Bulk Data Download Service

The archives listed below contain the latest official data disseminated by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS). To find out when the datasets will be updated please visit http://uis.unesco.org.

Intended Audience
This archive is a result of a rigorous data production activity that ensures a high level of data quality. In order to expose the dataset to the largest audience possible and reduce its complexity, the UIS has normalized and compiled it using comma-separated values (CSV) format. This allows both beginners and seasoned data professionals to understand and work with it.

NOTE: Due to their large size, these files are meant to be programmatically processed. As such, you may not be able to use some consumer tools such as Microsoft Excel to access all the data without first modifying the source files.

More information about this data and tutorials can be found on the UIS Developer Portal here


Students and Teachers

Download the data

SDG 4 Global and Thematic Indicators

Download the data

Education Expenditure and Funding

Download the data

School Resources and Teaching Conditions in Africa

Download the data


Research and Development (R&D;)

Download the data


Download the data


Cultural Employment

Download the data

Cultural Trade

Download the data

Feature Films

Download the data

External Datasets

Demographic and Socio-economic Indicators

Download the data