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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Lesbian, gay and bisexual citizenship: a case study as represented in a sample of South African life orientation textbooks

    Over the past two decades, sexual citizenship has emerged as a new form of citizenship coupled with increased interest in the challenges to citizenship and social justice faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and, in particular, by sexual minority youth within education systems. In South Africa, the rights of LGBTI people have been institutionalized by legislation, and research has begun to consider how educators may facilitate a more inclusive school environment for LGBTI youth. …

  2. A framework for monitoring and evaluating HIV prevention programmes for most-at-risk populations

    This publication provides guidance to governments, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other members of civil society in monitoring and evaluating (M&E;) HIV prevention programmes for most-at-risk populations. It is designed primarily for programme managers and others involved in planning and implementing M&E; of programmes and projects for most-at-risk populations at both national and subnational levels. This framework includes methods and tools that can be applied at the national, and perhaps more appropriately, at the subnational level. …

  3. Desk review of programmes for most at risk young people in six Pacific countries - Cook Islands, FSM, Marshall Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Samoa

    Across the Pacific region, youth population between 10-25 years of age represents about 56% of the pacific population of 9.5 million, with 37% under the age of 14 years. The region’s median age is 21 years. UNICEF, UNFPA and SPC jointly support 10 countries across the Pacific to deliver programs targeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of young people. A 2007 Review of the Adolescent Health and Development (AHD) Program recommended specifically targeting vulnerable, marginalized and most at risk groups of young people. …

  4. Good policy and practice in HIV and health education. Booklet 8: Education sector responses to homophobic bullying

    This booklet is the eighth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO’s work in HIV and Health Education. It marks the first of several contributions to school-based health promotion that UNESCO will produce to complement our work in HIV and sexuality education. The booklet lays out the context, extent and impact of homophobic bullying and synthesizes lessons learned as well as good policies and practices for an education sector response to homophobic bullying. This booklet is intended mainly for education sector policy-makers, planners and managers. …

  5. Tackling violence in school: A global perspective. Bridging the gap between standards and practice

    On any given day, more than one billion children around the world attend school. Many of these children enjoy their right to be taught in a safe and stimulating environment. For many others, however, schooling does not guarantee such opportunity. These girls and boys are exposed to bullying, sexual and gender-based violence, corporal punishment and other forms of violence with or without the approval of education authorities. Many are also exposed to schoolyard fighting, gang violence, assault with weapons, and sexual and gender-based violence by their own peers. …

  6. Eres joven, latina, hermosa y tienes futuro

    Eres joven, latina, hermosa y tienes futuro Poster.

  7. Keys, Cards, Condoms Poster

    Got your keys? Got your cards? Got your condoms? Poster.

  8. Young, Black, Beautiful and In Control Poster

    Young, Black, Beautiful and In Control Poster. We're young, black, beautiful and In control. We decide when to have sex...and we always use a condom.

  9. Profiles in equity: Better practices for women, children and AIDS

    Significant challenges remain in narrowing the gap between beneficiaries and those still missing from the AIDS response. …

  10. Reaching the Unreached: A Practical Guide to Producing HIV and AIDS Prevention Audio-Visual Material in Ethnic Minority Language

    The manual is designed for people who want to develop materials in ethnic minority languages but are not sure how. Explaining and giving examples of why culture and language are essential in HIV prevention, the manual offers a simple but detailed explanation of the 12-Step UNESCO Methodology for developing and creating these culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention materials such as such as radio shows, TV soap operas, comics and movies. It also outlines practical steps needed to design and produce a prevention drama in ethnic minority languages. …

  11. Preventing teen pregnancy among marginalized youth: Developing a policy, program, and research agenda for the future

    The document is a report produced by Healthy Teen Networks in September 2008. Its vision is that all young people make responsible decisions regarding their sexual, reproductive, and parenting behaviors. The document focuses on improving the effective transition to adulthood among all young by examining how to be more effective in reducing their risk of early pregnancy. …

  12. From Bangladesh to the Arab States: HIV Vulnerabilities Faced by Migrant Women

    This study is part of a UNDP regional research initiative on HIV vulnerability faced by Asian women migrant workers of deploying countries - Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines and Sri Lanka - working in three destination countries in the Arab States, Bahrain, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates. …

  13. Bio-behavioral study conducted among young people and most at risk populations for HIV infection in Republic of Macedonia in 2007

    This report represents the findings of the second cross-sectional study conducted in 2006, one years after the first study. The behavioral study is conducted among Intravenous Drug Users, Sex Workers, Men having Sex with Men, prisoners, STI patients including the group of young people aged 15-24 and Roma population.

  14. Diversidad sexual en la escuela. Dinámicas pedagógicas para enfrentar la homofobia

    Documento con dinámicas y actividades a realizarse en la escuela orientadas a fomentar el respeto a la diversidad sexual. Este manual se organiza en cuatro capítulos centrales y otros apartados complementarios. …

  15. Synergising HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. A Manual for NGOs

    Synergising HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. A Manual for NGOs is a document developed by AIDSNET, the Danish NGO Network on AIDS and Development in 2006. It provides guidance to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as their partners in low-income countries on how NGOs can integrate HIV/AIDS related issues with those of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). However, the manual can be used by staff and partners of any NGO with an interest in HIV/AIDS and related aspects of SRHR and other public health issues. …


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