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Ce rapport présente les résultats de l’analyse coût-bénéfice du programme d’alimentation scolaire du Bénin, conduite en 2018. L’étude a été menée conjointement par le Ministère des Enseignements Maternel et Primaire du Bénin et le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM), dans le cadre du partenariat du PAM avec Mastercard. Son but est de démontrer la pertinence économique du programme d’alimentation scolaire et sa contribution au développement du pays. …
This brochure documents the key elements for the implementation of Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE). Using concrete examples from four countries in West Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo), the brochure documents promising practices, challenges and lessons learned, and makes key recommendations to be shared with all countries in the region.
Child marriage in West and Central Africa is one of the biggest challenges in the region and has enormous adverse effects on education, health, including sexual and reproductive health, and on the overall development of adolescents and youth. This brochure provides recent data and analysis of child marriage in the region.
This position paper presents several strong arguments about why it is imperative to address child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, if we want to succeed in harnessing the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa. It also provides recommendations on the key actions different stakeholder groups can take to make this a reality.
Girls are subject to child marriage, female genital mutilation and limited education and as such, are denied equality of opportunities. At the beginning of 2016, the African Union Heads of State and Government underlined a commitment to put young people and women first by agreeing to focus on “Harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in youth” throughout 2017 and beyond. UNFPA in West and Central Africa recognizes the critical importance of investing in adolescents and youth, particularly adolescent girls. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Benin. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …
CONTEXT: Age at sexual debut, age at first marriage or first union and age at first birth are among the most widely used indicators of health and well-being for female adolescents. However, the accuracy of estimates for these indicators, particularly for younger adolescents, is poorly understood. METHODS: For each of nine countries in Africa and Latin America, Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from two surveys conducted five years apart were used to examine women’s reports of age at sexual debut, marriage or first union, and first birth. …
This fact sheet was drawn up following the World YWCA Training Institute in Arusha, Tanzania in March 2014 in partnership with ARROW. The World YWCA is part of the global ARROW project The Global South, which aims to give southern civil society the means and avenue of articulating a regional Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) agenda and distilling regional agendas into a global SRHR agenda. …
Le présent document de Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle de Santé Sexuelle et de la Reproduction des Adolescents et Jeunes y compris le VIH/sida est une initiative du Ministère de la Santé avec l’appui des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF) notamment l’UNFPA, l’OMS, l’UNICEF, ONUSIDA et l’USAID. Il se veut un document d’orientation des interventions et de plaidoyer pour la mobilisation des partenaires sociaux ainsi que des ressources du Gouvernement et des PTF en vue de la mise en oeuvre des principales orientations nationales en SRAJ/VIH/sida. …
Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux menés par le groupe de travail sur les « violences de genre en milieu scolaire comme facteur de déscolarisation des filles » lancé par le ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes et l’Association Genre en Action. Ce dossier se focalise sur les violences de genre exercées au sein de l’école et autour de l’école dans vingt pays d’Afrique francophone.
Youth aged 15-24 represent a growing and heterogeneous proportion of the world’s population. Investing in young people’s health and wellbeing is critical to promoting growth and development, not only for individuals but also for communities and nations. The majority of today’s youth are living in urban areas.In an urban or city environment, opportunities for jobs, education, better housing and health care are often more widely available than in rural areas. But these benefits are usually unevenly distributed and urban poor have limited or no access to many urban amenities. …
This report examines the findings of an external assessment of the A+ programme, an innovative IPPF youth-led programme funded by Danida. The A+ programme was implemented by IPPF’s Member Associations in 16 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Central America. Its overriding goal was to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sexuality education for young people, and to promote their sexual and reproductive health and rights. …
A review was conducted to assess key achievements of the Accelerate Initiative, lessons learned and possible ways forward. The output of this review is a technical paper titled ‘Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS: Five Years On’, which describes how UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank and other partners have been working together since 2002 to help countries in sub-Saharan Africa develop strong leadership in the education sector response to HIV and AIDS.
This multi-country study on the impact of HIV and AIDS on the education sector was carried out in four countries in order to identify current practices and to explore their strengths and weaknesses. The study revealed that the various stakeholders in the education system had limited knowledge of national HIV and AIDS and education policies and as a result actions aimed at mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS were largely ineffective. HIV and AIDS affect the offer, demand and quality of education due to an absence of administrative measures to manage infected and affected persons. …
Since the beginning of the epidemic sex workers have experienced a heightened burden of HIV across settings, despite their higher levels of HIV protective behaviors (UNAIDS, 2009). By gaining a deeper understanding of the epidemiologic and broader policy and social context within which sex work is set one begins to quickly gain a sense of the complex backdrop for increased risk to HIV among sex workers. …