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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Does schooling protect sexual health? The association between three measures of education and STIs among adolescents in Malawi

    While multiple studies have documented shifting educational gradients in HIV prevalence, less attention has been given to the effect of school participation and academic skills on infection during adolescence. …

  2. The association between being currently in school and HIV prevalence among young women in nine eastern and southern African countries

    Interventions to keep adolescent girls and young women in school, or support their return to school, are hypothesised to also reduce HIV risk. Such interventions are included in the DREAMS combination package of evidence-based interventions. Although there is evidence of reduced risky sexual behaviours, the impact on HIV incidence is unclear. We used nationally representative surveys to investigate the association between being in school and HIV prevalence.

  3. Education data brief: Global prevalence of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV)

    This Education Data Brief provides an overview of the global prevalence of School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV), using recent data to illustrate the scope and scale of SRGBV worldwide. In addition, the Data Brief provides country-level statistics when available, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. The Data Brief is divided into two primary sections: the Prevalence of SRGBV and the Impact of SRGBV. …

  4. An everyday lesson: #ENDviolence in schools

    Globally, half of students aged 13–15 experience peer-to-peer violence in and around school. This violence has short-term effects on their educational achievement and leaves a long-term impression on their futures. This report outlines the prevalence of violence in and around schools and highlights students’, partners’ and UNICEF efforts to #Endviolence in schools.

  5. Stratégie nationale en santé des adolescent(e)s/jeunes au Sénégal

    Le but de la stratégie nationale est de contribuer à améliorer la santé en général, la santé de la reproduction en particulier, et le bien-être des adolescent(e)s/jeunes. Trois objectifs généraux sont retenus: 1. Améliorer l’accès des adolescent(e)s/jeunes à des services adaptés à leurs besoins; 2. Aider les adolescent(e)s/jeunes à adopter des comportements responsables et à prendre des décisions adéquates; 3. Créer un environnement social, législatif et réglementaire favorable à la promotion de la santé des adolescent(e)s/jeunes en général et de la santé de la reproduction en particulier.

  6. HIV-related data on very young adolescents

    Very young adolescents (VYAs)—those between the ages of 10 and 14—represent about half of the 1.2 billion adolescents ages 10–19 in the world. A technical working group that the World Health Organization (WHO) convened in 2010 observed that, although adolescents ages 15–19 have been the main population segment addressed by adolescent health and development programs, the “special needs and concerns of young adolescents ages 10–14—some of whom are already sexually active—have been relatively neglected.” This neglect is, to some extent, a result of a lack of global HIV-related data for VYAs. …

  7. The Health of educators in public schools in South Africa

    The provision of good quality education in public sector schools in South Africa is intrinsically linked to the health, wellbeing and productivity of educators employed in this sector. …

  8. Health barriers to learning: the prevalence and educational consequences in disadvantaged children: a review of the literature

    This report describes the Health Barriers to Learning and the supporting evidence base for their impact on academic success. It also describes the disproportionate prevalence of HBLs in disadvantaged children, the extent of unmet need for services for identification, management and treatment, and each HBL’s impact on learning. Screening and management for each of these should be essential to supporting school and learning readiness. …

  9. Systematic review and meta-analysis: prevalence of alcohol use among young people in eastern Africa

    The study’s objective is the systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies of alcohol use among young people (age 15–24 years) in eastern Africa to estimate prevalence of alcohol use and determine the extent of use of standardised screening questionnaires in alcohol studies. Based on the review results, the authors draw the conclusion that alcohol use and problem drinking were common among diverse groups of young people in eastern Africa, indicating the urgent need for alcohol-focused interventions in this population. …

  10. Factors associated with HIV infection among educated Malawians: analysis of the 2010 demographic and health survey

    Introduction: Among people who have ever attended school, higher educational attainment appears to be associated with higher prevalence of HIV. This study assesses the association between education and HIV status in Malawi, among individuals with some education, after adjusting for various background characteristics.

  11. HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women: putting HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women on the fast-track and engaging men and boys

    This programming guidance is meant to inform programmes that aim to reduce HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women in countries and locations where HIV incidence is high among adolescent girls and young women and where HIV is primarily spread through heterosexual transmission. This report primarily is for policymakers, planners and implementers of HIV prevention programmes across multiple sectors, including organizations led by young people. …

  12. The role of partners’ educational attainment in the association between HIV and education amongst women in seven sub-Saharan African countries

    Introduction: Individuals’ educational attainment has long been considered as a risk factor for HIV. However, little attention has been paid to the association between partner educational attainment and HIV infection. Methods: We conducted cross-sectional analysis of young women (aged 1534) in 14 Demographic and Health Surveys from seven sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries with generalized HIV epidemics. …

  13. Investigation of teaching the integrated topics on drug abuse in secondary school curriculum

    The problem of this study was to investigate the teaching of the integrated topics on drug abuse in the secondary school curriculum as a strategy to wipe out the problem of drug abuse among students in Machakos District, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to: establish the prevalence of drug abuse at the secondary school level according to gender, locality (urban/rural), boarding or day and religious practice, and establish the effect of teaching integrated topics on prevalence rate of drug abuse. …

  14. An inventory of alcohol-related questions in the demographic and health surveys and an analysis of alcohol use and unsafe sex in Sub-Saharan Africa

    This report provides an overview of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) survey questions related to alcohol consumption and an analysis of outcomes from these questions in DHS surveys. It first examines the questions on alcohol use and the response categories in all surveys that included questions about ever, typical, or current alcohol consumption. The inventory found that alcohol questions were included in 65 surveys in 42 developing countries between 1987 and 2014, and 19 different questions related to alcohol consumption were identified. …

  15. Strengthening the evidence base on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Eastern Caribbean

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Sub- Regional Office for the Caribbean/Barbados is working to strengthen the evidence base on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in four countries: Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The research presented in this document aims to generate new knowledge and provide the baseline data to inform the development of programmes to support adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights. …


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