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Two new data resources launched today focus on people with disabilities who are so often disadvantaged and ‘invisible’ when it comes to education. Excluded and uncounted, they are often missing not...
Tracking progress on teacher training is vital to progress towards SDG 4 It could be a classroom in the heart of Tokyo or New York. It could be deep in the Amazon rainforest, the mountains of Bhutan...
New data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics confirm the need for accelerated efforts to get every child in school and learning   Education matters. It stands for the hopes and dreams of many...
This year’s International Literacy Day celebrates multilingual education It is your very first day at school. You’re excited. Perhaps even a little nervous? What is this special day going to bring?...
Make your voice heard in the IAEG-SDG Open Consultation for the 2020 Comprehensive Review of the Global Indicator Framework Data users the world over have a unique opportunity to show their support...
It is time for all donor countries to invest more heavily in education data. This matters because we can’t solve a problem we don’t understand. And it is only too clear that we have some big problems...
There is increasing recognition that data—relevant and reliable data—are central to achieving Agenda 2030 and advancing the realisation of human rights. We need data to inform laws and policies,...
Without a shift from ‘business as usual’, the world will miss its goal of a quality education for all by 2030, according to our first-ever projections on progress towards Sustainable Development Goal...



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