered approaches to caring for and treating HIV-affected children and households, three in Rwanda and one in Kenya. The four projects described all share a common commitment to delivery of care in the community rather than limiting provision of care to health facilities. …

  2. Psychosocial care and support for young children and infants in the time of HIV and Aids: A resource for programming

    This publication is offered as a resource for programme staff in organisations that work with babies and young children, or their parents or caregivers, in the context of HIV and Aids, poverty and conflict. It is not intended for direct presentation to grassroots community workers, parents or caregivers.It can be used to develop programmes, training or action sheets for local needs. The material contained in this publication can be used as a set of principles or guidelines.

  3. Sehat-1: Class 1: Teacher's guide

    Practical guide to teach six health topics (Hygiene and Disease Prevention, Environmental and Community Health, Family and Social Health) to children in class one. The manual is divided into 4 to 6 lessons.

  4. Educación de la Sexualidad, Salud Reproductiva y Equidad de Género: Dirigido a docentes y otros adultos significativos que atienden niños y niñas entre 0 y 6 años

    Fragmento del libro "Currículo de Educación Inicial", publicado por el Ministerio de Educación y Deportes de Venezuela, dedicado a la educación sexual, salud reproductiva y equidad de género. …

  5. Social, personal and health education: resource materials for relationships and sexuality education. Junior and Senior infant class

    The resource materials presented here are based on the Interim Curriculum and Guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and approved by the Department of Education and Science. They are not prescriptive, rather they provide a menu of options for classroom lessons from which teachers can choose in accordance with their school RSE Policy.

  6. Educación sexual: su incorporación al sistema educativo

    Ponencias, paneles y mesas redondas del seminario taller Incorporación formal de la educación sexual al sistema educativo público uruguayo (julio de 2007) y el Seminario de Educación Sexual (noviembre de 2007) efectuado en Montevideo, Uruguay. Se abordan temas de educación sexual, sexología, experiencias educativas formales y no formales, formación docente, visión histórica, género y prevención del VIH/SIDA.

  7. School Health Policy of Lesotho

    The School Health Policy of Lesotho seeks to establish and promote policies for the development and management of vital services within the school setting for both learners and employees. The School Health Policy is a result of an extensive consultative process involving various players in and outside Lesotho. The needs and expectations of the learners, employees and society were considered and reconciled in arriving at the policies. The Policy encourages the participation of other players through a multi-sectoral approach. …

  8. UNESCO Beyrouth commence à combattre le VIH et sida

    Cet article est publié par le bureau régional de l'UNESCO à Beyrouth afin de sensibiliser et de mobiliser les politiques, les journalistes, les leaders religieux, les intellectuels et le grand public à la gravité du VIH et sida et la nécessité de combattre fermement cette épidémie ravageuse. Il vise essentiellement à "briser le mur du silence" entourant le VIH et sida dans le monde arabe et à lutter contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination associées à cette maladie. …

  9. Aids nas Escolas - Encarte Ciência Hoje

    Este documento foi elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. E um material de apoio à pesquisa dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental (Básico) sobre a temática do HIV/SIDA ensinada em sala de aula. O documento contém 6 livretes com desenhos e textos que tratam de vários temas em relação ao HIV/SIDA. 1) Pequeno diário sobre Virus e sida (Vírus : o que são? como entram no organismo? que doenças podem provocar?) 2) Pequenos comentários sobre o nosso sistema de defesa (anticorpos : o que são? …

  10. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2007. Strong foundations: early childhood care and education

    Strong foundations, Early childhood care and education is the EFA (Education for All) Global Monitoring Report 2007 made under the supervision of UNESCO. It is part of The Education for All movement; a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults by 2015. This report focuses on the first EFA goal, which calls upon countries to expand and improve early childhood care and education - a holistic package encompassing care, health and nutrition in addition to education. …

  11. Right from the start: guidelines for sexuality issues (birth to five years)

    These guidelines were developed by a task force of experts and have been thoroughly reviewed by professionals. The vision of sexuality advocated is a "natural and healthy part of living that begins at birth and continues throughout life". The guidelines recommend actively including parents and caregivers in the teaching process and advising preschools and childcare centres to keep their teaching consistent with community norms. …

  12. Mortality, mobility, and schooling outcomes among orphans. Evidence from Malawi

    More than 30 percent of school-aged children have lost at least one parent in Malawi. Lack of investments in human capital and adverse conditions during childhood are often associated with lower living standards in the future. Therefore, if orphans face an increased risk of poverty, exploitation, malnutrition, and poorer access to health care and schooling, early intervention is critical so as to avoid the potential poverty trap. …

  13. AIDS-related parental loss: does the age when the trauma occurs matter?

    The purpose of this paper is to use data from the Kagera region of northwestern Tanzania to investigate the long run impact of the timing of parental death on the education outcomes. …

  14. Child participation in education initiatives

    This guide from CRS/Zimbabwe addresses child participation in many aspects of programming. Child participation is one of the guiding principles of the convention on the rights of the child and increasing the scope and level of child participation should be an objective for every education or child protection program. This guide presents many useful suggestions for ways to increase child participation, but what is required most of all is a belief in the value of child participation and a commitment to making it happen in a meaningful way. …

  15. Addressing the needs of young adolescents

    Worldwide, nearly 10 percent of people are ages 10 to 14, and in developing countries, the percentage is often higher (e.g., Uganda, 16 percent).1 Early adolescence marks a critical time of physical, developmental, and social changes. Interventions during early adolescence may be more effective in shaping healthy attitudes and behaviors than in late adolescence, when attitudes and behaviors are more established. Young adolescents are also more likely to still be in school and less likely to have begun sexual activity.


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