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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Our children, our future. Zimbabwean good practices responding to the needs of orphans and vulnerable children: the "Zvandiri" Programme, Africaid and The Kapnek Trust Early Childhood Development Centres

    This document represents part of a SAfAIDS project implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Services (MoLSS), which documents Good Practices in OVC programming in Zimbabwe. The goal of the project is to scale-up information generation and dissemination and thereby encourage the replication of Good Practices in the care and support of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Zimbabwe. …

  2. Recomendações para Terapia Antirretroviral em crianças e adolescentes infectados pelo HIV - Suplemento 1

    Em 2009, o Departamento de DST, Aids e Hepatites Virais do Ministério da Saúde publicou a nova edição das Recomendações para Terapia Antirretroviral em Crianças e Adolescentes Infectados pelo HIV com atualizações do manejo clínico dessa população, introduzindo novos capítulos com temas relevantes para a assistência, entre eles: cuidado integral, abordagem da adesão à terapia antirretroviral, revelação diagnóstica e o adolescente vivendo com HIV/aids. …

  3. National plan of action for orphans and vulnerable children Ghana June 2010-2012

    The National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) is a three-year plan subject to review and focuses on children who are the most vulnerable and at risk in Ghanaian society. There has not been a recent comprehensive assessment of OVC in Ghana and the first part of the plan attempts a brief assessment of OVC in relation to their care and protection. …

  4. Care for children affected by HIV/AIDS: the urgent need for international standards

    This paper is one of a series that deal in greater depth with selected complex issues broached in the Working Paper prepared by UNICEF and International Social Service on Improving Protection for Children without Parental Care: a Call for International Standards. The purpose of this paper is to identify the particular concerns which would need to be addressed by these standards in light of the HIV pandemic. It is also intended to highlight how the growing impact of HIV on children contributes to the urgency for these standards to be developed and applied.

  5. Coordinators' notebook: An International Resource for Early Childhood Development

    This notebook concerns HIV/AIDS and Early Childhood. Summary is: The Two Who Survive: The impact of HIV/AIDS on young children, their families and communities; - Infant Feeding Practices in Africa in the Context of HIV/AIDS: Comments and Excerpts from Early Breastfeeding Cessation as an Option for Reducing Postnatal Transmission of HIV in Africa;- Bernard van Leer Foundation-supported Initiatives, Africa Region; - Case Studies: Speak for the Child: A Program for AIDS-affected under-fives in Kenya; - Case Studies: Early Childhood Education and Care and the AIDS Epidemic in Brazil.

  6. Early Childhood Education and Care in Southern Africa: A perspective report

    This report explores policy and provision for early childhood education and care (ECEC) in six English speaking countries in Southern Africa - Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. In the first section of the review the report aims to - ECEC policy and provision in the wider set context of socio-demographic profiles of the region, in particular referring to economic, education, health and welfare indicators; briefly review the debate about donor aid in Southern Africa and locate ECEC within it. …

  7. Policy Analyses and Recommendations on Early Childhood Development and HIV/ AIDS in Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar

    This review studies a total of 33 policies and policy-related plans, strategies, and guidelines were reviewed for the Mainland and 14 for Zanzibar. …

  8. The National Guidelines for the Management of HIV and AIDS in Children in Nepal

    These Guidelines aim to provide up-to-date, evidence based, practical information and knowledge designed to help health service providers to make informed decisions on the management of HIV and AIDS in children and to gain basic knowledge about HIV and AIDS in the pediatric age group. The guidelines are mainly based on algorithms with annotations and reflect international best practice. …

  9. Making a Significant and Lasting Difference: The National Plan of Action for Orphans, Children Affected by HIV and Other Vulnerable Children in Cambodia, 2008 - 2010

    This National Plan of Action has been developed with broad input from government, civil society, including NGOs and children, and international development partners. It draws on the recommendations and lessons learned from the Situation and Response Assessment and the mapping of OVC impact mitigation services that were developed in the first half of 2007. …

  10. Mapping the Response: Protecting, Caring for and Supporting Orphans and vulnerable Children in Cambodia

    This mapping exercise was conducted because impact mitigation, and particularly support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), is seen as one of the "unfinished agendas" for the country and a top priority in the HIV and AIDS response. It has been conducted alongside a Situation and Response Assessment and estimate of the OVC population, so that together they can be used to analyse coverage and identify geographical and programmatic gaps and priority areas. …

  11. Orphans, Children Affected by HIV and Other Vulnerable Children in Cambodia: A Situation and Response Assessment, 2007

    This report was commissioned by the National Orphans and Vulnerable Children Multisectoral Task Force (NOVCTF) as a background study to inform the development of a Multisectoral National Plan of Action. The Task Force priorities for 2007 were to conduct a national assessment of responses to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and develop and implement a national plan to guide efforts to mitigate the impact of the HIV epidemic on children. …

  12. What does the National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS mean for Children? A guide for individuals and organisations working with and for children

    This guide provides easy to use information on the National HIV and AIDS and STI Strategic Plan for South Africa 2007-2011 (NSP). The guide focuses specifically on what the NSP means for children and families, and for the individuals and organisations that work with them - a constituency that has come to be known as the "Children's Sector". The Children's Sector was actively involved in the drafting of the NSP and has an important role to play in implementing the plan and in monitoring service delivery. This guide may also be useful to other sectors of civil society. …

  13. Therapeutic Education: Recommendations Regarding Disclosure of HIV Status to Children under ARV in MSF Projects

    Therapeutic Education: Recommendations Regarding Disclosure of HIV Status to Children under ARV in MSF Projects is a document developed by Médecins sans frontières, in 2005. It focuses particularly upon the objectives and means of disclosure of pediatric HIV. The general objective in the care of HIV in the child could be defined as the following: To help the child to grow and develop despite his illness, and to live as well as possible, through a structured and structuring care environment. …

  14. Educación de la Sexualidad, Salud Reproductiva y Equidad de Género: Dirigido a docentes y otros adultos significativos que atienden niños y niñas entre 0 y 6 años

    Fragmento del libro "Currículo de Educación Inicial", publicado por el Ministerio de Educación y Deportes de Venezuela, dedicado a la educación sexual, salud reproductiva y equidad de género. …

  15. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2007. Strong foundations: early childhood care and education

    Strong foundations, Early childhood care and education is the EFA (Education for All) Global Monitoring Report 2007 made under the supervision of UNESCO. It is part of The Education for All movement; a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults by 2015. This report focuses on the first EFA goal, which calls upon countries to expand and improve early childhood care and education - a holistic package encompassing care, health and nutrition in addition to education. …


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