Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, 2008. 224 p.
This dissertation explores the influences of HIV knowledge, health behaviors, and context-specific socioeconomic and sociocultural factors on HIV perceived risk among women in the Republic of Georgia. For effective HIV/AIDS prevention, individuals who perceive themselves at some risk of contracting HIV are more likely to reduce risk behaviors. Theories of health behavior incorporate perceived risk as an important component of HIV prevention, but they fail to incorporate factors influencing that risk perception. How do HIV knowledge, health behaviors, stigma, perceptions of sexual control, and migration come together to impact women's individual perceived HIV risk? Exploring that as a central question, this dissertation aims to understand how women in low-prevalence settings construct perceptions of HIV risk. Sociopsychological conceptual model is examined by the author, in which HIV knowledge, health behaviors, stigmatizing attitudes, perceptions of sexual control, and migration experiences influence individual perceived HIV risk.
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