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"Sexuality and HIV & AIDS" was the theme of the 4th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from February 8th to 12th, 2010. The main objective of the Conference was to identify vulnerabilities and vulnerable people that are critical to SRHR and HIV/AIDS interventions. The Conference sought to introduce new insights to initiatives that will stem the spread of HIV and AIDS and map a course of action for SRHR. A key expected outcome was a shift away from moral approaches and expansion of the discussion of sexuality from a rights based perspective. …
As part of a two-country study (with Namibia), TAMASHA was contracted by UNESCO to carry out research into the needs of children in school living with HIV and the extent to which their rights and needs were being fulfilled. This research was carried out by interviewing national policy-makers and officials, as well as district officials in Njombe District. Children living with HIV and others affected by AIDS were also interviewed, together with their parents, guardians and teachers, and organizations working with them in Dar-es-Salaam and Njombe District in Iringa Region. …
The goal of this handbook is to highlight some of the best practices around the world in HIV/AIDS services, programmes and policies for people with disabilities. This handbook is primarily aimed at organizations involved in or intending to be involved in programming and advocacy to influence or to develop policy and programmes in HIV/AIDS service delivery for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). This includes both mainstream HIV/AIDS organizations, and those working primarily with/for people with disabilities. …
Artículo que aborda la problemática del VIH/SIDA y las personas con discapacidad. El olvido en que cae este grupo al abordar respuestas al VIH/SIDA y como esta epidemia las está afectando. El artículo propone medidas para incluirlas en planes de prevención según su tipo de discapacidad (visual, auditiva, física, intelectual).
Ensuring social protection for vulnerable people is a goal of MKUKUTA (the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty) in Tanzania, and children are commonly considered to be among the most vulnerable. REPOA has been involved in analytic work on the vulnerability of children, in part to provide evidence for Government's efforts to develop a national framework for social protection. This special paper synthesises the analysis and draws some conclusions based on this and closely related work.
This guide covers basic ideas on community mobilisation, youth participation and participatory tools with examples from Africa. It aims to equip users with competencies to develop the capacity of communities and young people to work together to address sexual and reproductive health (including HIV) needs of young people in Uganda. It provides tools and processes for mobilising young people and communities at various stages and planning activities for HIV prevention.
The process of linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS needs to work in both directions: traditional sexual and reproductive health services need to integrate HIV/AIDS interventions, and programmes set up to address the AIDS epidemic need to integrate more general services for sexual and reproductive health. The case studies featured in this series have been chosen to demonstrate this two-way flow and to reflect the diversity of integration models. …
As part of a two-country study (with Tanzania), RAISON was contracted by UNESCO to carry out research into the needs of children in school living with HIV and the extent to which their rights and needs were being fulfilled. Information for this study was derived from 76 respondents in Namibia who contributed to interviews and group discussions in February and March 2008. The research was designed to address the following questions: What barriers face HIV-positive learners in accessing education and staying at school? …
Número de la revista Observatorio de Juventud dedicada al tema de juventud y sexualidad. Contiene los siguientes artículos: - Sexualidad juvenil y cultura en el Chile actual. Reflexiones desde el campo de la antropología, por Andrea Aravena R. - Trayectorias sexuales, vínculos y contextos en la generación que hace su entrada en la sexualidad activa en democracia, por Irma Palma. - De la vulnerabilidad a los escenarios culturales: Algunos elementos para una cartografía de las sexualidades juveniles y su relación con el auto-cuidado y el riesgo, por Christian Paulo Madrid. …
The paper examines the degree to which orphans and other vulnerable children is addressed in national development instruments in eastern and southern Africa, assuming that integration brings tangible benefits for orphans and vulnerable children. …
The purpose of this paper is to use data from the Kagera region of northwestern Tanzania to investigate the long run impact of the timing of parental death on the education outcomes. …
Until the 2006 United Nations Study on Violence against Children, the problem of school-based violence remained largely invisible.The UN Study and the consultation process around it, however, revealed that a high incidence of violence against children occurs at or around schools and other educational facilities. …
Pregnant teenagers, who die twice as often during childbirth as women in their 20s, need appropriate services to prevent death and disability.
The handbook, meant for health workers, community health promoters, nurses and family physicians as well as social workers and teachers, provides step-by-step instruction in behavioural change techniques to use at the society, community, family, and individual levels to promote health and prevent disease. …
This research was designed following feedback from field personnel suggesting that it was not clear how HIV and AIDS programmes in various countries responded to the needs of disabled children and young people. This analysis is written to help health workers, educators and policy makers, to address the specific needs of young people with disabilities in Uganda and Rwanda regarding issues such as marginalisation, poverty, education, sexuality; and to look at the determining factors regarding their vulnerability to infection and/or inappropriate management of HIV and AIDS. …