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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Planning for an epidemic/pandemic event (quick guide)

    Early learning services, schools and tertiary organisations are expected to develop their own pandemic plans to protect students and staff or a possible pandemic. In most cases this will involve reviewing and updating existing emergency management plans, to include a pandemic section.

  2. Sero-status of preschoolers and disclosure to schools

    Infants with HIV-infection have longevity due to improved Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), making many realise their developmental progression which includes access to schooling. However, there is scant information that focuses on disclosure of their positive sero-status to schools and how these children understand and communicate their illnesses. This paper reports on a study of experiences of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Kenya. …

  3. Draft Declaration: Partnerships for the health and well-being of our young and future generations and Draft Regional Framework

    The Declaration calls the Member States, civil society and international organizations to act urgently to address health inequalities and improve the social and economic determinants of health. The Declaration explicitly recognized the role of schools and preschools in promoting health and well-being for all children and adolescents. It acknowledged that inclusive and equitable education is a key determinant of their health and well-being. …

  4. Thematic paper 2: Schools and pre-schools promoting health and well-being for all children and adolescents

    This thematic paper on schools and pre-schools promoting health and well-being for all children and adolescents was produced to support and inform discussion at the high-level conference in Paris. …

  5. Cuidando mi salud y mi vida: guía metodológica para docentes de educación prebásica

    En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la guía y el plan didáctico. Una segunda parte contiene la descripción de catorce unidades con su respectivo contenido sus expectativas de logro, los recursos, objetivos de la actividad, los saberes previos, construcción de nuevos saberes, consolidación de nuevos saberes, la evaluación, otros recursos didácticos y finalmente la información complementaria. Al final del documento se presenta el glosario, la bibliografía y anexos.

  6. Actualización curricular de la educación integral de la sexualidad en el sistema educativo de El Salvador, con enfoques de género y derechos humanos: educación inicial y parvularia: identificación de contenidos

    En el presente documento se identifican los elementos fundamentales de la Educación Integral de la Sexualidad en el nivel de educación inicial y parvularia del currículo nacional en las áreas de desarrollo personal y social y desarrollo socio afectivo: identificación de objetivos generales; contenidos de Educación Integral de la Sexualidad de acuerdo ejes globalizadores, situaciones de aprendizaje y desarrollo, objetivos, contenidos de aprendizaje e indicadores de logro de cero a seis años.

  7. Preschool health and nutrition: guidance for program managers

    The purpose of this guidance is to help program managers supporting preschools around the world to identify the most appropriate preschool health and nutrition interventions within their context. The guidance is primarily a reference from which program managers can draw from when designing their program. The guide starts with a background on ECCD and preschool education, health and nutrition problems of preschoolers, a recommended approach to preschool H&N;, and the information that should be collected prior to program implementation. The guide is then organized by health topic. …

  8. Costs, and cost-outcome of school feeding programmes and feeding programmes for young children. Evidence and recommendations

    Our objectives for this study were to provide updated, realistic data on the costs and cost-outcomes of school feeding in Low and Middle Income Countries. We also aimed to identify factors that may influence effectiveness and therefore, cost effectiveness of the interventions. To do this, we combined data on effect sizes for physical and psychosocial outcomes from two Cochrane systematic reviews with new data on the costs of school feeding. We simulated the costs of preschool feeding based on the school feeding costs. …

  9. Programa nacional de saude escolar 2005-2010

    Objectivos: Geral: Contribuir para o desenvolvimento das crianças do Pré-Escolar e do Ensino Básico concorrendo para a melhoria do nível de saúde e de educação através de promoção da saúde e prevenção das doenças bem como de aprendizagem de qualidade. Específicos: 1. Alargar a educação em matéria de saúde ao Pré-escolar, contribuindo para o aumento do acesso no Pré-escolar e para a equidade nesse subsistema. 2. Consolidar e institucionalizar a educação em matéria de saúde no Ensino Básico. 3. Assegurar a integração curricular dos conteúdos de educação em matéria de saúde. 4. …

  10. Estimating the costs and benefits of education from a health perspective: background paper for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development. Executive summary

    In preparation for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development in July 2015, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) commissioned SEEK Development to conduct an evaluation of the costs and benefits of education from a health perspective. Such a study is very relevant in light of ongoing discussions around the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 development agenda, which emphasize the need for a stronger focus on the broader determinants of health. The study is organized around three interconnected workstreams. …

  11. Children’s multidimensional health and medium-run cognitive skills in low- and middle-income countries

    This paper engages in the debate on the effects of children’s health on their education in later life stages in low- and middle-income countries. Using three rounds from the rich panel data of the Young Lives study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam, it endorses a multidimensional approach to health (and poverty in general). …

  12. Sex education in schools: Yes, but how? Guide for the implementation of a process for sex education in preschool, elementary and secondary school

    The aim of this guide is to support schools and school boards in implementing a process for sex education that is consistent with the policy framework outlined in 2003, Sex Education in the Context of Education Reform. In fact, many schools, although they are convinced of the need to establish such a process, are still searching for concrete ways to put it into practice. It is therefore to meet this need that this tool was created. Developed especially for schools, it concerns all the stakeholders in sex education in the education system, i.e. …

  13. ECD and the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa

    An unprecedented number of young children in Sub-Saharan Africa are being adversely affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, yet programs specifically designed to meet the developmental needs of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) from birth to age 8 are rare. This article summarizes the daunting array of challenges facing young OVC in Sub-Saharan Africa, and profiles research and action projects undertaken by four members of the inaugural graduate-level cohort of the ECDVU to promote high-quality developmentally appropriate ECD care for young OVC in their respective countries. …

  14. Educación Sexual Integral para la Educación inicial: Contenidos y propuestas para las salas

    Este documento consiste en materiales de apoyo para la tarea en los Jardines de Infantes y busca acompañar el proceso de implementación de los nuevos lineamientos curriculares en las distintas jurisdicciones del país. …

  15. Equidad de género y prevención de la violencia en preescolar

    El libro Equidad de género y prevención de la violencia en preescolar ofrece orientaciones conceptuales y prácticas que serán de gran ayuda para que educadoras y educadores establezcan y generen relaciones de género equitativas y trabajen desde los primeros grados de la educación básica por una vida sin violencia. …


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