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This series of briefs summarizes the key learnings to emerge from two regional workshops on approaches to preventing and responding to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). The challenges and recommendations highlighted in the publication are relevant to all forms of school violence and form a valuable resource for policy makers and practitioners working in this field. The briefs in this series include 1. Applying a whole school approach to preventing SRGBV; 2. Engaging teachers to create safe and gender-responsive learning environments; 3. …
This guide for primary schools on how to deliver an LGBT-inclusive curriculum contains practical tips and lesson ideas so that teachers can easily and confidently incorporate LGBT people and families into all subjects, spanning from maths to geography. Some of the practical steps covered in the guide include a helpful glossary for pupils and staff, example lesson plans, and tips on how to build LGBT role models into the curriculum.
This brochure documents the key elements for the implementation of Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE). Using concrete examples from four countries in West Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo), the brochure documents promising practices, challenges and lessons learned, and makes key recommendations to be shared with all countries in the region.
These indicators of learning progression have been prepared to help teachers unpack the learning intentions for sexuality education suggested in the Ministry of Education Sexuality Education: Guide for principals, boards of trustees and teachers (2015).
Information Notes are compiled for Members and Committees of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. The Research Office has prepared this information note aiming to provide background information on (a) the International Technical Guidance developed by UNESCO; (b) the development of sexuality education in Hong Kong; and (c) the salient features of sexuality education in Singapore and Taiwan where different approaches have been adopted for implementing the related programmes. …
This report brings together a collection of narratives from 20 universities in South Africa looking at how higher education can contribute to the country's HIV response and its impact on young people in particular.
Schools have a vital role in preventing HIV/AIDS among young people, but there is still a lot of assessment of the educational material to be done. This newsletter summarizes the International Bureau of Education's (IBE) approach to HIV prevention.
The UN International technical guidance on sexuality education was first published in 2009 as an evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators.
L’objectif 1 de ce module est de mettre entre les mains des enseignants un outil pédagogique d’orientation qui servira de support didactique pour une meilleure compréhension des IST/VIH/Sida par les élèves. L’objectif 2 est de former une population scolaire consciente des stratégies mise en place par le département en vue d’une meilleure protection contre les IST/VIH/Sida et prise en charge si nécessaire. …
The Guidance for the Implementation of the Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe outlines the process for developing a national school-based sexuality education programme and provides step-by-step guidance on how to introduce new or improve existing sexuality education programmes. The Guidance is designed to build on a curriculum framework as a model that maps out the process of developing a sexuality education programme using this framework. This model should be adapted to reflect national differences in the education sector. …
The aim of this report is to inform policy-makers and practitioners at EU, national, regional and local level on the most effective strategies and practices for preventing bullying and violence in schools across the EU. It examines evidence from European and international research, reviews national practices and the work of civil society organisations with regard to school bullying and violence.
This study set out to explore whether and how HIV and AIDS have been integrated into curricula at UP over a period of 15 years and what the future of HIV Curriculum Integration (HCI) might be. Recent student protests served to challenge the relevance of HCI, and emphasise the importance of considering how best to approach HCI, and how to relate HCI to issues such as power, race, gender and institutional culture. …
The purpose of this review is to undertake a desktop analysis of all the published work on the integration of HIV and AIDS into the curriculum of higher education. This will determine what has been done in terms of integration; what work has been evaluated as successful; and what lessons have been learnt.
The purpose of this study is to determine gaps and challenges as well as possible good practice in the current implementation of HIV and AIDS education in TVET Colleges. The baseline/situational analysis is intended to provide insight into barriers, and enabling mechanisms, that serve to either inhibit or promote the integration of HIV and AIDS content into the curriculum, so that HIV and AIDS education in TVET Colleges can generally be strengthened.
El presente documento contiene la incorporación de los elementos fundamentales de la Educación Integral de la Sexualidad en el primer ciclo de educación básica del currículo nacional. Su propósito es enriquecer la currícula nacional, para que se brinde al estudiantado una educación holística con enfoque de derechos humanos, inclusión, diversidad y de género, a fin de que la niñez, adolescencia y juventud tengan las mismas oportunidades de desarrollo. Su intención es no recargar al personal docente sino proporcionarle nuevos enfoque para actualizar la currícula.