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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Motherhood in Childhood: Facing the challenge of adolescent pregnancy. State of world population 2013

    Every day in developing countries, 20,000 girls below age 18 give birth. Nine in 10 of these births occur within marriage or a union. This has consequences on the health, education, employment and rights of an untold millions of girls. What are the challenges of adolescent pregnancy, and what can we do to ensure girls have a healthy and safe transition into adulthood?

  2. Learning for life: a guide to family health and life skills education for teachers and students (Arabic version)

    UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States - Beirut and the Division for the Promotion of Quality Education (ED/PEQ) at UNESCO Headquarters had selected the Educational Guide entitled “Learning for Life: A Guide to Family Health and Life Skills Education for Teachers and Students”, for translation and adaptation into Arabic, as an example for promoting education and training programmes in the field of public and school health in the Arab region. …

  3. Achieving health promoting schools: Guidelines for promoting health in schools

    A considerable body of evidence has emerged in the last twenty years to inform governments, schools, non-government organisations (NGO’s), teachers, parents and students about effective school health programmes. School programmes that are integrated, holistic and strategic are more likely to produce better health and education outcomes than those which are mainly information-based and implemented only in the classroom. These Guidelines for Promoting Health in Schools identify the basic principles and components of this approach. …

  4. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs in humanitarian settings: an in-depth look at family planning services

    This report summarizes findings and recommendations of a year-long exercise undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children - in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to map existing adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs and document good practices. The work was accomplished through a practitioner survey and humanitarian funding analyses; key informant interviews; and collection of good practice case studies.

  5. Preventing HIV and unintended pregnancies: strategic framework 2011–2015

    This framework supports the 'Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping their Mothers Alive'. It is a product of The Inter-agency Task Team (IATT) for Prevention and Treatment of HIV Infection in Pregnant Women, Mothers, and their Children and was developed by the IATT Working Group on Primary Prevention of HIV and the Prevention of Unintended Pregnancies in Women Living with HIV (now included with the Integration Working Group under the re-configured IATT). It offers guidance to: 1. …

  6. Realizing sexual and reproductive rights: A human rights framework

    In 1994, the world’s governments adopted a landmark Programme of Action on population and development. The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt, recognized reproductive rights as human rights and declared that the principles of gender equality, equity and women’s empowerment were crucial to effective population and development strategies. Since then, some important steps have been taken to realize the commitments made. …

  7. Stopping violence in schools: a guide for teachers

    Teachers and students can use this guide to address and prevent violence. School violence is an immensely complex issue and thus requires numerous factors to be addressed. Such factors include the need for student participation; a holistic approach involving parents, educators and the community; linking of policy, legislation and practice; the development of indicators on violence; and cultural sensitivity in addressing concepts such as the universality of human rights as part of a human rights-based approach. …

  8. Letters from Egypt: HIV/AIDS, testimonials of stigma and discrimination

    Between your hands are the stories of several Egyptians who have suffered the stigma associated with living with HIV/AIDS. They are ordinary citizens who have lived among us, speaking about their emotional and psychological suffering - as if the infection was not sufficient agony in itself. Here we present people who have been exposed to daily to stigma and discrimination, be it by neighbors, friends, police officers, religious figures, or even doctors. They have become outcasts in their own society because of the prevailing stereotypes about people living with the virus. …

  9. UNESCO's strategy for HIV and AIDS

    This strategy summarises UNESCO's role in its capacity as a specialised agency of the UN. It provides a framework to guide the collective efforts of UNESCO at global, regional and country levels and describes how UNESCO will contribute to the goal of Universal Access and address current challenges in the response to HIV and AIDS. More specifically, it sets out UNESCO's contribution to the achievement of the goals of the UNAIDS Strategy and Outcome Framework 2011-2015 and UNESCO's role within the revised UNAIDS Division of Labour. …

  10. Doorways III: Teacher reference materials on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The overall goal of the training program is to increase teachers' knowledge and shift attitudes and behaviors so that they may prevent school-related gender-based violence (SR GBV) and respond to students who have experienced SR GBV. …

  11. Doorways II: Community counselor training manual on school-related gender-based violence prevention and response

    The Doorways program is a series of manuals targeting three key audiences: teachers, students and community members. These three groups can create a critical mass in schools that will bring about transformative, lasting change. …

  12. Trousse pédagogique pour les éducateurs pairs. Guide de formation en techniques de théâtre

    Ce manuel est destiné aux directeurs de programmes et aux éducateurs-pairs des jeunes qui sont intéressés par l'ajout d'une composante de théâtre à leurs activités sur la santé reproductive et sur la prévention du VIH ou par le renforcement d'une composante de théâtre qui fait déjà partie d'un programme.

  13. Analyse de la réponse du secteur de l'éducation en matière de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA en Algérie, au Maroc, en Mauritanie et en Tunisie

    L'analyse de la réponse du secteur de l'éducation en matière de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans les quatre pays du Maghreb, l'Algérie, le Maroc, la Mauritanie et la Tunisie, fournit des informations spécifiques à chaque pays en identifiant l'existant et en soulignant les besoins du secteur de l'éducation face au VIH/SIDA. L'objectif de ce projet est d'appuyer les efforts de prévention aux niveaux national et régional pour que la prise de décision, la planification et l'exécution des activités soient plus pertinentes, plus appropriées et plus efficaces.

  14. Report card. HIV prevention for girls and young women: Morocco

    This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevemtion for girls and young women in Morocco. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Morocco. …

  15. Report card. HIV prevention for girls and young women: Sudan

    This Report Card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Sudan. The Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Sudan. …


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