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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. L'analyse coût-bénéfice de l'alimentation scolaire à Madagascar

    Ce rapport présente les résultats de l’analyse coût-bénéfice du programme d’alimentation scolaire de Madagascar, conduite en Juillet 2019. L’étude a été mandatée conjointement par le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale et le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM), dans le cadre du partenariat du PAM avec Mastercard. Son but est de démontrer la pertinence économique du programme d’alimentation scolaire et sa contribution au développement du pays. …

  2. Adaptation in practice: lessons from teenage pregnancy programmes in Sierra Leone

    This brief discusses initial learning emerging from the Adaptive approaches to reducing teenage pregnancy in Sierra Leone action research project. The project is accompanying three international NGOs - Concern, International Rescue Committee (IRC), and Save the Children - as they trial adaptive approaches to addressing teenage pregnancy in Sierra Leone. Key messages: 1) Partners under this action research project are trialling alternative approaches to preventing teenage pregnancy, focusing on social norms change. …

  3. Girls' empowerment through Education and Health (ASPIRE) Activity: final report, December 17, 2014-December 16, 2018

    USAID/Malawi launched the Girls’ Empowerment through Education and Health (ASPIRE) Activity in December 2014, beginning a bold cross-sector investment to improve the achievement of girls in upper primary and secondary school in Malawi. USAID’s investment in ASPIRE recognized that for girls’ to achieve academic success, they must enter and stay in school, be learning and safe while in school, and be healthy and supported by their community at all times. Output 1: Reading skills for girls in upper primary school improved. …

  4. WASH in schools: call to action

    Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools in Vanuatu has the opportunity to improve children’s health, increase attendance and performance at school and address gender and social inequalities. The WASH in Schools - Call to Action workshop presented a snapshot of WASH in Schools in Vanuatu, investigated the road to improvement and was the first step in engaging relevant stakeholders through a Call to Action. …

  5. Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme (AGEP): endline results; executive summary

    The theory of change behind the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) posited that adolescent girls are empowered by building social, health, and economic assets that they can then draw on to reduce vulnerabilities and expand opportunities. In the long term, they will then increase their likelihood of completing school, delaying sexual debut, and reducing risks of early marriages, unintended pregnancies, acquisition of HIV, and other possibly detrimental outcomes. …

  6. Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme: endline technical report

    The theory of change behind the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) posited that adolescent girls are empowered by building social, health, and economic assets that they can then draw on to reduce vulnerabilities and expand opportunities. In the long term, they will then increase their likelihood of completing school, delaying sexual debut, and reducing risks of early marriages, unintended pregnancies, acquisition of HIV, and other possibly detrimental outcomes. …

  7. Relatório - acompanhamento e avaliação da implementação da Lei n.º 60/2009 de 6 de agosto

    A Lei n.º 60/2009, de 6 de agosto, estabelece o regime de aplicação da educação sexual em meio escolar. Tendo em conta o seu artigo 13.º, cabe ao Ministério da Educação garantir o acompanhamento, supervisão e coordenação da educação para a saúde e educação sexual nas escolas. Neste sentido, a Direção-Geral da Educação desenvolveu um instrumento (através de formulário online) para monitorização e avaliação do trabalho desenvolvido pelas escolas. …

  8. Decentralized evaluation: evaluation of National School Feeding Programme in Eswatini 2010-2018

    The evaluation was jointly managed by the WFP Eswatini Country Office and the Ministry of Education and Training and conducted by independent consultants. Purpose of the evaluation was to: (i) assess and report on the performance and results of the NSFP as well as WFP technical support to the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), the National Emergency Response Council on HIV and AIDS and partners; (ii) determine the reasons why results were achieved or otherwise, in order to draw lessons and derive good practices for future design and implementation of the programme. …

  9. School feeding in 2018: beyond the annual performance report 2018 series

    This report contains four sections: Section I presents the introduction. Section II highlights WFP’s achievements in 2018 to assist the world’s most vulnerable children and their families, communities and governments through school feeding activities based on analysis of Annual and Country Performance reports. Section III presents the previously unpublished findings of the stocktaking exercise covering recent evaluations, audits, and country, regional and global discussions, conducted in 2018, which forms the basis for WFP’s new global strategy. …

  10. Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP): sexual and gender-based violence; brief, March 2018

    Acceptability and experience of sexual and gender-based violence is alarmingly high among adolescent girls in Zambia. Even more striking is the very young age from which notions of violence are ingrained and experience with violence begins. This brief summarizes the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) evaluation which demonstrated that in the Zambian context, a program focused on changing norms among girls themselves is not enough to impact attitudes toward and experience of violence. …

  11. Expanding the evidence base and networks for sexual violence response in East and Southern Africa: completion report for the period May 2014–February 2018

    The Population Council’s cooperation with Regional Team for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), and Embassy of Sweden, Lusaka (‘the Team’) on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in East and Southern Africa has spanned over a decade, emerging in late 2006 in response to high levels of SGBV in the region, coupled with minimal understanding of how to respond to the issue in the low-resource settings that this region includes. …

  12. The effectiveness of a model for addressing school-related gender-based violence in South Africa: An evaluation of the Zero Tolerance School Alliance

    This study fostered the prevention of, and strengthened response to, school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in South African schools, by adapting an effective, adult-centric, community-based GBV prevention— the Zero Tolerance Village Alliance—to help mitigate SRGBV among children in secondary school. This adapted, child-centric version—the ‘Zero Tolerance School Alliance” (ZTSA)—was implemented in 2016 and 2017 in one public secondary school in Vhembe district, Limpopo province, South Africa.

  13. Rapport relatif à l'éducation à la sexualité. Répondre aux attentes des jeunes, construire une société d'égalité femmes-hommes

    Faisant le constat que l'adolescence est un moment révélateur des inégalités filles-garçons et des discriminations homophobes, le Haut conseil à l'égalité (HCE) considère urgent de généraliser l'éducation à la sexualité, partie prenante de la construction des jeunes en tant que citoyen.ne responsable. L'Ecole a une obligation légale en matière d'éducation à la sexualité, mais elle ne peut pas tout toute seule, estime le HCE. …

  14. Education unions take action to end school-related gender based violence

    School-related gender based violence (SRGBV) has a devastating impact on learners around the world. Every year, millions of children and adolescents mostly girls – are deprived of their right to an equitable and inclusive education. Policy makers, governments, educators, parents and activists are increasingly confronted by this problem and looking for the most effective measures to end gender based violence in and around schools. Education unions are playing a unique role in this global effort. …

  15. Menstruation: Breaking the silence, taking action

    In 2014, the United Nations declared May 28 of every year as Menstrual Hygiene Day in recognition of the woes girls and women experience during menstruation. This was a reaffirmation of the world’s commitment to create more befitting living conditions for girls and women. Uganda commemorated the first Menstrual Hygiene Day in 2014 and in August of the same year held the first International Menstrual Hygiene Management Conference, here in Kampala. …


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