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This compendium of case studies and case stories has been compiled to demonstrate examples of cooperation between (1) the health and education sectors and (2) the health and social sectors within the WHO European Region. The purpose of the compendium is to serve as a tool to support countries in implementing appropriate intersectoral policies and interventions to improve the health and well-being of children and adolescents and mitigate health inequalities among children. …
Eighteen experts in the field of bullying and cyberbullying and the SRSG on Violence against Children, have written a contribution from their specific area of expertise, addressing bullying and cyberbullying. Starting with a human rights foundation and children participation, it is followed by examples that show different experiences in developing policies and legislation, including specific dimensions and vulnerable groups to be kept in mind. …
Sexual and reproductive health and rights have gained prominence in the HIV response. The role of sexual and reproductive health in underpinning a successful approach to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and services has increasingly been recognized. However, the “second R,” referring to sexual and reproductive rights, is often neglected. This leads to policies and programs which both fail to uphold and fulfill these rights and which fail to meet the needs of those most affected by HIV by neglecting to take account of the human right-based barriers and challenges they face. …
This document presents the standards of care for adolescents and young people in Zambia. It seeks to provide a guide for strengthening the coordination and delivery of quality adolescent friendly health services, and ensuring appropriate monitoring and evaluation (M&E;). The national standards of care have been developed and will be implemented within the framework of the ADH Strategic Plan 2011 to 2015 and the National Health Strategic Plan 2011 to 2015 (NHSP 2011-15), which presents the overall strategic framework for health sector governance and development in Zambia. …
The aim of the program is to create enabling and empowering environment in the selected countries to enhance the engagement of young key populations in the Global Fund processes at country level, with following specific objectives: (i) To synthesize and generate strategic information in relation to HIV and young people to inform the National Strategic Plan review and Investment Cases; (ii) Ensure youth partners have the skills and knowledge to influence the country dialogue for adequately resourced HIV responses for young people; and (iii) Ensure programmes funded through the NFM targeting you …
This report presents a secondary data analysis and triangulation of the Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2010, the Tanzania HIV and Malaria Indicator Survey (THMIS) 2011-12, and the Violence Against Children in Tanzania Survey (VACS) 2009. Its objectives are to analyse approximately 40 key indicators related to knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and outcomes (e.g. …
Este guia surge na sequência do Projeto Adoles(Ser), realizado na Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa (MAC) e da necessidade de partilhar e transmitir informação a professores e técnicos que pretendam consolidar conhecimentos e competências no âmbito da educação sexual. Apresentamos as linhas orientadoras do projeto, os seus objetivos e resultados, enquadrados numa breve contextualização da adolescência e da sexualidade. Damos ainda destaque a algumas atividades e boas práticas utilizadas, possibilitando a sua replicação em contexto escolar no quadro de programas sobre sexualidade.
El documento describe las características de los programas efectivos (del proceso de desarrollo curricular y del currículo), así como las buenas prácticas en instituciones educativas, y menciona que el enfoque de educación integral en sexualidad basado en un marco de derechos busca dotar a la gente joven de los conocimientos, aptitudes, actitudes y valores indispensables para la determinación y gozo de su sexualidad, tanto física como emocionalmente.
This handbook gives a detailed insight into the initiative in Ohangwena, which provides an example which can be expanded and improved upon in Namibia, and in the other 22 ESA countries.
La presente Guía Por una sexualidad libre… está organizada en cuatro temas, a saber: Sexualidad y género. Sexualidad y relaciones afectivo-eróticas. Salud sexual, VIH, sida e ITS. Estigma, discriminación y alternativas para el autocuidado. Tales rubros constituyen la base temática que se desarrolla en los talleres, cada sesión cuenta con objetivos específi cos por tema. …
In 2011, the Division of Reproductive Health (DRH) in collaboration with FHI 360 undertook a review of adolescent and youth reproductive health programs in the country that included a desk review, mapping of youth serving organizations (YSOs), and interviews with stakeholders from the YSOs and development partners. …
This report presents findings from a secondary analysis of four waves of the Cambodia Demographic and Health Surveys, 2000 to 2014, with support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Australian in Cambodia. One aim of this report was to describe the current state of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Cambodia and this was achieved through the analysis of data on young women aged 15-24 years from the four Cambodian Demographic and Health Surveys (CDHS) conducted in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014. …
The National HIV Risk Reduction Strategy for Most At Risk & Especially Vulnerable Adolescents to HIV & AIDS in Bangladesh (2013-2015) was informed by the result of the Mapping and Size Estimation of Most At Risk Adolescents in Bangladesh conducted in 2011 with support from UNICEF. This strategy emphasizes key actions to improve legislation, policy and programmes to reduce risk and protect MARA/EVA in Bangladesh from HIV and AIDS. …
This document is designed to complement Putting Sexuality back into Comprehensive Sexuality Education: making the case for a rights-based, sex-positive approach, and it aims to give practical tips for putting IPPF's right-based, sex-positive approach, into practice.
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a WHO collaborative cross-national study, has provided information about the health, well-being, social environment and health behaviour of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old boys and girls for over 30 years. This latest international report from the study presents findings from the 2013/2014 survey, which collected data from almost 220 000 young people in 42 countries in Europe and North America. …