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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. It's all one curriculum: guidelines and activities for a unified approach to sexuality, gender, HIV, and human rights education

    It's All One Curriculum is a free, full-color resource for developing sexuality and HIV education curricula with an emphasis on gender and rights. It enables educators to teach young people about such topics as: Gender norms; Communication and decisionmaking; Sexual consent and coercion; Fairness and human rights (including sexual rights); Power and relationships; Preventing HIV, STIs, and unwanted pregnancy; Puberty; Social change. The first volume, Guidelines, includes seven content units, 22 fact sheets, points for reflection to foster critical thinking, and a module on advocacy. …

  2. International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators

    Based on a rigorous and current review of evidence on sexuality education programmes, this International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education is aimed at education and health sector decision-makers and professionals. It has been produced to assist education, health and other relevant authorities in the development and implementation of school-based sexuality education programmes and materials. Volume I focuses on the rationale for sexuality education and provides sound technical advice on characteristics of effective programmes. …

  3. Regional consultation: the role of higher education institutions in the Arab region in HIV prevention, 2 June 2009, Cairo

    Recognizing the potential role of Higher Education Institutions in the Arab region as a unique resource for the development and implementation of country specific knowledge and interventions relating to HIV and AIDS and taking the opportunity of the collective presence of country delegations at the ARCHE +10 Experts Meeting, Cairo 2009, UNESCO Beirut Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States, in collaboration with UNESCO Cairo and contributions from UNESCO Offices in Amman, Khartoum and Rabat, organized this regional consultation and information session on HIV and AIDS in order to: Cons …

  4. Manual for integrating HIV and AIDS education in school curricula

    This tool was developed by UNESCO's IBE with the goal of improving teaching and learning on HIV and AIDS in official basic education curricula. It includes a set of tools, assembled in a manual, to support the development and adaptation of quality teaching and learning material for HIV and AIDS education, as well as teacher training. Some of the key issues addressed in this manual include: How can HIV and AIDS education be integrated more effectively into existing curricula and school programmes? How can HIV and AIDS teaching and learning materials be effectively adapted or developed? …

  5. Doorways III: Teacher training manual on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The Doorways training program was designed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Safe Schools Program to enable teachers, community members and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). Violence in and around schools is a worldwide problem with serious implications for the educational attainment, health and well-being of all children. …

  6. Doorways II: Community counselor reference materials on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The Doorways training program was designed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Safe Schools Program to enable teachers, community members and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). Violence in and around schools is a worldwide problem with serious implications for the educational attainment, health and well-being of all children. …

  7. Doorways I: Student training manual on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The Doorways training program was designed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Safe Schools Program to enable teachers, community members and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). 1 Violence in and around schools is a worldwide problem with serious implications for the educational attainment, health and well-being of all children. …

  8. Monitoring HIV/AIDS Programs: A Facilitator's Training Guide

    Ce guide a été élaboré par Family Health International et l'agence des États-Unis pour le développement international. Ce guide contribue au suivi des programmes de prévention des services de santé fournis dans le cadre de la lutte contre le VIH et sida. Il peut être utile à de nombreuses personnes travaillant dans la lutte contre le VIH et sida, en particulier pour ceux qui travaillent sur le suivi et l'évaluation des programmes et l'élaboration et la mise en ouvre des plans d'action. Ce guide se divise en trois chapitres: 1) Chapitre1 : Vue d'ensemble de suivi et d'évaluation; 2) Chapitre 2: Suivi et évaluation des programmes de conseil et de dépistage volontaire; 3) Chapitre3 : Suivi et évaluation des programmes de soins cliniques. L'élaboration de ce manuel est faite pour être adapté aux programmes VIH et sida en Egypte. Il fournit également des conseils pour ceux qui s'intéressent à l'amélioration de la qualité des services présentés dans le domaine de VIH et sida notamment le développement et la sélection d'indicateurs appropriés permettant de mesurer les résultats des programmes ainsi que l'analyse et l'interprétation des données et la manière dont ces résultats doivent être utilisés pour prendre les bonnes décisions.

  9. La protection contre le sida

    Ce manuel représente un guide pratique contenant des informations utiles destinées essentiellement aux élèves de l'école primaire et secondaire dans les pays arabes et musulmans, ainsi que pour le lecteur non spécialisé. Il est élaboré conjointement par l'Organisation islamique pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (ISESCO), en collaboration avec le bureau régional de la Méditerranée orientale de l'OMS et l'Organisation islamique des sciences médicales. …

  10. UNESCO Beyrouth commence à combattre le VIH et sida

    Cet article est publié par le bureau régional de l'UNESCO à Beyrouth afin de sensibiliser et de mobiliser les politiques, les journalistes, les leaders religieux, les intellectuels et le grand public à la gravité du VIH et sida et la nécessité de combattre fermement cette épidémie ravageuse. Il vise essentiellement à "briser le mur du silence" entourant le VIH et sida dans le monde arabe et à lutter contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination associées à cette maladie. …

  11. United Nations Initiative on Focusing Resources on effective School Health (FRESH) in the Arab States. Phase Two Report 2004- 2005

    This document is a report published in 2006 by the Regional Office for Education in the Arab States, Beirut, and the American University of Beirut. This report presents results of phase two of the regional project on School Health Education "Follow up on FRESH Initiative that was implemented by UNESCO regional office in Beirut in collaboration with the Health Education Resource Unit at the Faculty of Health Sciences, American university of Beirut. The overall goals of the project are to: assess school health education and HIV & AIDS preventive activities in schools and needs in this area. …

  12. Regional training workshop on situation analysis for comprehensive school health education programmes in the Arab States, American University of Beirut, 27-30 June 2006: final workshop report

    This document is a final workshop report of the Regional Training Workshop on situation analysis for comprehensive school health education programmes in the Arab states that took place at the American University of Beirut in June 2006. This workshop was jointly organized by UNESCO Office in Beirut and the American university of Beirut. It was part of the project "Follow up on FRESH Initiative" which is a joint cooperation between UNESCO and the Health Education Resource Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, American university of Beirut. …

  13. HIV and AIDS terminology guide and glossary for English-Arabic users

    Stigma and discrimination remain a major fact for people living with HIV. However, despite agreement that stigma and discrimination must be overcome to turn the tide on the epidemic, communities and governments continue to struggle to protect people's rights and dignity. The Middle East and North Africa region is experiencing one of the fastest growing epidemic rates in the world, yet stigma, denial and ignorance of HIV remain rampant. Language can shape public opinion, perception, attitudes and may influence behaviours. …

  14. EDUCAIDS: overviews of practical resources

    The EDUCAIDS Overviews of Practical Resources provide guidance on the technical and operational aspects of this response. They are intended for technical staff, programme implementers and managers in ministries of education, technical staff in UN and other development cooperation agencies, and civil society partners. The secondary audiences of these Overviews are much broader and include school principals, educators, parents and communities. Each Overview provides an analysis and summary of approximately 20 reviewed and selected resources. …

  15. Sexual and reproductive health and HIV. Linkages: evidence review and recommendations

    Cuadro sinóptico de estudios realizados que indagan en la relación entre los servicios de salud reproductiva y su impacto en la respuesta al VIH/sida.


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