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A recent report from NatCen found that schools lack confidence in dealing with homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying, are unsure how to address it and feel under-resourced. Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) and Education Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) are working closely together with schools in urban and rural areas across the West of England: building their capacity to challenge and prevent homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. …
Titles from this issue: Associations between peer victimization and academic performance; The biological underpinnings of peer victimization: understanding why and how the effects of bullying can last a lifetime; Cyberbullying: what does research tell us?; Teacher–student agreement on “bullies and kids they pick on” in elementary school classrooms: gender and grade differences; Understanding homophobic behavior and its implications for policy and practice; The influence of psychosocial factors on bullying involvement of students with disabilities; The role of social-emotional learning in bully …
People with disabilities are at increased risk of exposure to HIV, yet they lack access to HIV prevention, treatment care and support including sexuality education. Lack of knowledge, skills and confidence of educators teaching sexuality education to learners with disabilities is related to this increased vulnerability. This study identifies possible challenges educators of learners with disabilities face when teaching sexuality and HIV education. …
Integrating disability in the post 2015 development agenda is part of a broader strategy for achieving equity. Inclusive approaches to education and health are required to ensure equal rights and opportunities, personal autonomy and dignity to all children, regardless of their social status, gender, age, physical or mental condition, race, religion or sexual orientation. The purpose of this document is to support the implementation of comprehensive school health and nutrition programmes (SHNP) that are inclusive of children with disabilities. …
This report is published in response to a request for advice from the Welsh Government in the Minister’s annual remit letter to Estyn for 2013-2014. The report examines the effectiveness of action taken by schools to address bullying, with particular reference to bullying on the grounds of pupils’ protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation). The report includes case studies of best practice illustrating how the best practice schools deal with bullying. …
IPPF’s comprehensive response to HIV is situated within a wider sexual and reproductive health framework. It links prevention with treatment, care and support; reduces HIV-related stigma and discrimination; and responds to the unique regional and national characteristics of the HIV epidemic. These real-life testimonies highlight how our work – shaped and pioneered by the efforts of thousands of committed staff, volunteers and partners – makes the vital links between HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights.
This report presents the findings of a research study that made a specific investigation into the SRE needs of young people aged 16 to 19 with learning disabilities. The study comprised four focus groups carried out with young people aged 16 to 19 with learning disabilities. A summary of the views of non-disabled young people consulted (also through focus groups) in the earlier research is included in this report for comparison. …
Les informations collectées au cours de l’EDS-MICS 2011 permettent de mettre à jour des indicateurs de base sur la situation démographique et sanitaire estimés lors des précédentes EDS de 1991, 1998 et 2004 et des précédentes MICS de 2000 et 2006. Ces données vont aussi faciliter le suivi et l’évaluation des programmes de lutte contre le VIH/sida, du paludisme et ceux concernant spécifiquement la santé maternelle et infantile et le bien-être familial. …
This systematic review focuses on empirical work on disability and HIV/AIDS in Africa in the past decade and considers all the literature currently accessible. The review presents data from different surveys and summarizes the findings. In this way, it convincingly reveals that people with disabilities are very vulnerable to contracting HIV, and lack access to information, testing and treatment. The review further reveals gaps in the research and areas of concern. While vulnerability and accessibility have been investigated, there are few prevalence studies or evaluations available. …
The propose of the study was to probe in greater depth, and within the more systematic frame of a research methodology, the dynamics of two current initiatives aiming to provide support to vulnerable children in both Lesotho and Swaziland. Each of the four interventions had within their programme designs a main emphasis on enabling school enrolment and sustaining school attendance. At the same time, the interventions looked to support the more comprehensive needs of vulnerable children and, by doing so, to enhance their overall life situation. …
This national school health strategic implementation plan aims to identify and mainstream key health interventions for improved school health and education. The strategy comprises eight thematic areas; these are: Values and life skills, Gender issues, Child rights, child protection and responsibilities, Special needs, disability and rehabilitation, Water, sanitation and hygiene, Nutrition, Disease prevention and control and School infrastructure and environmental safety. …
This meta-synthesis of empirical and nonempirical literature analyzed 24 journal articles and book chapters that addressed the intersection of disability, [homo]sexuality, and gender identity/ expression in P-12 schools, colleges and universities, supported living programs, and other educational and social contexts in Australia, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. …
This assessment explores: available data on key groups of vulnerable children; key issues facing these groups of children; existing options of care and protection for vulnerable children; knowledge and attitudes of children, adults and local authorities regarding different systems of care and protection; existing policy and legislation. The final section of this report presents recommendations on how to take forward the process of developing national policy and plans of action.
This policy is for all children in Swaziland. …
Le présent document de travail a pour but de susciter des discussions en vue d'une amélioration de la coordination et de l'intégration de tels programmes. À cette fin, certaines incohérences et incompatibilités entre divers ressorts sont mises en relief, afin d'initier une discussion en vue de mécanismes pour rehausser la coordination. …