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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. 'Culturespeak' is everywhere: an analysis of culturalist narratives in approaches to sexuality education in Mozambique

    Building on postcolonial feminist scholars and critical anthropological work, this paper analyses the frequent deployment of the notion of ‘culture’ by decision-makers, educators, international agency staff and young people in the design, delivery and uptake of sexuality and HIV prevention education in Mozambique. The paper presents qualitative data gathered in Maputo, Mozambique to highlight the essentialising nature of culturalist assumptions underpinning in-school sexuality education. …

  2. Comprehensive sexuality education in Croatia: overview and the context

    The aim of this publication is to emphasize the importance of implementation of the comprehensive sexuality education in schools in the Republic of Croatia. While keeping in mind the deep division in the society that accompanies this topic, but also the rise of the conservative forces that are trying to promote personal and religious ideas, it is essential to provide education that will help the youth to make a responsible decision, but as well build the society of peace and tolerance. …

  3. Facing the challenge of adolescent pregnancy in Zimbabwe

    This booklet presents the current status of adolescent pregnancy in Zimbabwe; explains the drivers and psycho-social, economic, development and health costs of adolescent pregnancy; offers recommendations for addressing adolescent pregnancy and leveraging demographic dividend in promoting socio-economic growth.

  4. Educación sexual de los hombres: historias de vida de tres generaciones

    El estudio Educación sexual de los hombres: historias de vida de tres generaciones, es una iniciativa de la Dirección General de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa –Digeduca– del Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala –Mineduc–, financiada por la Unesco, que surge de la necesidad de dar continuidad a los esfuerzos realizados por el Ministerio para generar insumos que puedan servir para el diseño de estrategias que focalicen la acción en el ámbito de la educación integral en sexualidad. …

  5. Implementation of provisions under the ESA commitment on comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zambia

    Zambia is one of the twenty countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region that affirmed their joint commitment to deliver Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services for young people. There are a number of strategies and policies that support the Implementation of these commitments in Zambia. …

  6. Coming of age in the classroom: religious and cultural barriers to comprehensive sexuality education

    This paper elucidates evidence which underscores anxieties and panic about sexuality and sexual behaviour of young people influenced by movements advancing a distinct religious identity, and the implications for advocacy on advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Synthesised in this document is evidence from two countries - Bangladesh and India - on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), an area of controversy (to varying degree) in both countries. Evidence from each country stem from national studies on the influence of religion on CSE, and are qualitative in nature. …

  7. Probing the politics of comprehensive sexuality education: ‘Universality’ versus ‘Cultural Sensitivity’: a Dutch–Bangladeshi collaboration on adolescent sexuality education

    As part of Western European development aid policy, comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is increasingly promoted in resource-poor countries. This paper engages with CSE promotion in Bangladesh funded by the Dutch Government. It unpacks the ‘collaboration’ by looking at how a paradox is played out between the universal ideals underlying a broader transnational rights-approach and the intended cultural sensitivity by adapting CSE to the targeted context. …

  8. Les déterminants socioculturels et communautaires des grossesses non désirées et des avortements. Rapport final

    C’est dans le cadre de son intervention en faveur de la promotion des DSSR des jeunes en République Démocratique du Congo que MdM a commandité cette étude dont l’objectif global est d’analyser les barrières à l’utilisation des contraceptifs chez les jeunes de 15-24 ans et les déterminants des grossesses non désirés et des avortements clandestins particulièrement chez ces jeunes filles et en général chez les femmes en âge de procréer.

  9. Caught in culture? Cultural transformation through HIV/AIDS prevention education in Zambia

    The study explores the role and contribution of education in developing a localized and relevant HIV/AIDS prevention strategy through a multi-voiced approach, involving the educational institutions, as well as the traditional leaders, community-members, including parents. The study comprised all public schools in one Zambian province from 2002-2008. The study explores, among other factors, the role of traditional culture in mitigating and exacerbating the spread of the disease. …

  10. Making it inclusive: alcohol and drug education in multicultural settings

    When delivering alcohol and drug education in multicultural settings including classrooms, teachers will need to tackle sensitive issues. Not all pupils are comfortable discussing certain topics, and some parents are reluctant to allow their children to explore certain themes. How to ensure pupils receive relevant education, in the context of cultural difference, equality and diversity, which prepares them for the challenges and opportunities they will face throughout their lives? …

  11. Charting the future: empowering girls to prevent early pregnancy

    This report begins with a situation analysis of adolescent pregnancy (Section 2), highlighting where today’s adolescents live and where their fertility levels are highest, as well as looking at the drivers of their fertility rates. Section 3 provides a more detailed discussion of the multiple barriers that girls face in controlling their fertility. Section 4 presents our conclusions about the main drivers of adolescent pregnancy and introduces our policy and programming recommendations, which can be found in Section 5. …

  12. Women living with HIV speak out against violence: A collection of essays and reflections of women living with and affected by HIV

    Violence against women and girls is an unacceptable violation of basic human rights. It also is so widespread that ending it must be a global public health priority. An estimated one in three women is beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused by an intimate partner during her lifetime. Intimate partner violence has been shown to increase the risk of HIV infection by around 50%, and violence (and the fear of violence) deters women and girls from seeking services for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

  13. SMS 4 SRH: Using mobile phones to reduce barriers to youth access to sexual and reproductive health services and information

    This summary report provides an overview of how mHealth programming may be used to improve youth access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and information. The report frames the discussion of mHealth through an examination of the specific barriers that limit youth access to them. The barriers identified have been divided into four categories: - Accessibility Barriers, including cost and location. - Information Barriers, including lack of SRH information and lack of location information. …

  14. An examination of knowledge, attitudes and practices related to HIV/AIDS prevention in Zimbabwean university students: Comparing intervention program participants and non-participants

    OBJECTIVES: This study represents a comprehensive assessment of differences between participants in an HIV/AIDS prevention program (SHAPE: Sustainability, Hope, Action, Prevention, Education) and non-participants in knowledge, attitudes and practices with a focus on cultural, sociological and economic variables. METHODS: We developed an eight-page questionnaire that was administered to 933 randomly selected students at the University of Zimbabwe. Survey items addressed sexual decision-making, condom use, limiting sexual partners, cultural power dynamics and access to HIV testing. …

  15. El Mejunje y su perspectiva sociocultural en la prevención del VIH/sida

    El Mejunje es, ante todo, un Proyecto de Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario con una profunda vocación humanista, donde cualquier capa, grupo, sector social o persona, se puede sentir identificado, acogido y respetado: obreros, intelectuales, jóvenes, niños y adultos mayores, heterosexuales, homosexuales, bisexuales, travestís y lesbianas, roqueros, ex-presidiarios, personas con VIH, profesionales y aficionados, amas de casa y trabajadores, políticos, legos y especialistas campesinos, citadinos u otros.


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