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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Switched on: sexuality education in the digital space

    This technical brief summarises the findings of two reviews commissioned by UNESCO in 2019. The first is a desk review of the evidence for the use of digital resources to deliver sexuality education for young people, conducted by the Institute of Development Studies (UK). The review aimed to explore the extent to which digital content can influence knowledge, attitudes and practices of young people 10-24 years old and the potential for digital spaces to be used to add value to the traditional delivery of CSE. …

  2. Scaling-up normative change interventions for adolescent and youth reproductive health: an examination of the evidence

    Adolescent and youth reproductive health (AYRH) outcomes are influenced by factors beyond individual control. Increasingly, interventions are seeking to influence community-level normative change to support healthy AYRH behaviors. While evidence is growing of the effectiveness of AYRH interventions that include normative change components, understanding on how to achieve scale-up and wider impact of these programs remains limited. …

  3. 'Culturespeak' is everywhere: an analysis of culturalist narratives in approaches to sexuality education in Mozambique

    Building on postcolonial feminist scholars and critical anthropological work, this paper analyses the frequent deployment of the notion of ‘culture’ by decision-makers, educators, international agency staff and young people in the design, delivery and uptake of sexuality and HIV prevention education in Mozambique. The paper presents qualitative data gathered in Maputo, Mozambique to highlight the essentialising nature of culturalist assumptions underpinning in-school sexuality education. …

  4. La pedagogía de la sexualidad: procesos de planificación e implementación didáctica realizados por docentes en Chile

    A pesar de los avances en las últimas décadas, en el mundo aún hay muchos niños, niñas y jóvenes que en su tránsito de la niñez a la adultez reciben información incorrecta o incompleta en educación en sexualidad. Esta circunstancia afecta sus posibilidades de desarrollo físico, social y emocional. Con el fin de atender esta situación, la UNESCO, en colaboración de otros organismos, publicó en el año 2018 el documento Orientaciones técnicas internacionales sobre educación en sexualidad: Un enfoque basado en la evidencia. …

  5. Let's talk early and unintended pregnancy!

    This booklet is aimed at helping adolescents better understand important issues in their life related to early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) – including puberty, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and relationships. The booklet starts by exploring the journey from childhood to adulthood. In this section, the changes that happen in males and females during puberty are described. Next, pregnancy in general is explained. Following this, EUP specifically is detailed, including causes, consequences, and prevention. …

  6. Sexuality education in life orientation: scripted lesson plans; Grade 12

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  7. Sexuality education in life orientation: scripted lesson plans; Grade 11

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  8. Sexuality education in life orientation: scripted lesson plans; Grade 10

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  9. Sexuality education in life orientation: scripted lesson plans; Grade 9

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  10. Sexuality education in life orientation: scripted lesson plans; Grade 8

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  11. Sexuality education in life orientation: scripted lesson plans; Grade 7

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  12. Sexuality education in life skills: scripted lesson plans; Grade 6

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  13. Sexuality education in life skills: scripted lesson plans; Grade 5

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  14. Sexuality education in life skills: scripted lesson plans; Grade 4

    The core aim of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and the new structured lesson plans is to help learners build an understanding of concepts, content, values and attitudes around sexuality, sexual behaviour as well as leading safe and healthy lives. The educator’s guide is intended to assist educators with the provision of content, effective teaching methods and tools for measuring what learners have absorbed. …

  15. Comprehensive sexuality education in Croatia: overview and the context

    The aim of this publication is to emphasize the importance of implementation of the comprehensive sexuality education in schools in the Republic of Croatia. While keeping in mind the deep division in the society that accompanies this topic, but also the rise of the conservative forces that are trying to promote personal and religious ideas, it is essential to provide education that will help the youth to make a responsible decision, but as well build the society of peace and tolerance. …


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