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As part of a project funded by the Wellcome Trust, we held a one-day symposium, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, to discuss priorities for research on relationships and sex education (RSE) in a world where young people increasingly live, experience, and augment their relationships (whethers exual or not) within digital spaces. The introduction of statutory RSE in schools in England highlights the need to focus on improving understandings of young people and digital intimacies for its own sake, and to inform the development of learning resources. …
This document offers a needs analysis of the opportunities in Europe to integrate quality criteria for antibullying policies in secondary schools and in quality frameworks for the education sector. This analysis was done in the context of the ABC-project (Anti-Bullying Certification, 2018-2020).
Adolescent dating and relationship violence is associated with health harms and is an important topic for sex education. School-based interventions addressing this have been effective in the USA, but schools in England confront pressures that might hinder implementation. We assessed the feasibility of, and contextual enablers / barriers to implementing Project Respect, a whole-school intervention.We conducted a pilot trial with process evaluation in six English secondary schools. …
La crisis desatada por la pandemia del COVID-19 y las consecuencias del confinamiento y las regulaciones en el marco del estado de alarma han acarreado cierta confusión, falta de información y problemas personales y sociales que se están viendo agravados por la confluencia de diversas situaciones que producen riesgo o situaciones de exclusión. El estigma y la desigualdad que sufren las personas LGTBI se suma a toda la problemática que está produciendo esta crisis y aumenta el riesgo de exclusión y discriminación en algunos colectivos. …
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on the lives of people across the United Kingdom, including millions of children and young people. For those with existing mental health needs, the situation is creating additional anxiety and uncertainty, coupled with increased difficulties in accessing support. …
COVID-19: guidance for education settings poster
These guidelines were designed to assist schools to prevent or minimise the spread of infection, illness and disease to staff, pupils and others (such as student teachers and volunteers). They were primarily developed for use by teachers in primary and secondary schools. They aim to raise awareness about common and important infectious diseases and provide guidance on the prevention and management of infectious diseases in educational settings.
What schools will need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the fields of education, science, culture and sports
This guidance will assist staff in addressing coronavirus (COVID-19) in educational settings. This includes childcare, schools, further and higher educational institutions.
Guidance for Educational Settings [COVID-19]
Protection des personnels, dispositif exceptionnel d’accueil des enfants des personnels de santé indispensables à la gestion de la crise sanitaire, continuité pédagogique.
The guide provides references to all national laws and sectoral policies related to child protection and violence prevention and response in educational institutions.
The guide is designed for administrators and the staff of primary, gymnasium and lyceum level general education institutions and secondary and post-secondary professional (vocational) education institutions. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. …
The guide is designed for trainee teachers and for teacher post-graduate education. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. Based on internationally recognized approaches (including UNESCO and UN Women Global Guidance on Addressing School Related Gender-Based Violence) and Russian legal framework it also provides recommendations how to prevent and respond to violence and bullying, including gender-based violence and harassment in educational settings. …