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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Assessment report of health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in Kibera

    This report presents the findings of a rapid assessment of ‘Health Literacy and Behavior Change Practiced among Adolescent Girls in Kibera’ Informal Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya.

  2. Guía de detección del consumo de drogas y otras conductas de riesgo en la adolescencia: documento para docentes y docentes tutores de educación básica regular, alternativa y educación superior no universitaria

    Con el propósito de desarrollar las capacidades de los tutores y docentes para dicha labor, la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa ha elaborado la presente guía. La guía está dividida en cinco secciones en las cuales se aborda, desde la Tutoría y Orientación Educativa, las siguientes temáticas: detección del consumo de drogas, prevención de la violencia juvenil, promoción del buen trato y prevención del abuso sexual infantil, así como la propuesta de convivencia y disciplina escolar democrática. …

  3. Everyone's right to know: delivering comprehensive sexuality education for all young people

    This report is intended to inform advocates and decision makers about how to support the sexual reproductive rights of young people around the world. It argues that comprehensive sexuality education is critical for young people to realize their rights. This report recommends that high quality comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) should be delivered to all young people, both inside and outside schools. …

  4. Inside and out: a comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) assessment tool

    The purpose of the Inside and Out assessment tool is: To review and assess the comprehensiveness and quality of sexuality education programmes both inside and outside school setting (especially programmes run by civil society) based on international evidence and standards of good practice; To generate data that can inform and guide the development, improvement or reform of sexuality education programmes; To assess the relevance of sexuality education programmes in relation to national health, demographic and other social criteria (notably gender); To inform debate and advocacy by generating da …

  5. Etude sur l’enseignement des compétences de vie courante (CVC) à l’école et dans les centres d’éducation non formelle au Burundi

    Le but de cette étude est d’analyser les initiatives « CVC » au Burundi avec un focus particulier sur la pertinence, la couverture, l’efficience, l’effectivité ainsi que la pérennité en vue d’apprécier le rôle de l’UNICEF et sa valeur ajoutée dans l’appui aux efforts des institutions du Gouvernement et des ONGs afin de les intégrer effectivement dans les politiques, les stratégies, les plans et le curricula. …

  6. Say no to AIDS. Poems

    Say No to AIDS (Dehors SIDA) is a collection of poems in French and in English conceived such that it can be used by readers at all levels. The poems can be used as stimuli for classroom exercises or in HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns and are accompanied by a set of exercises to support teachers. The collection is prefaced by the Minister of Public Health.

  7. Voices against violence: a non-formal education programme for children and youth to help stop violence against girls and young women

    This is a co-educational curriculum designed for various age groups ranging from 5 to 25 years. It provides girls, boys, young women and young men with tools and expertise to understand the root causes of violence in their communities, to educate and involve their peers and communities to prevent such violence, and to learn about where to access support if they experience violence.

  8. Building the assets to thrive: Addressing the HIV-related vulnerabilities of adolescent girls in Ethiopia

    Reaching vulnerable adolescent girls with information and connecting them to services are not straightforward tasks. Poor girls in Ethiopia have few opportunities to access public institutions such as youth or community centers, health services, financial institutions, and schools. They may not know that they have a right to these services, and service delivery staff might not welcome them. …

  9. Non-formal education and livelihood skills for marginalised street and slum youth in Uganda

    The Building Capacities for Non formal Education and Life Skills Programmes project in Uganda was implemented by Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) with financial and technical support from UNESCO - Section for Literacy and non Formal Education in 2004-05; aiming at assisting vulnerable and marginalised youth affected by HIV/AIDS and other risk behaviour, those that may be homeless or living in hopeless situation both in urban centres and rural areas. …

  10. Education Strategic Plan 2009 -2013

    The Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2009- 2009-2013 review aims to ensure linkages between education policies and strategies with development programs and actions as well as between planning and budgeting. …

  11. Synthesis of multi-country study on the impact of HIV and AIDS on teachers and teaching in formal and non formal education in Benin, Ghana, Guinea and Niger

    This multi-country study on the impact of HIV and AIDS on the education sector was carried out in four countries in order to identify current practices and to explore their strengths and weaknesses. The study revealed that the various stakeholders in the education system had limited knowledge of national HIV and AIDS and education policies and as a result actions aimed at mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS were largely ineffective. HIV and AIDS affect the offer, demand and quality of education due to an absence of administrative measures to manage infected and affected persons. …

  12. TeachAIDS educator handbook: A comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum

    This educator handbook contains supplemental educational materials and activities for HIV and AIDS prevention. It is designed for use with all versions of the TeachAIDS animations.

  13. Parent-child communication about sexual and reproductive health in rural Tanzania: Implications for young people's sexual health interventions

    Background: Many programmes on young people and HIV/AIDS prevention have focused on the in-school and channeled sexual and reproductive health messages through schools with limited activities for the young people's families. The assumption has been that parents in African families do not talk about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with their children. These approach has had limited success because of failure to factor in the young person's family context, and the influence of parents. …

  14. An Effective, Low-cost Approach to Implementing HIV/AIDS Education Programs in Low Literacy Populations: An Example from Rural Haiti

    The HIV/AIDS pandemic disproportionately afflicts regions of the world that have minimal access to formal schooling and low literacy rates. Health educational interventions are difficult to evaluate efficiently in these settings because standard approaches such as written questionnaires cannot easily be employed. Here, we describe a novel method of rapidly assessing health interventions among large groups that does not require the ability to read or write. …

  15. Educating about HIV: prevention, impact mitigation and care

    Since very early in the epidemic, education has been identified as central to an effective response. Three different kinds of education can be distinguished: education for HIV prevention, education about treatment, and education to prevent or mitigate the negative effects of the epidemic. This article also considers three different contexts in which education takes place: in schools, at the level of specific groups and across society as a whole. …


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