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Adolescents and youth are a key population for reproductive health (RH) interventions, because young people suffer disproportionately from negative RH outcomes, including acquisition of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections; unintended, unwanted, or mistimed pregnancy; unsafe abortion; and gender-based violence. Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E;) of RH interventions designed for adolescents and youth is essential to determine their success and impact and show where improvement is needed. …
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is preventable. Over the last two decades, VAWG prevention practitioners and researchers have been developing and testing interventions to stop violence from occurring, in addition to mitigating its consequences. This rigorous, in-depth review of the state of the field presents what is now known five years on after the UKAID-funded, What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (What Works) programme, a six year investment, in advancing our understanding of What Works within the context of the wider evidence base. …
This cross-sectional analysis examined the influence of school and household water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) conditions on recent primary school absence in light of other individual, household, and school characteristics in western Kenya. School latrine cleanliness was the only school WASH factor associated with reduced odds of absence. The marginal effect of household characteristics, such as distance to water source, child involvement in water collection, and presence of a latrine, differed by gender. …
Bullying is becoming an ever more pressing issue for schools, daycare centers, politicians and the public. Everyone agrees that bullying is a serious problem and initiatives are urgently called for to stamp it out. This Campbell systematic review studied the effects of anti‐bullying programs in schools. The conclusion is that programs generally work and bullying is reduced on average by around 20%. A total of 89 reports were of sufficient quality to be included in the systematic review. The 89 reports describe 53 different studies. …
Adolescents and youth are a key population for reproductive health (RH) interventions, because young people suffer disproportionately from negative RH outcomes, including acquisition of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections; unintended, unwanted, or mistimed pregnancy; unsafe abortion; and gender-based violence. Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E;) of RH interventions designed for adolescents and youth is essential to determine their success and impact and show where improvement is needed. …
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools in Vanuatu has the opportunity to improve children’s health, increase attendance and performance at school and address gender and social inequalities. The WASH in Schools - Call to Action workshop presented a snapshot of WASH in Schools in Vanuatu, investigated the road to improvement and was the first step in engaging relevant stakeholders through a Call to Action. …
This guide provides a basic understanding about why and how comprehensive school health should be promoted in schools. The guide includes numerous ideas for coordinators and teachers to infuse health content through all the subjects in the curriculum and, in addition, provides guidance on how to promote and protect a safe and supportive learning environment.
The theory of change behind the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) posited that adolescent girls are empowered by building social, health, and economic assets that they can then draw on to reduce vulnerabilities and expand opportunities. In the long term, they will then increase their likelihood of completing school, delaying sexual debut, and reducing risks of early marriages, unintended pregnancies, acquisition of HIV, and other possibly detrimental outcomes. …
The theory of change behind the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP) posited that adolescent girls are empowered by building social, health, and economic assets that they can then draw on to reduce vulnerabilities and expand opportunities. In the long term, they will then increase their likelihood of completing school, delaying sexual debut, and reducing risks of early marriages, unintended pregnancies, acquisition of HIV, and other possibly detrimental outcomes. …
A Lei n.º 60/2009, de 6 de agosto, estabelece o regime de aplicação da educação sexual em meio escolar. Tendo em conta o seu artigo 13.º, cabe ao Ministério da Educação garantir o acompanhamento, supervisão e coordenação da educação para a saúde e educação sexual nas escolas. Neste sentido, a Direção-Geral da Educação desenvolveu um instrumento (através de formulário online) para monitorização e avaliação do trabalho desenvolvido pelas escolas. …
The evaluation was jointly managed by the WFP Eswatini Country Office and the Ministry of Education and Training and conducted by independent consultants. Purpose of the evaluation was to: (i) assess and report on the performance and results of the NSFP as well as WFP technical support to the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), the National Emergency Response Council on HIV and AIDS and partners; (ii) determine the reasons why results were achieved or otherwise, in order to draw lessons and derive good practices for future design and implementation of the programme. …
Policy Goal: To reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improve the reproductive health status of the people of South Sudan through the provision of a universally accessible, quality, integrated, equitable and sustainable comprehensive reproductive health care package. Policy Objectives: 1. To build the capacity at all levels of MOH and partners, in order to deliver quality comprehensive reproductive health services. 2. To establish an equitable resource allocation framework for the RH subsector at all levels. 3. …
The Ministry of Health has developed this National Reproductive Health Policy to provide the appropriate framework and guidance for the promotion and implementation of reproductive health programmes and interventions in the country. The ultimate aim of this policy is to provide an effective national platform for strengthening reproductive health interventions in South Sudan and facilitating the achievement of relevant global, regional and national goals in the interest of improved health, well-being and overall quality of lives of all peoples in the country. …
The report demonstrates progress made on adolescent HIV programming in the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESAR) in a few short years. Qualitative in approach, the report explores how the impact of HIV on adolescents and young people was given visibility and focus as a result of the All In to end adolescent AIDS (All In) country assessments, which systematically reviewed and analyzed data, programmes and strategies currently responding to adolescent HIV.
The School Health Research Network is a policy–practice–research partnership established in Wales in 2013. The network aims to: provide health and well-being data for national, regional and local stakeholders, including schools; co-produce school-based health improvement research for Wales; and build capacity for evidence-informed practice in the school health community. …