IGLA, 2012. 69 p.
Title other languages: 
Homophobie d'état : une enquête modiale sur les lois qui criminalisent la sexualité entre adults consentants de même sexe
Homofobia de Estado
un informe mundial sobre las leyes que criminalizan la actividad sexual con consentimiento entre personas adultas del mismo sexo
Homofobia do estado: uma pesquisa mundial sobre legislações que criminalizam relações sexuais consensuais entre adultos do mesmo sexo
Paoli Itaborahy, Lucas
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, IGLA
The ILGA Report on State-Sponsored Homophobia is a comprehensive outline of the legal status of same-sex sexual activity. The first part of the report presents a global overview of developments of LGBTI rights in a variety of matters: decriminalization of homosexual acts; equalization of ages of consent; prohibitions of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity considered as aggravating circumstance; marriage and partnership rights for same-sex couples; joint adoption by same-sex couples; and laws on gender recognition after gender reassignment treatment. The second part is comprised of a summary of countries that still maintain legal provisions criminalizing same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults and who engage in sexual activity in private. Laws related to such acts done in public, with minors, by force or otherwise outlawed are not included.
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