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This paper uses a prospective randomized trial to assess the impact of two school feeding schemes on health and education outcomes for children from low-income households in northern rural Burkina Faso. The two school feeding programs under consideration are, on the one hand, school meals where students are provided with lunch each school day, and, on the other hand, take-home rations that provide girls with 10 kg of cereal flour each month, conditional on 90 percent attendance rate. After running for one academic year, both programs increased girls’ enrollment by 5 to 6 percentage points. …
Child marriage in West and Central Africa is one of the biggest challenges in the region and has enormous adverse effects on education, health, including sexual and reproductive health, and on the overall development of adolescents and youth. This brochure provides recent data and analysis of child marriage in the region.
This position paper presents several strong arguments about why it is imperative to address child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, if we want to succeed in harnessing the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa. It also provides recommendations on the key actions different stakeholder groups can take to make this a reality.
Girls are subject to child marriage, female genital mutilation and limited education and as such, are denied equality of opportunities. At the beginning of 2016, the African Union Heads of State and Government underlined a commitment to put young people and women first by agreeing to focus on “Harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in youth” throughout 2017 and beyond. UNFPA in West and Central Africa recognizes the critical importance of investing in adolescents and youth, particularly adolescent girls. …
How to improve the conditions for girls to attend school, to reduce failure and drop-out rates of adolescent girls, while ensuring their dignity and protection? This was the consideration that motivated the Kom-Yilma project, implemented by Catholic Relief Services in Burkina Faso and financed by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, to undertake a behavior-change strategy for menstrual-hygiene management in 118 schools in Bam and Sanmatenga Provinces. …
Capturing girls’ voices: Channelling girls’ recommendations into global and national level action. Globally, there are around 600 million adolescent girls. Adolescence is a pivotal transitional period that requires special attention to ensure progress for all girls, especially the most vulnerable, and poses a unique opportunity to break intergenerational cycles of poverty and to transform gender roles. The onset of puberty and menstruation can pose an additional barrier to a girl’s personal freedom, and can signal entry into a different role in their family and wider society. …
Adolescent health and development are key foundations for a country's economic development and political stability. The outcomes of adolescent health are closely linked with future adult development, infant and child mortality, maternal morbidity and mortality, and even long-term economic development.
L’éducation représente un défi majeur de développement au Burkina Faso où 48% de la population a moins de quinze ans.Une bonne santé et une nutrition adéquate sont des facteurs déterminants d’un apprentissage et d’une éducation de qualité. En effet,la malnutrition et les problèmes de santé sont reconnus comme étant des causes de faible scolarisation, d’absentéisme, de mauvais résultats scolaires et de décrochages scolaires précoces. …
Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) has been under-researched by the WASH, health and education sectors. Menstruation is a sensitive subject and remains a taboo in many societies. Some cultural beliefs about menstruation reinforce gender inequities and have negative impact on the dignity, health and education of women and girls. There is a need to gather more information on MHM to improve WASH in schools programming and create more equal, safe and healthy school environments. …
Allocution de Mme Marie Mariam Gisèle Guigma/Diasso sur les grossesses précoces et non desires au Burkina Faso, les causes, les consequences et les actions conduits par le Burkina Faso.
Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux menés par le groupe de travail sur les « violences de genre en milieu scolaire comme facteur de déscolarisation des filles » lancé par le ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes et l’Association Genre en Action. Ce dossier se focalise sur les violences de genre exercées au sein de l’école et autour de l’école dans vingt pays d’Afrique francophone.
There is increasing interest in exploring and addressing the menstrual hygiene management (MHM) barriers facing schoolgirls and female teachers in educational settings. Around the globe, WASH in Schools (WinS) focuses on fostering social inclusion and individual self-respect – and addresses MHM as a key agenda. By offering an alternative to the stigma and marginalization associated with hygiene issues, integrating MHM into WinS empowers all students, and especially encourages girls and female teachers. …
A review was conducted to assess key achievements of the Accelerate Initiative, lessons learned and possible ways forward. The output of this review is a technical paper titled ‘Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS: Five Years On’, which describes how UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank and other partners have been working together since 2002 to help countries in sub-Saharan Africa develop strong leadership in the education sector response to HIV and AIDS.
The AIDS pandemic has created an estimated 15 million orphans who may face elevated risk of poor health and social outcomes. This paper compares orphans and non-orphans regarding educational status and delay using data collected in three low-income communities affected by AIDS in Tanzania and Burkina Faso. Orphans were significantly more likely not to attend school than were non-orphans and also to be delayed when in school, though, after controlling for confounders, the risk was borderline and non-significant. …
La présente recherche réalisée au sein des universités de Ouagadougou, de Bobo-Dioulasso et de Koudougou, analyse les perceptions, les attitudes et les pratiques des universitaires face au VIH/Sida et leur réponse en matière de lutte contre ce phénomène.