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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. The Good School Toolkit for reducing physical violence from school staff to primary school students: a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Uganda

    Violence against children from school staff is widespread in various settings, but few interventions address this. The authors tested whether the Good School Toolkit - a complex behavioural intervention designed by Ugandan not-for-profit organisation Raising Voices - could reduce physical violence from school staff to Ugandan primary school children. Methods: The authors randomly selected 42 primary schools (clusters) from 151 schools in Luwero District, Uganda, with more than 40 primary 5 students and no existing governance interventions. All schools agreed to be enrolled. …

  2. School-based programs to reduce bullying and victimization

    Bullying is becoming an ever more pressing issue for schools, daycare centers, politicians and the public. Everyone agrees that bullying is a serious problem and initiatives are urgently called for to stamp it out. This Campbell systematic review studied the effects of anti‐bullying programs in schools. The conclusion is that programs generally work and bullying is reduced on average by around 20%. A total of 89 reports were of sufficient quality to be included in the systematic review. The 89 reports describe 53 different studies. …

  3. Safe to Learn: ending violence in and through schools

    Safe to Learn is a five-year initiative dedicated to ending violence in schools so children are free to learn and pursue their dreams. The initiative's shared vision is to work with governments, civil society organisations, communities, teachers and children themselves to end the violence that undermines education and make sure every child - especially the most marginalized - is Safe to Learn within 5 years. …

  4. Bullying and school attendance: a case study of senior high school students in Ghana

    This paper focuses on senior high school students and the ways that bullying affects their school attendance. Selected items from the 2008 Ghana Global School-based Student Health Survey are analysed first to explore the relationships between the duration and type of bullying and school attendance. Second, the authors investigate whether having emotional problems, in addition to being bullied, incrementally affects the relationship between bullying and school attendance. Third, the authors explore the mitigating influence of peer friendships on these relationships. …


    The guide provides references to all national laws and sectoral policies related to child protection and violence prevention and response in educational institutions.


    The guide is designed for administrators and the staff of primary, gymnasium and lyceum level general education institutions and secondary and post-secondary professional (vocational) education institutions. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. …

  7. Профилактика насилия в образовательных организациях: Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических вузов

    The guide is designed for trainee teachers and for teacher post-graduate education. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. Based on internationally recognized approaches (including UNESCO and UN Women Global Guidance on Addressing School Related Gender-Based Violence) and Russian legal framework it also provides recommendations how to prevent and respond to violence and bullying, including gender-based violence and harassment in educational settings. …

  8. Предотвращение насилия в образовательных организациях: Информационно-методическое пособие для руководителей и педагогических работников образовательных организаций

    The guide is designed for administrators and the staff of primary and secondary general education and vocational education schools. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. Based on internationally recognized approaches (including UNESCO and UN Women Global Guidance on Addressing School Related Gender-Based Violence) and Russian legal framework it provides recommendations how to prevent and respond to violence and bullying, including gender-based violence and harassment in educational settings. …

  9. Предотвращение насилия в образовательных организациях: Информационно-методическое пособие для руководителей и педагогических работников образовательных организаций

    The guide is designed for administrators and the staff of primary and secondary general education and vocational education schools. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. Based on internationally recognized approaches (including UNESCO and UN Women Global Guidance on Addressing School Related Gender-Based Violence) and Ukrainian legal framework it provides recommendations how to prevent and respond to violence and bullying, including gender-based violence and harassment in educational settings. …


    The guide is designed for school administrators, teachers, psychologists, social pedagogues as well as to trainee teachers. Based on internationally recognized approaches (including UNESCO and UN Women Global Guidance on Addressing School Related Gender-Based Violence) it provides recommendations how to prevent and respond to violence and bullying, including gender-based violence and harassment in educational settings. …

  11. Fit, healthy, and ready to learn: a school health policy guide, chapter 1: Policies to promote safety and prevent violence

    This chapter provides model policies and guidance on developing multifaceted, coordinated policies to promote safe schools that protect students and help prepare them for a lifetime of safe living. …

  12. The effects of school violence on education in Malawi: brief

    In response to a global policy effort to increase school enrollment, in 1994 Malawi became one of the first low-income countries to eliminate primary school fees. Since then, Malawi has achieved nearly universal primary enrollment, however enrolling young Malawians in school has not translated into keeping them in school. This policy brief describes the nature and consequences of school violence in rural Malawi - a common experience for both girls and boys. …

  13. Ending school-related gender-based violence: a series of thematic briefs

    This series of briefs summarizes the key learnings to emerge from two regional workshops on approaches to preventing and responding to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). The challenges and recommendations highlighted in the publication are relevant to all forms of school violence and form a valuable resource for policy makers and practitioners working in this field. The briefs in this series include 1. Applying a whole school approach to preventing SRGBV; 2. Engaging teachers to create safe and gender-responsive learning environments; 3. …

  14. Ending school bullying: Focus on the Arab States and North Africa. UNESCO’s contribution to the policy dialogue on bullying and learning organized by the Regional Center for Educational Planning United Arab Emirates, April 2019

    This document was produced as an input to the Policy Dialogue on “Bullying and Learning Nationally, Regionally and internationally”, organized by the Regional Centre for Educational Planning (RECP) and the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on 29-30 April 2019 in Sharjah, UAE.

  15. Safe schools: the hidden crisis. A framework for action to deliver safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments

    This report brings together, for the first time: A global picture of the range of threats posed to schools and learning environments, from conflict, violent extremism and environmental disasters, to less commonly covered threats such as gang violence, bullying, school-based sexual abuse, and corporal punishment; New analysis indicating the scale of the challenge of delivering schools — from the countries worst affected, to the number of children and young people under threat, the impact these threats have their individual life chances, and wider implications of inaction for national and intern …


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