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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Ending violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people

    Joint statement from twelve United Nations entities calling for an end to violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. The joint statement highlights the UN’s inter-agency commitment on working with Member States to protect, respect and fulfil the right of LGBTI people to live free from violence, persecution, discrimination and stigma. It also calls on countries to repeal discriminatory laws.

  2. Повышение эффективности профилактических программ для подростков и молодежи в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. Материалы региональной конференции по профилактике ВИЧ и формированию здорового образа жизни в образовательной среде. Алматы 2011

    В сборник вошли материалы региональной конференции по профилактике ВИЧ и формированию здорового образа жизни в образовательной среде, прошедшей в апреле 2011 года в столице Республики Казахстан – Алматы при поддержке Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО), Фонда ООН в области народонаселения (ЮНФПА), Детского фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ), Объединенной программы ООН по ВИЧ/СПИДу (ЮНЭЙДС), Международной организации труда (МОТ) и Немецкого общества по международному сотрудничеству (GIZ). …


    Цели и необходимость информационного сборника для молодежных и студенческих организаций по предотвращению ВИЧ-инфекции, дискриминации и стигматизации людей, живущих с ВИЧ (ЛЖВ) Данный информационный сборник издан в рамках проекта «Укрепление потенциала молодежных и студенческих организаций для профилактики ВИЧ-инфекции среди ключевых групп населения, уязвимых к ВИЧ, и предотвращения стигматизации и дискриминации людей, затронутых эпидемией». Финансирование проекта осуществлено Бюро ЮНЕСКО в г. Москва и Министерством молодежи и спорта Республики Молдова. …

  4. European framework for quality standards in school health services and comptences for school health professionals

    This European framework for quality standards in school health services and competences for school health professionals, developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, aims to support the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region to develop and sustain school health services as part of their national health systems. …

  5. Adolescent pregnancy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    Although the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia are not affected to the same extent as other world regions, adolescent pregnancy is a major challenge in parts of the region, and in particular among some population groups. The State of World Population 2013, published by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, highlights the main challenges of adolescent pregnancy and its serious impacts on girls’ education, health and long-term employment opportunities. The report also shows what can be done to curb this trend and protect girls’ human rights and well-being. …

  6. Promoting health in schools: from evidence to action

    This document complements the recommendations to establish and sustain health promotion in schools set out in the Guidelines to Promote Health in Schools document. It is an advocacy document for the health and education sectors to undertake school health promotion activities based on the evidence of effectiveness. The document provides succinct evidence-based arguments to support the need for school health promotion and advocates for a whole school (Health Promoting Schools) approach to strategically plan and implement school health initiatives. …

  7. Motherhood in Childhood: Facing the challenge of adolescent pregnancy. State of world population 2013

    Every day in developing countries, 20,000 girls below age 18 give birth. Nine in 10 of these births occur within marriage or a union. This has consequences on the health, education, employment and rights of an untold millions of girls. What are the challenges of adolescent pregnancy, and what can we do to ensure girls have a healthy and safe transition into adulthood?

  8. ACT! 2015 Advocacy strategy toolkit

    A practical toolkit for young people who are passionate about advancing HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights in the post-2015 agenda through national advocacy.

  9. Role of men and boys in promoting gender equality: advocacy brief

    This policy brief aims to present key rationales, identify principal challenges, and recommend actionable strategies for engaging boys and men in efforts to achieve gender equality. The goal of this brief is to provide policy makers, gender-related practitioners, business people and civil society leaders with a framework for developing strategies, implementing programmes, and evaluating progress in gender equality efforts that engage men in all spheres of life.

  10. Реализация политики в отношении ВИЧ-инфекции в учреждениях образования Украины

    Настоящие «Рекомендации по реализации политики в отношении ВИЧ-инфекции в системе образования Украины» (далее Рекомендации) призваны оказать практическую помощь руководителям исполнительной власти, осуществляющим управление в сфере образования, руководителям и работникам образовательных учреждений в решении вопросов, связанных с пребыванием в них обучающихся и сотрудников, живущих с ВИЧ или затронутых эпидемией ВИЧ-инфекции, а также в организации профилактического образования в целях предотвращения дальнейшего развития эпидемии. …

  11. Achieving health promoting schools: Guidelines for promoting health in schools

    A considerable body of evidence has emerged in the last twenty years to inform governments, schools, non-government organisations (NGO’s), teachers, parents and students about effective school health programmes. School programmes that are integrated, holistic and strategic are more likely to produce better health and education outcomes than those which are mainly information-based and implemented only in the classroom. These Guidelines for Promoting Health in Schools identify the basic principles and components of this approach. …

  12. Compendium of gender equality and HIV indicators

    The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective in order to: strengthen national and subnational stakeholders’ understanding of their HIV epidemic and response from a gender equality perspective; monitor progress towards eliminating gender-based inequities in HIV responses, and monitor and evaluate programs that address specific types of gender equality interventions in the context of HIV.

  13. Prevention education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A review of policies and practices

    This review presents the results of an assessment of the policies and practices related to prevention education in ten countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA region). It consists of a regional overview (Chapters 1–6) and ten individual country assessments (Appendices 2–11). …

  14. Best practices guidance in conducting HIV research with gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in rights-constrained environments

    This guidance is jointly developed by UNDP, amfAR’s MSM Initiative, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), and The John Hopkins University-Center for Public Health and Human Rights (JHU-CPHHR). This guidance has been developed for both researchers and community-based organizations in rights-constrained environments. …

  15. Monitoring and evaluation guidance for school health programs. Eight core indicators to support FRESH (Focussing Resources on Effective School Health)

    Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH), an intersectoral partnership, has developed Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance for School Health Programmes. The guidance is divided into three documents: Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance for School Health Programs - Eight Core Indicators to Support FRESH The main purpose of the FRESH (M&E;) School Health Core Indicators is to assess and monitor national-level progress in implementing a comprehensive school health program, specifically the four FRESH pillars recommended in the internationally-agreed FRESH framework. …


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