Paris: UNESCO, 2012. 58 p.
Title other languages:
Politiques rationnelles et bonnes pratiques en matière d'éducation au VIH et à la santé. Brochure 8 : Réponses du secteur de l'éducation au harcèlement homophobe
Buenas políticas y prácticas para la educación en VIH y salud. Cuadernillo 8: Respuestas del sector de educación frente al bullying homofóbico
Good policy and practice in HIV and health education. Booklet 8: Education sector responses to homophobic bullying (in Chinese)
Boas práticas e práticas em educação em saúde e HIV. Caderno 8: Respostas do setor de educação ao bullying homofóbico
Buone politiche e prassi nell'ambito dell'educazione alla salute e HIV. Volume 8: Le risposte del settore educativo al bullismo omofobico
Good policy and practice in HIV and health education. Booklet 8: Education sector responses to homophobic bullying (in Korean)
Odpowiedzi sektora edukacji na homofobiczna przemoc rówiesnicza
Передовая политика и практика системы образования в области здоровья и профилактики ВИЧ. Выпуск 8: Ответные меры системы образования на буллинг, вызванный гомофобией
This booklet is the eighth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO’s work in HIV and Health Education. It marks the first of several contributions to school-based health promotion that UNESCO will produce to complement our work in HIV and sexuality education. The booklet lays out the context, extent and impact of homophobic bullying and synthesizes lessons learned as well as good policies and practices for an education sector response to homophobic bullying. This booklet is intended mainly for education sector policy-makers, planners and managers. We hope it will also be useful for school governing bodies, administrators, head teachers, teachers and other educators who are tackling some of the challenges to create healthy learning environments.
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