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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Switched on: sexuality education in the digital space

    This technical brief summarises the findings of two reviews commissioned by UNESCO in 2019. The first is a desk review of the evidence for the use of digital resources to deliver sexuality education for young people, conducted by the Institute of Development Studies (UK). The review aimed to explore the extent to which digital content can influence knowledge, attitudes and practices of young people 10-24 years old and the potential for digital spaces to be used to add value to the traditional delivery of CSE. …

  2. Promoting youth well-being through health and education: insights and opportunities

    Putting well-being at the heart of planning, policy making, and resource allocation is emerging as critical to the development of thriving communities and nations. The authors examined the academic and grey literature to identify theoretical frameworks that integrate health and education. The authors identified and described policies and programs supporting well-being around the world, and interviewed experts from each location to gain a deeper understanding of them. …

  3. "My teacher said I had a disease": barriers to the right to education for LGBT youth in Vietnam

    Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in Vietnam face stigma and discrimination at home and at school. Many experience verbal harassment and bullying, which in some cases leads to physical violence. Teachers are often untrained and ill-equipped to handle cases of anti-LGBT discrimination. …

  4. Adolescent-friendly health services for adolescents living with HIV: from theory to practice; technical brief

    This technical brief will be useful to HIV programme managers in health ministries and other adolescent-related line ministries, especially those in low- and middle-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa, in implementing, monitoring and evaluating peer-based and adolescent-responsive and -friendly services for adolescents living with HIV. …

  5. Trends of sexual and reproductive health behaviors among youth in the Philippines: further analysis of the 2008, 2013, and 2017 national demographic and health surveys

    This report examines the trends of sexual and reproductive health behavior over a 9-year period (2008-2017) in the Philippines. The analysis utilizes data from three nationally representative household surveys conducted by The Demographic and Health Surveys Program in 2008, 2013, and 2017. …

  6. Gaps in global monitoring and evaluation of adolescent and youth reproductive health

    Adolescents and youth are a key population for reproductive health (RH) interventions, because young people suffer disproportionately from negative RH outcomes, including acquisition of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections; unintended, unwanted, or mistimed pregnancy; unsafe abortion; and gender-based violence. Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E;) of RH interventions designed for adolescents and youth is essential to determine their success and impact and show where improvement is needed. …

  7. Agenda item 12 thematic segment: Reducing the impact of AIDS on children and youth; background note

    This thematic segment background note analyses the impact of AIDS on children, adolescents and youth through the life course from childhood to adulthood by age range [0-4] [5-10] [11-14] [15-24]. It also identifies countries and specific thematic areas where notable successes/progress in HIV-related outcomes for children, adolescents, and youth have been achieved and discuss the key factors that led to those successes. …

  8. Let's talk early and unintended pregnancy!

    This booklet is aimed at helping adolescents better understand important issues in their life related to early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) – including puberty, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and relationships. The booklet starts by exploring the journey from childhood to adulthood. In this section, the changes that happen in males and females during puberty are described. Next, pregnancy in general is explained. Following this, EUP specifically is detailed, including causes, consequences, and prevention. …

  9. Comprehensive sexuality education in Croatia: overview and the context

    The aim of this publication is to emphasize the importance of implementation of the comprehensive sexuality education in schools in the Republic of Croatia. While keeping in mind the deep division in the society that accompanies this topic, but also the rise of the conservative forces that are trying to promote personal and religious ideas, it is essential to provide education that will help the youth to make a responsible decision, but as well build the society of peace and tolerance. …

  10. Using podcasts to deliver youth-friendly information about sexual and reproductive health and rights in Burundi

    We live in a digital age where, for many of us, all the information we need is just a click away. In Burundi, as in the rest of the world, young people are often the most active users of information communication technology (ICT). Frontline AIDS saw an opportunity to use ICT to provide adolescents with both SRHR information and safe spaces to engage with their peers and experts. Whilst ‘ICT for health’ is a frequent topic among HIV and SRHR organisations in Burundi, using ICT to improve access to youth-friendly and comprehensive HIV and SRHR information was something new.

  11. Young people’s participation in community-based responses to HIV: From passive beneficiaries to active agents of change

    The objective of this research was to better understand and document community-led interventions that aim to strengthen demand creation and uptake of HIV and sexual and reproductive health services, with a focus on engaging young people as beneficiaries, partners and implementers. The primary audience of this report are donors, technical cooperation agencies and government authorities.

  12. Sexuality and life skills: Participatory activities on sexual and reproductive health with adolescents and young people

    This toolkit is written for anyone who wants to facilitate participatory learning activities with adolescents and young people to equip them with the knowledge, positive attitudes and skills to grow up and enjoy sexual and reproductive health and well-being. This includes peer educators and leaders, outreach workers, teachers, community workers and others. …

  13. Young persons with disabilities: Global study on ending gender-based violence, and realising sexual and reproductive health and rights

    Around the world, more than 1 billion women and men and boys and girls are living with some form of disability. Although most people will experience disability at some point in their lives, understanding the meaning of disability and its impact on the ability of each individual to be active participants in social, economic, sociocultural, and political life remains a challenge. …

  14. Prévention de l’homophobie et de la transphobie dans les collèges et les lycées

    Prévention de l’homophobie et de la transphobie dans les collèges et les lycées

  15. Norma técnica de atención integral en salud sexual y salud reproductiva para personas con discapacidad

    El Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, a través del Ministerio de Salud, genera políticas integrales de salud y adopta medidas para mejorar la cobertura de los servicios de salud a nivel nacional y para proteger a la población boliviana, incluyendo medidas de prevención, promoción, atención y rehabilitación. En este contexto se está trabajando en cuanto a políticas de salud sexual y salud reproductiva para Personas con Discapacidad. Cabe señalar que esta población ha sido históricamente excluida de los diferentes programas de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva. …


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